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My 7 year old daughter needs deoderant! Early puberty?


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My 7 year old daughter came inside from playing the other day, and she had wicked B.O.

I was shocked!  She was adopted, so obviously her biochemistry is different than mine, but

I'm wondering if I should be concerned about early puberty?

She is very athletic and not at all overweight, which I know can be a factor in early puberty.

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My daughter needed deodorant then too!! I remember thinking, "What is that smell???? Why does it smell like bad tacos??" - lol. It was my little girl! My daughter is 12 and she just started her period, so I don't think it equates to early puberty. My daughter is right on target and "average" according to her pediatrician. She didn't show any signs of puberty until she was probably closer to 11? My son is going to be 10 and he still smells fine and doesn't have any body odor at all yet. I think kids are just different. FWIW, my daughter has stellar hygiene now & she smells fine too now! :)

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My youngest started getting Bo at around 7-8. Turned out, he didn't use soap...ever. Until we figured it out, boy did he smell. He has used deodorant ever since, and at 12 is not yet in puberty.


I had to threaten no computer tomorrow to get him to shower tonight after dance, he is just gross, what can I say.

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Miss E has been using Toms unscented daily since she was around 5.  At the time I did a little informal research (including here!) and concluded that it isn't all that unusual nor is it particularly concerning.  We just include it in our daily routine.  That's one less thing I have to introduce when their hormones become wacky.  ;)

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Also relieved to hear that early need for deodorant doesn't necessarily mean the start of puberty. Dd has needed deodorant for at least a year now--she's 8yo. That's a few years before even my stinky ds needed it--he was about 10yo, ds1 didn't need any until at least 12yo.

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