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If your SIL asked you to bring Applesauce for Thanksgiving dinner...


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I think home made applesauce is delicious and the store bought stuff is gross.

But really, I would ask your SIL what she's looking for (store bought or home made).

And then, if she wants home made but you don't think you'll have time to make it, just tell her.

:iagree: I have yet to find a store bought brand that tastes like homemade.  However, if your family hasn't had homemade in the past, then don't start now.   It could become a new tradition that you would be in charge of. ;)

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If I assigned applesauce to a relative as a holiday side dish, I would expect homemade. After all, if I wanted to serve storebought applesauce with my holiday meal, I'd do it myself. The idea behind assigning specific dishes is to spread the work around so that the hostess doesn't have to make everything herself.


If you don't want to cook, then bring something like a shrimp platter or drinks or something along those lines.

If I am hosting I do not ask people to bring more than 2 dishes each. The OP is bringing 3 items. It's a lot to ask her to bring more. There's probably other things at play we don't know about, but in most situations I would think OP is already doing than most people would expect of a guest.


With that in mind it is reasonable to consider store bought. I guess the best situation would be for the OP to talk to her SIL to clarify and then tell SIL that it might be difficult and store ought may be substituted.

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Does your extended family usually have applesauce at Thanksgiving? If so, is it store bought or homemade? If not, do you know if SIL is thinking that it might be a kid friendly option to have on hand or is it to be enjoyed by all? If it's to be mainly for the kids, she might have store bought in mind. I'm not saying that kids can't enjoy homemade (mine does); I'm just trying to guess what SIL might have in mind since I've never equated applesauce with Thanksgiving dinner. It's not a bad idea, though, and now I'm jonesing to make a batch of homemade applesauce.

My MIL did always have applesauce. (Homemade, of course.) So, yes, I guess it is a tradition of sorts in the family. She even had a small orchard, so she made apple, cherry, peach and pear things all from scratch. 


Applesauce for Thanksgiving...is that a usual dish served? We've never served it but my normal-Thanksgiving-food-hating son would be all over it (although he does prefer store bought...he's super picky!).


As for making your own, you really don't need to peel the apples first? I'm trying to figure out what that would be like...

Yeah, I'm wondering that, too...maybe the experienced non-peelers can weigh in on that?


Oh, yes, yes! Or maybe those little squeezy-tubes of applesauce they make for toddlers. Hand one out to everyone then make a big, ostentatious show of tearing off the top, tilting your head back, and extruding the applesauce into your open mouth while making ahg-ahg-ahg noises.

GAAAAAAGGGGG!!! Refer back to that thread about chewing noises making you want to murder. Go-Gurt and squeezie applesauce GROSSES me out in the most visceral of ways! 


If my SIL asked that I would say, "okay, any specific type you want me to buy at the store". 


Mind you it wouldn't ever occur to my SIL that I would make something


Mind you I can put together a fruit and/or vege platter. 

Ah, so you are the one in the family who gets asked to bring rolls?  :smilielol5:  We have an anti-cook among the SILs, but she's not attending this year. 


Thems recipe post'n words missy----


You're speaking of pumpkin pie, I assume? I should be mysterious, but the truth is, it's the Libby's Canned Pumpkin recipe. That sucker is no-fail. 


I'll bet they were Potato Buds from a box.


Hey, maybe Quill could bring those to her SIL's for Thanksgiving.


"I don't have time to bake the pies, but I'll bring the mashed potatoes!"


And then next year, she can start a thread wondering why her family didn't invite her for Thanksgiving.

I would be excommunicated for that! I have done potatoes before. In addition to being homemade, they were home-grown. I am very, very glad to not be doing potatoes. It is a big family and that is a tremendous amount of peeling. Handy hint: they can go in the crock-pot to keep warm. Very fortunately, because peeling several pounds of potatoes is not something I'm keen to do moments before the dinner. 


Do apple trees grow that fast?

Uh...no. I do actually want apple trees, but I'm torn because it is assumed that you cannot grow them here without spraying them. 

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As far as applesauce with the peels - I make mine with peels on but then run it through a kitchenaid food mill/sieve thing-a-ma-bobber.  It results in pretty pink applesauce that is super easy.  It will strain out peels, seeds, and stems.  I've never left them in the actual sauce though. 


I could be persuaded to send a few canned jars and you could come with homemade applesauce that would also show off your home canning skills, lol. 


Nope just kidding, I worked hard on that applesauce and can't bear to part with it.  Maybe next year ;)

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Crockpot applesauce...My short review...It was so easy!


I made a batch today with no sugar, just the Granny-Smith apples, a dash of salt and a bit of cinnamon.  I did peel and slice my 12 apples and then tossed them into the pot for 3.5 hours with a small amount of water on the bottom.  I cooled them a bit and drained off the excess water; then mashed them for a homemade lumpy applesauce.  My yield was 4 cups of applesauce to the 12 apples.


We enjoyed them on top of Belgian waffles tonight at dinner.  Yummy :thumbup1: .



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I've not read other replies, but I'd get myself to some big warehouse store (Sam's, Costco, or GFS) and get frozen apple slices and let them cook in your crock pot until they're nice and mushy, then I'd smash 'em up and call it apple sauce. I'd probably throw in some sugar and cinnamon, too. 


I'm all for someone else doing the prep work! I need a sous chef at my house. LOL

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If someone were to ask me to bring applesauce, my honest, truthful assumption would be that the hostess felt compassionate toward my over-burdened life and wanted to make things easy on me by asking for several large jars of commercial product.

In my family it would be presented that way with the subtext of, "none of us believe you can actually cook", thrown in for fun.


(Even though I am the only one in my family who can cook anything without a box mix, some form of velvetta cheese, or having the majority of the dish involve mixing other pre-made ingredients- think crushing Oreos- I am not a good cook according to them. DH gets pissed when they say it to my face, but he says at least he doesn't have to share the good stuff with them since I am never allowed to bring it.)


Personally, I love the idea of Apple flavored booze.


No one should be forced to deal with their family sober.

(Unless that is the deep desire of their heart.)

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No one should be forced to deal with their family sober. 

(Unless that is the deep desire of their heart.) 


One time, I went to see a doctor because I was sick and there was an upcoming vacation with ALL the in-laws at a beach house. The doctor said, "I'm writing you a prescription....for alcohol, since you're going to be with family..."  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  

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