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The walking Dead..That was not expected!!!!


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Well I just never saw Carol doing that!!!! I understand but wow!!! She has gotten cut throat. I wanna see some Rick Michonne hookups!!! I hope Rick does not turn her in I don't think he will but you never know. I really thought Tyrese was done. Seems he has lost the issue of killing walkers though. Which is a good thing. I really think Carl should have killed the ones in the woods because there are too many as it is and one less is a good thing

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I just finished watching. Dang! I knew it was her as soon as Rick saw the handprint, I suspected before. I thought Tyrese was a goner too. For added affect, I have cold and keep coughing.  :w00t:  Makes me want to go stand out in the sunshine. 


I've decided I want a pistol and a katana in case of zombie attack. She keeps that blade sharp. 


So who will get voted off the island? I think Glenn will be okay, Hershel will go, and Rick won't tell on Carol. 

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That was a great episode!! I hope that Glen lives. And that Darryl doesn't start coughing!!


I'm glad Rick had to use his gun. Hopefully that will help get him back to using it again.


And go Carol! Big move but she was trying to protect the whole prison. I had a feeling it was her when she flipped over all the rain barrels. I don't think Rick will give her away.

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I don't get how the hand print gave her away??


Because it appeared the hand print was smaller than Rick's indicating a woman. The only woman cold-blooded enough is Carol. Rick might not have suspected if Carl hadn't told her about training the kids. That leads Rick to believe exactly what he asked her, you would do anything to keep us safe? He already knows that "anything" involves going behind peoples' backs. She's already willing to hide something, why not a killing?


Then when he saw her outside the fence line by herself he knew. Not only because she's bucking rules, but because she feels guilty and somehow feels like it would all right if she were caught because in the back of her mind she deserves it. She's also pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior, getting too risky by going out alone, and part of that is the "high" of protecting her flock, because in her conscious mind she thinks she did the right thing. She's playing off a sense of adrenaline and the surge of power that could come from a move like that. Rick sees all this either because he's been there or because he's dealt with enough criminals to see the effect. 


Now his loyalty to the core group, his affection for Carol (knowing her all this time) and his guilt for knowing he might have done the same thing as some point will come into play. If he tells, they'll have to hand down punishment. If he doesn't tell, he will once again betray his black and white moral ideology. I believe he won't tell, he'll ask her to out herself or she will eventually once the guilt kicks in - if it does. 


Daryl will in a quandry because he believes in justice (revenge), but this is Carol. Tyrese will want to kill Carol, Daryl will kill Tyrese to protect her because he gets what she did, even if he doesn't agree. At least that's how I see it playing out. 

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On another note. Does anyone watch Talking Dead afterwards? Marilyn Manson was on last night. He was SO annoying! I felt sorry for the host who had to cut him off in mid sentence through the entire show! He wouldn't shut up and made zero sense!



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Totally saw it coming.  *shrug*  

I thought last night's episode was kind of boring.  Sure, the gigantic zombie herd was shocking but if you watch the Talking Dead, you already saw that clip.  



Does anyone watch Talking Dead afterwards? Marilyn Manson was on last night. He was SO annoying! I felt sorry for the host who had to cut him off in mid sentence through the entire show! He wouldn't shut up and made zero sense!

Yeah.  It was so odd.  Funny though when he did (finally) make a coherent point and Chris acted so shocked and surprised that he did.  LOL!!  

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Totally saw it coming.  *shrug*  


I thought last night's episode was kind of boring.  Sure, the gigantic zombie herd was shocking but if you watch the Talking Dead, you already saw that clip.  


Yeah.  It was so odd.  Funny though when he did (finally) make a coherent point and Chris acted so shocked and surprised that he did.  LOL!!  

I saw it coming, too.  I called it last week.



Ok, so I LOVED when Chris finally got to the point of openly mocking Marilyn Manson.  MM has always been one of those "I'm so high above everyone else" celebrity types.  It was awesome that his irrelevance was openly showcased.  He looked old, worn-out, high as a kite, and pathetic.  Whoever booked him should be fired.

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I don't get how the hand print gave her away??


The hand print was too small to be a male. It wasn't any of Herschel's kids (they don't have the guts) and there are really only 2 females with the gumption to do it, Michonne and Carol. I thought Carol was more likely than Michonne for the reason Rick said. There's nothing Carol's not been willing to do to keep the group safe.

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Just watched it!


Not surprised by carol. It might cost her Daryl tho. :(


Someone talking about survivors on the radio on 97.1! They're gonna have to investigate that if they make it out of the zombie mob.


And of course that zombie mob is approx 50 miles from the prison. I don't foresee them staying at the prison very much longer.


Which brings up some logic points annoying the dickens out of me:


1. The plot burial thing has got to go already. They need to declare one area the mass funeral spot. I'd be burning them. Suits the double purpose of clearing the area and doesn't leave diseased bodied about or being handled as much.


2. They should be digging a big trench around that place. Huge. Like a dry moat. That would help protect the fence and hamper the walkers some. And once they have a clearing, it would be safer to burn large numbers instead of slice one head at a time.


3. Why doesn't anyone ever raid a library? Seriously they could find books on herbal medicine and natural disinfectants. Geez. Worse case it burns in winter.


4. They've all already been exposed. Obvious first course is cleanliness and fluids before they even get sick. Lots and lots of fluids. There are primitive but better than being dead ways to create a "banana IV bag".


5. I wish they'd find the governors body somewhere bc I'm bored with him being the shoe we wait to have drop. I hope he wasn't the guy on the radio. And if they don't kill him pronto when they do come across him, I'm going to be crazy annoyed.

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Just watched it!


Not surprised by carol. It might cost her Daryl tho. :(


Someone talking about survivors on the radio on 97.1! They're gonna have to investigate that if they make it out of the zombie mob.


And of course that zombie mob is approx 50 miles from the prison. I don't foresee them staying at the prison very only.


Which brings up some logic points annoying the dickens out of me:


1. The plot burial thing has got to go already. They need to declare one area the mass funeral spot. I'd be burning them. Suits the double purpose of clearing the area and doesn't leave diseased bodied about or being handled as much.


2. They should be digging a big trench around that place. Huge. Like a dry moat. That would help protect the fence and hamper the walkers some. And once they have a clearing, it would be safer to burn large numbers instead of slice one head at a time.


3. Why doesn't anyone ever raid a library? Seriously they could find books on herbal medicine and natural disinfectants. Geez. Worse case it burns in winter.


4. They've all already been exposed. Obvious first course is cleanliness and fluids before they even get sick. Lots and lots of fluids. There are primitive but better than being dead ways to create a "banana IV bag".


5. I wish they'd find the governors body somewhere bc I'm bored with him being the shoe we wait to have drop. I hope he wasn't the guy on the radio. And if they don't kill him pronto when they do come across him, I'm going to be crazy annoyed.

The Talking Dead comes on after the show they talk about the show and have guest appearances. They also give everyone a sneak peek that is only shown during the Talking Dead. I can guess if the come across the Governor he will be killed on sight. There will be no holding back from any of them. I don't know about burning loved ones it sounds horrible but does make sense :) I also feel a trench would be a darn good idea!!!! Bout eight feet maybe and one a day just go out and light it up LOL!!! I kept seeing all those books thinking wow they have to know they can look up medicines and such in there. At least Herschel made that tea but why did he have to go in all with just a bandana?? I mean come on you can still protect yourself and be a good person. I would be covered in plastic LOL

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Really liking this season so far. But I'm confused why carol killed those two at all. I mean, people died before them and after of this illness, why those two? I love her answer to rick and that she just flat out said it.


I hate it when rick falls apart. I like to pretend he's not a tragic, mentally tortured figure.


And I know it's not realistic, but man I hope Herschel stays around for awhile. His mini speech to Maggie was awesome.

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Am I the only one who quoted Monty Python when he was picking elderberries? 


I was actually not surprised that it was Carol - ever since her comment to Andrea last season about killing the Gov. after sleeping with him so his guard is down, I've thought she's a very controlled kind of crazy. I get why she did it, but unfortunately it didn't work out the way she'd hoped. I honestly don't know what the fallout will be. I'm liking the idea of Rick making her confess - I think that's definitely more his style.


I really hope Glen doesn't die. I really need him and Maggie to have a nice long time together. Did anyone else tear up when Beth started to cry? 


Dh was excited about Marilyn Manson on the Talking Dead - he's a huge fan. We only watched the first few minutes (we DVRed it to watch later), but OMG he was so annoying. I'm not sure I could sit through the whole episode, and normally, I LOVE the Talking Dead. 

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And I know it's not realistic, but man I hope Herschel stays around for awhile. His mini speech to Maggie was awesome.



I like Herschel and I think as long as he is useful enough to protect, he will live. He is the only one with any medical knowledge, so it's worth risking lives to protect him even though he can't forage or otherwise help much in a very physically demanding life.


They make it seem as though he is saved bc everyone watches out for everyone, but that's not true. They've left more than one injured person behind and they sure as heck didn't take the time to do an amputation to save them.



I was actually not surprised that it was Carol - ever since her comment to Andrea last season about killing the Gov. after sleeping with him so his guard is down, I've thought she's a very controlled kind of crazy. I get why she did it, but unfortunately it didn't work out the way she'd hoped. I honestly don't know what the fallout will be. I'm liking the idea of Rick making her confess - I think that's definitely more his style.

I don't think she is at all crazy. I think she is more calculating than they give her credit for bc she can also be motherly. I think Rick asked the wrong question. I don't think she would do anything to protect the group. I think she would do anything to stay alive. I like her character. I think it's the most realistic character of them all next to maybe Daryl.


I think she hoped that killing the last two from D block would keep it contained to D block. Which shows how stupid or paranoid she is about viral sickness. I think she probably regretted it that very moment. I think it might have been somewhat like temporary insanity.

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2. They should be digging a big trench around that place. Huge. Like a dry moat. That would help protect the fence and hamper the walkers some. And once they have a clearing, it would be safer to burn large numbers instead of slice one head at a time.


 Also, when Michonne was alone she had her two jawless/armless zombies with her because their presence warded off other zombies. Why aren't they surrounding the prison with them too? 

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I thought it was a great episode, and loved the zombie horde. I mean, most of the zombie action so far this season has been killing them through the fence or "Quick! Close the gate before they get in!" Then there are just a few lone zombies in the woods. A bit boring for a zombie show. They need to fight off a horde now and then.


At first I was shocked at what Carol did, but that wore off quickly. She's the one who would do something like that, and would have no trouble convincing herself she did the right thing. The only thing that didn't make sense, was already mentioned. They weren't the only sick ones, so why just kill them? Unless she planned to slowly kill of all the people who were sick.



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Why did Rick and Tyrese suspect that they were murdered?? My first thought was that they died and turned do she brained them and burned the bodies to stop the disease. That is the story I'd tell if I were Carol.

Because they we locked in so that if they changed, they wouldn't turn everyone else.

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I'm not reading any of this thread, but just popped in to complain about not being able to see the new episodes! I saw the first on AMC, but we don't seem to be connected to any of the networks or providers to see the next episodes. Waaaaaaaahhhhh!

Watch it online.  ;)


I've never heard of talking dead. Is it just some forum for talking about the show?

Yeah, it's on right after WD.  Usually they have one of the producers on there and then a couple guest stars ("super fans"  lol).   The producers will give hints of what's going on, what might be to come, how they filmed certain scenes, etc.  They always to an "In Memoriam" for the finally deceased zombies (LOL!) and anyone else who died, sneak peek for the next week, answer fan questions, etc.  It's pretty cool.

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Watch it online. ;)


Yeah, it's on right after WD. Usually they have one of the producers on there and then a couple guest stars ("super fans" lol). The producers will give hints of what's going on, what might be to come, how they filmed certain scenes, etc. They always to an "In Memoriam" for the finally deceased zombies (LOL!) and anyone else who died, sneak peek for the next week, answer fan questions, etc. It's pretty cool.

That does sound fun to watch.


I only watch TWD online though. :(

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But you have to be able to log in to certain networks to see the episodes - at least that's all I've been able to find.


And that is SO annoying!!! We don't have a choice of cable providers here, and the lousy one we have isn't listed!! I am being penalized for something I have no control over. :glare:


I think you have to wait until after the new episode to air to be able to watch the previous one without needing a log-in account, so it is possible to see it, but doing it that way means you will never be 'caught up'. 

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