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S/O How did you meet your husband/wife/partner?

Lisa in SC

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Online in a chat room in 1996 :)


You kicked it old school!  


We met at a comic book store. 


You are both clearly awesome.



My parents are now divorced (after 26 years), but they have a funny meeting story.  My dad was home on leave (he was in the Navy) and went into a local coffee shop with a friend.  My mom was working there, and after his friend left, my dad moved to the counter and kept ordering coffee, because he couldn't get up the nerve to talk to my mom.  After many, many coffees, he finally asked her out.  When he went to pick her up for the date, he arrived in my uncle's car.  A car my mother helped my uncle pick out when THEY dated the previous year.  Weird.  They dated for 6 days, he proposed and then had to go back to his base (in CA).  He came home a few weeks later and they got married, then 4 days after they married, my dad had to leave for a 6 month cruise deployment.  They are divorced, but still remain friends.  My dad and step-dad get along really well and go play golf together and help each other out with home improvement projects.  



My mom and step-dad met on a dating website for "older" adults.  They've been married for 12 years.


My dad and step-mom worked at the same university, and talked on the phone for work almost every day.  When they finally met 8 months later, he asked her out and about 6 months after that, they got married.  They've been married for 7 years.

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We met in college - same dorm.  He tells me he was in love from the beginning.  It took me a while to not think of him as an arrogant snob.  One of my best friends told me the two of us would get married someday - and I laughed at her.  We've been married 25+ years now and he's still my absolute best friend and confidant.  I can't imagine life without him or with anyone else.

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We met in college - same dorm. He tells me he was in love from the beginning. It took me a while to not think of him as an arrogant snob. One of my best friends told me the two of us would get married someday - and I laughed at her. We've been married 25+ years now and he's still my absolute best friend and confidant. I can't imagine life without him or with anyone else.

Which dorm?


My DH and I met while studying at Oxford one summer. Our home university sent us on a ten day tour of the Soviet Union. We had our first date in Tallin, Estonia. We dated for three years. We got married the week before we started grad school.

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We met at church youth group. I thought he was the kindest boy I had ever met (and no, not just to me LOL.) My best friend had actually met him before I did and knew that we fit together. We were 14 at the time, started dating right around our 15th birthdays, married at 20, and have been married 15years. I love that we have grown up together.

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He was my on-campus work leader. He was extremely nice but I never really gave him much thought.  In fact, at first I thought he was a married staff person (he is 7.5 years older than me).  One day at church my tire went flat.  I really didn't know what to do, but I looked up and he was walking by....the only guy I knew there.  He fixed it for me :)  I didn't want to leave him alone while he worked on my car so I sat there and talked with him.  He asked me to take a walk with him. It became a daily routine....everyday we would walk and talk for hours and hours.  We never officially dated, but one day he told me he loved me.  We have been married for almost 16 years. 

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I met my husband at a night club, we literally bumped into each other on the dance floor. We were married 11 months later and have been married for 15 years.


My favorite meeting story is my grandparent's- they met at a roller rink in 1945 when they were 18. The manager of the roller rink, everyone called him Pop, hosted parties at his house after the rink closed. (Different days, I guess.) All the kids would go over there and dance and talk. They got to know each other there and were married in 1946 and had 8 children. They were married for 64 years when my Grandpa died of stomach cancer. It's still hard seeing my Grandma without him, it's like they were book ends and it doesn't seem right with one missing. They still held hands all the time right up to his death.

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If we are going to tell grandparent stories....

My grandmother met my grandfather at a beach party while she was on a date with another guy. The guy she was on a date with had gone off with some friends and left my grandma alone.  My grandfather asked if he could walk her home.  She said she was here with so and so but if he was not back by 2 he could walk her home.  At 1:58 grandma said "let's go."  She felt the other guy should not have left her alone.


My grandparents actually eloped without telling anyone because my aunt wasn't married yet and the older sibling was supposed to be married first.  They got married and then went home to their families.  After a week of this my grandfather said enough is enough. I want to live with my wife. Thus the legend of how my aunt got married was born.  Uncle was a door to door salesman.  He came knocking. Next thing you know he married my aunt.  After my aunt was married my grandparents got married again.

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Which dorm?


My DH and I met while studying at Oxford one summer. Our home university sent us on a ten day tour of the Soviet Union. We had our first date in Tallin, Estonia. We dated for three years. We got married the week before we started grad school.

We both went to Virginia Tech - and were assigned to Rasche Hall. Both of us were in the Corps of Cadets, but different companies.


It would have been fun to have a first date in Estonia!

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We meet when we were just little because our moms were friends. I think I was 3 and he was 9. He had a younger sister that was my age that was my best friend growing up. I had the biggest crush on him. I had a horrible break up when I was 16 and was going over their house to talk to her. She wasn't there, but he was and we talked for hours. We became best friends after that and a few months later started dating. We got married two years later and will celebrate our 10 year anniversary next spring. 

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We met at the college dorms in August of 1996. He was my neighbor, right across from my dorm room. He was 17, I was 19. At first he didn't impress me as he wasn't my type and I thought he was 23 or so, and therefore too old for me. I tend to like guys younger than me.


His dorm mate exchanged their non-working microwave with ours. When the RA found out, he allowed us girls to use the boys' microwave whenever we liked. I love food and eat a lot, so u got to see a lot of him. I also had a quirky habit of microwaving ice cream.


I was a foreigner in a new country and trying to keep boys at arm's length, hence he thought I was stuck up. I was just trying to protect myself since this was my very first taste of independence. He was acting too, kind of crazy and like a rebel. Once we both dropped our acts and were ourselves (we're both goody two-shoes really), we got along great and we've been inseparable ever since.


The funny part is, he had applied to another university before the one we attended, and I had too (without knowing each other) and we both changed our minds and decided to go to this one, the co-ed dorms were in an experimental program of sorts that I signed up for first and he was filling out the form on his knee as we were arriving, being the last person to do so. All that and we ended up right across the hall from each other.


We've been married for 13 years.

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He was my best friends best friend. I feel fairly well in love right away, but he lived 3 hours away and for 8 months we chatted online every chance we got. We got to know each other incredibly well that way without the pressure of in person dating, so very old fashioned! We saw each other about once a month during that time period and finally he just moved in with me. Everyone thought I was crazy, and all I could say was to trust me and wait and see ;)

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After complaining to my friend that I had gone to my 3rd wedding in a year without a date (I had broken up with a previous boyfriend and wasn't seeing anyone), she had a bright idea.  She arranged for her husband's cousin to join stop by a party we were going to.  He was tall, dark, and handsome, and very quiet.  He sort of followed me around smiling all the time.  A week later, she invited both of us over for dinner.  After we ate, my friend announced that she had rented some movies.  I had seen one already so we watched the other one ... an Academy Award winner ... the Accused (about a gang rape in a bar.)  Sooo not a good first date movie.  As you can imagine, the evening became rather uncomfortable. After the movie was over, we awkwardly got our coats and proceeded to walk to our cars.  As the door was closing behind us, we heard her husband exclaim "Why couldn't you get a comedy?!"  We both cracked up and it broke the ice.  That was 24 years ago.  We celebrated their 22nd anniversary this past summer. 

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