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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


Work with ds on his boxes etc. in the garage.

Dd - work on her room

Figure out what ingredients we need for Thanksgiving on Sat. and get them.

Look at pictures we took and choose the best ones.

Order cards/photos.

go through mail.

pay bills.



Get in steps

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Digestive enzymes

Green smoothie

10 min. dog grooming

Keep living room clean 


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I'm praying no one will vomit again :D.

No real idea what I'm going to do today.
I promised the kids a day off, to go on a field trip, but obviously we are staying home now.

Plans for today:
-go to dentist
-get TM's for Dutch LA for dd5 from attic

-wrap all Sinterklaas gifts
-work on paper model with dd7?
-Greek & Latin vocab
-take a nap?
-read a book & watch Coursera videos

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

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sleep in if I can

work job #2 3-530

hold newborn baby 615-815 (aka kuk sool won)


pick up pay cheque from job #1

go to bank and deposit cheque

pick up mail

transfer child support into account

pay bills

buy groceries

get gas

sew badges on dd6's sparks sash

put teens to work polishing their cadet boots

clean kitchen

clean livingroom

clean entrance

load good will bags into trunk


pick up pet supplies

give ds15 a new buzz cut, it's getting a wee bit shaggy again


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I'm in.  Not planning on doing any shopping tomorrow, so I expect to be home all day.

Pull turkey carcass apart and freeze for soup
Clean kitchen (most of it is clean but need to finish up because handyman is coming tomorrow)

Get a box ready to send and take it to the post office
Fold laundry (have four loads to put away)

Wash more laundry
Work on Santa Breakfast posters (have to make 5 more)
Work on DS6's apron

Clean master bathroom

Do more packing
Renew children's museum membership


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It's make turkey soup with the leftovers day, so there is my morning.

And, hard as it is to imagine, there is pretty much nothing else in the house so I do need to grocery shop.

Eldest is working 2-8

Other than that, I am looking forward to a relaxing day, knitting, cleaning a bit and chilling with my youngest.

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.

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Good Morning Everyone!  :D


Since everyone went out for a while last night I did my quick clean then..vacuum, tidy and laundry.  So today should be easy! :)


To do:

  • make bed and tidy bedroom
  • get dressed 
  • banking X2
  • take vehicle and have it cleaned inside and out
  • get groceries at Costco
  • have lunch out with Hubby
  • come home and put it all away and relax and watch a movie
  • meals--leftovers 
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Well kinda got behind yesterday so....

- do sone running for dmil to get some things for dfil to come home (we hope today)- done, dfil is on his way home :)

- dishes (need a dish fairy)

- quick clean kitchen

- finish living room deep clean (more like a tidy up, have to find a home for the ironing board and fan)

- help dd with her room

- quick clean bathroom

- vacuum whole house

- fold like 3 loads of laundry

- start getting stuff ready for dd's party tomorrow

- dinner- done

- bedtime routine

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Good morning everyone!


I thought today would be more relaxing, but it is just a normal day .


AM practice then dd1 to climbing, then home

clean up kitchen, downstairs

pay bills

go to library

get new projects ready to start for December

PM practice swimming only

Dh is hosting a poker night (I have nothing to do with it!)



Healthy lunch

Turn worry into gratitude

45 minutes writing

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Tress, I hope everyone is well at your house!


We start home today and will stop to see my mom in the hospital tomorrow morning. They want her sodium to only be 200 mg per day, and they are trying to find another place for her to go to rehab for 2-4 weeks before coming home. My parents weren't happy with the place she went to the other time, so they are looking elsewhere.


Pack for our trip back home

Dh taking car to see if we need a new tire because the pressure was very low again (It was on our trip up and we stopped and filled it.)

Kids do some school work in car

Stay the night at my sister's house in Tennessee


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Take care of Aidan

Take care of Woofy (DD does most of the actual care -- I feed, train, brush, walk, and take him outside)

Tidy dog fenced area every time a dog goes out

Take a look at pine trees to see if any are accessible for getting greenery for a friend

Bank/Quicken/pay bills

Order World Series jacket for DS3 for Christmas

Draft new lease

Put new ink in printer

Clean kitchen

Put away Thanksgiving stuff

Clean off card table - repository of everything that has no place

Tidy living room

Clean bathroom thoroughly


Tidy master bedroom - change sheets with today or tomorrow

Help DS3 clean his room - mostly he has to store stuff in the basement

Finally remove 4 window air conditioners and store in basement (with DS1)

Reheat dinner

Serve/eat/clean kitchen after dinner

Make 4 copies of getting ready for Christmas list for the kids - a suggestion or guide, not an order

Meet with kids about how they are in charge of Christmas this year

Laundry - 1 2 3 loads

Get DS3 to add pellets to stove

Hope to get started cleaning the basement with Aidan (in case of mice)

Clean leather sofa

4 hour nap




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Today is one of the few each year I declare as Do Whatever You Want Day :party:


--drink coffee while playing on the ipad

--eat pie for breakfast




--have my favorite sandwich for lunch: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, slight bit of mayo

--look around online for Christmas present ideas

--pull something already prepared from the freezer for dinner (I'll let the kids choose), add salad




--eat more pie :D


This is the day we usually put up the Christmas tree, but dd18 is out of town helping my sister and niece until Sunday evening when she has to go back to campus (Dniece is in a pageant and needed someone for hair/makeup/companionship as her coach hurt her back on Tuesday. I'm sad dd is giving up her time at home but happy she is helping out without a second thought.) The college kids will come home for dinner next Sunday, before finals begin, and we'll put up the tree then. The Girlfriend will help :)

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Late afternoon check in:


I'm praying no one will vomit again :D.

No real idea what I'm going to do today.
I promised the kids a day off, to go on a field trip, but obviously we are staying home now.

Plans for today:
-go to dentist
-get TM's for Dutch LA for dd5 from attic

-wrap all Sinterklaas gifts
-work on paper model with dd7? - NO
-Greek & Latin vocab
-take a nap? - NO
-read a book & watch Coursera videos

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil


No vomiting until now, so that's a good sign.



I went to two different stores to look at e-readers. Apparently what I want (ability to highlight and take notes) is not something that is easy to do on an e-reader. :banghead:  The Kobo (several models) was aweful and the Sony only slightly better. At the second store a helpful clerk told me that e-ink technology isn't really made for highlighting, like you can so easily do on a tablet.


Does anyone know if the Kindle would be better?


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Good morning Ladies. Well... after 9 hours of sleep... I'm feeling a little better.


I'm working on tackling this large mug of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer right now. It is yummy! I'm going to try to tackle as little as possible today, but there are a few things on the agenda today...

** finish cleaning up from yesterday

** work on stuff for the children's Christmas program at church. I've been putting that off trying to get things organized for Thanksgiving.

** maybe do a little school organizing

** order family Christmas cards from Costco. I have to do this as soon as possible or I think about it too much! Lol!

** decide what cookies I'm going to bake for the neighbors


Tress, I hope you're all feeling better soon!

Luckymama, you have a delightful day planned. If I may ask, what are you reading?

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Late afternoon check in:



No vomiting until now, so that's a good sign.



I went to two different stores to look at e-readers. Apparently what I want (ability to highlight and take notes) is not something that is easy to do on an e-reader. :banghead:  The Kobo (several models) was aweful and the Sony only slightly better. At the second store a helpful clerk told me that e-ink technology isn't really made for highlighting, like you can so easily do on a tablet.


Does anyone know if the Kindle would be better?


I haven't used it yet, but there is an app on my Nook HD that is for notes and highlights in books. I think it is more than an e-reader, but I've loved having it so far. I got mine for just $120.

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I haven't used it yet, but there is an app on my Nook HD that is for notes and highlights in books. I think it is more than an e-reader, but I've loved having it so far. I got mine for just $120.




I have no idea if I will be able to buy a Nook here. Until recently it was impossible to buy a Kindle, but that changed, so maybe a Nook is possible too. From the looks of it (quick google) it looks like a tablet, so that would make highlighting and note taking possible. Hmmm. I will look into this a bit more. Thanks!


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well my list is already changing.  I woke up to a funky smell, traced it to the source, dd14s room is rank.  Cleaning has begun.  Since I already planned on putting all the toys in the basement I am not even sorting them, just filling buckets that the kids can take down later.  Once I decide how I want the play space for the youngers in the basement to be then I will set to the task of sorting.  Between that and hauling out her mountain of laundry in just the 20 minutes I was in there I made a huge dent, but still have not figured out what is making the smell.  I started a lod of laundry, folded the last load from last night and put it away.  Now finally sitting for a moment to actually wake up before I go do another session in her room and get to the rest of my list. The goal is to have her room done and the source knocked out before I go to run all my errands in town before work, but we will see.  I may have to continue on after kuk sool won but it will be gone before bed tonight and she is hearing my lecture about cleanliness the whole time we are cleaning.

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Go to gym: do 20-30 min elliptical, lower body weights, 30 min in pool

Work emails

Cook second turkey (we ended up with two yesterday)

Do 15 min of going through papers alternating with 15 min. working on our bedroom. Do that twice.




Drink water: 2 cups before each meal

Keep food journal


Pray for 10+ min during mandatory hour in lymphedema machine


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Late afternoon check in:



No vomiting until now, so that's a good sign.



I went to two different stores to look at e-readers. Apparently what I want (ability to highlight and take notes) is not something that is easy to do on an e-reader. :banghead:  The Kobo (several models) was aweful and the Sony only slightly better. At the second store a helpful clerk told me that e-ink technology isn't really made for highlighting, like you can so easily do on a tablet.


Does anyone know if the Kindle would be better?



You can highlight and take notes on the Kindle and the Kindle app.  It's a great feature.


Okay, as for tackling, here's our plan:


I have decided I've had absolutely enough of the whole hoarding thing and it's getting tackled today.  James Bond is a hoarder and has been working with a psychologist and has been throwing things out (yay!).  However, we only have small cars, so anything large we can't get rid, plus we're spending a fortune in gas shuttling back and forth to Goodwill and the dump, so he agreed to get 1800gotjunk out here today.  Since we have to PAY for it, he's willing to let it go (money is a big motivator for him).  We cleaned out the closet under the stairs last night, and there were a few huffy moments and arguments, but we got it done.  I'm expecting the day to difficult.  If we're still married by the end of it, we're going to be married forever.  :)

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 Do I really want to go out shopping today?  I'm not sure it's worth it.  I'm hoping Amazon has a good deal on a Kindle fire for dd. 


To do:

coffee  (eldest ds just offered to get me Starbucks  :thumbup: ) 


living room and dining table

math and reading with dd



Hopeful Habits:


15 minute walk


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You can highlight and take notes on the Kindle and the Kindle app. It's a great feature.

I have the Kindle app on my ipad and that's the kind of highlighting and note taking I would like.

Do you have a Kindle? Does the highlighting and note taking on the Kindle work the same as on the app? (Because the Kindle also uses e-ink, right? which should make it difficult, per the explanation of the clerk.)


The problem I had with highlighting on the Kobo/Sony was that the cursor became very very slow and it was almost impossible to select the sentences I wanted to select. Note taking was possible on the Kobo, although slightly clumsy. It wasn't possible to take notes on the demo model of the Sony, hrmpf.


Okay, as for tackling, here's our plan:


I have decided I've had absolutely enough of the whole hoarding thing and it's getting tackled today. James Bond is a hoarder and has been working with a psychologist and has been throwing things out (yay!). However, we only have small cars, so anything large we can't get rid, plus we're spending a fortune in gas shuttling back and forth to Goodwill and the dump, so he agreed to get 1800gotjunk out here today. Since we have to PAY for it, he's willing to let it go (money is a big motivator for him). We cleaned out the closet under the stairs last night, and there were a few huffy moments and arguments, but we got it done. I'm expecting the day to difficult. If we're still married by the end of it, we're going to be married forever. :)

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I have the Kindle app on my ipad and that's the kind of highlighting and note taking I would like.

Do you have a Kindle? Does the highlighting and note taking on the Kindle work the same as on the app? (Because the Kindle also uses e-ink, right? which should make it difficult, per the explanation of the clerk.)




I have the 3rd Gen Kindle Keyboard, and it can highlight and take notes.  My friend has the newer version and she can as well.  I don't know if it works as well as the Kindle Keyboard though.  I've been thinking about getting the touch screen paperwhite.  I guess I didn't pay enough attention when I was looking at it.  


Thanks everyone for the encouragement and hugs on the garage cleaning.  We're getting ready to start.  Is it too early to drink wine?

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Beds made

Kitchen is totally clean.

Ds is working on his stuff in the garage.  The cat is "helping" him.

Dd is working on her stuff in her room.  Libby is "helping" her.  

Rocky is just chewing on his foot but that's because we don't trust him to have free rein.



I am listening to "David Garrett radio" on Pandora and ds is laughing because he didn't expect his mother to listen to power metal.  It is good cleaning music.


Next up:  laundry

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Found the stench in dd's room.  Apparently the hamster had died and she never noticed.  It was decomposing.  SO nasty.  It is out now and the room has been febreezed and already smelling much better.  Clean up will continue anyway.


Several loads of toys were hauled to the basement to await the time I have down there eventually to sort and organize.  Laundry getting another reboot.  ds15 has had 2 meltdowns already today, this is not a good sign.


We are about to head out to run those errands before I work today, and then the rest of the day will just flit away as fast as can be I am sure.

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Well, it is almost 3pm.  All that has been done is cleaning the kitchen, and I didn't even do it.  

DH and I decided last minute to go shopping.  We traditionally get everyone pajamas, which are wrapped and opened on Christmas Eve.  We ended up finding all of the kids' pajamas, dress shoes and tights for DD4 (she was just given 4 new condition Christmas dresses), and some Christmas earrings for DD13.

When we got home, we found that a stray dog walked into our house when DD13 opened the door to someone looking for its home.  She decided to let him stay.  So, her and I took him for a walk and found his home.

So while we didn't get much done, getting some of the shopping out of the way was good.  Finding the dog's home was also good.  I found out that he's gotten out before, so I strongly suggested that they get him a tag with their phone number on it. 

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Does anyone know if the Kindle would be better?



You can highlight and take notes on the Kindle.  We have a Kindle touch and the very basic Kindle.  The Kindle touch is MUCH easier to use for highlighting and notetaking.  To highlight, you press on touch the first word you want to highlight (hold it there for a second) and the swipe the words/lines you want to highlight.  When you release, you can choose to highlight or make a note for that selection.  To write the note, the screen comes up with a virtual keyboard that you type on by touching the letters (like on a smart phone).  The paperwhite version appears to have a touch screen so it probably works the same way.


On the basic Kindle (the one with the button on the bottom, you have to use the button to scroll down to the place you want to start, push the button to bring up the menu, choose highlight, and then push the arrow part of the button to highlight the words.  To make a note, you have to use a virtual keyboard and push the arrow buttons repeatedly to move the cursor to the letters you need.  It takes forever to write a couple of words.


I would NOT recommend the basic Kindle if you want to use the highlighting and notetaking features.  

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Living room is clean.   (Though my husband has a half finished project out on the coffee table. All the stuff the kids and I are responsible for are put away. I figure that is all that is required of me.)


1 load is waiting to be folded tomorrow (or the next day)

1 load in dryer.

Ds's room is clean to my standards again.

All my steps are done - barely, but done.  Plus they were pretty shuffley steps because of pain.  But still. . .  all my steps are done!  

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