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What products do they no longer make that you wish they did?


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Gatorgum. They make something similar called Quench, but I it's not the same. I have fond childhood memories of that sour gum. My mouth is watering just typing about it!



OMG! I was going to post the same thing! Quench is totally not the same. At all.


Natural Dentist spicy cinnamon toothpaste. Like atomic fireballs. Just, poof, gone a couple of years ago. Sigh.

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Walgreens has the prefilled spoons here. I carry them for the same reason.


I wish ours did! I wonder if it is old stock (not expired). The pharmacist at our Walgreens called the maker for me and they said it was discontinued. This was about 2 or 3 months ago. I hope they bring it back.

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Jalapeno Cheez Whiz.  


When we'd get together with our cousins (out of state), we'd make a snack with Jalapeno Cheez Whiz spread on bread, and then 4 slices of pepperoni.  Toast it in the oven and cut into 4 squares.  


And Hostess Suzy Qs.




Hostess is coming back. The twinkies, chocolate cupcakes, and powdered donuts are already back and the other items will follow. Maybe January 2014?  I think that is right.

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Finish seems to be the only thing that works.


Ok, so what is it that they took out of the dish soap?  I had no idea.





Have you tried Finish? Finish on Amazon

I've found them at Costco for a little less recently. They work great and get off all the gunk from even baked-on cheesy casseroles.


I think that etching can also be caused when you rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. The new detergents use enzymes that work on the food; I've heard that if there isn't enough food in the load, they'll etch glassware. We don't rinse flatware, plates, or casserole dishes at all (just scrape to get off the large chunks), and our glassware hasn't etched. As an added bonus, it makes post-dinner clean-up much easier to just shove it all in the dishwasher.


Hard water might also interact with the detergent and cause etching--or at least that's what we always thought caused the bad etching on my MIL's glasses twenty years ago with old-style detergents.


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I know! What is with that? Why the trashy quality? Hubby and I have bought bits and pieces of quality, worthwhile toys and play sets over the years but it's still disappointing how little there is to choose from!!!

I've been amazed by the change in quality in children's toys just from the time mine were little until now. I've gone to buy toys that were favorites of mine for friends and my niece and found that the plastic that was once rock solid and sturdy is now a crappy piece of junk -- and twice as expensive. Man, toys were cheap when mine were little, and my oldest is 14.
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I forgot about the Reeds candy. The rootbeer and cinnamon were my favorite, but the butterscotch was pretty tasty as well.  Still love the Regal cherry and lemon the most.  I would LOVE to get an assortment for my kids to experience.  I wonder if they will be ready by Christmas.  They would make fantastic stocking stuffers :)

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A (male) friend of mine in college discovered that Midol worked for his migraines when nothing else would.  His doctor told him to try it, saying that he couldn't predict who it would work for and who it wouldn't.  Have you tried it?


I mentioned this to my 18yos after reading about it here, and we picked some up the next day. It worked!!


The next day, he said, "I never thought I'd say this, but would you please go get my Midol out of the van?"  :laugh:

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Trader Joe's Cookie Joys (Joe-Joe's are not even close)

Hair mousse from the late 80's that was gold colored and made my hair look like it was golden all over...it was really a beautiful color. Can't even remember who made it...


Trader Joe's CHOCOLATE meringues.  They still make the vanilla ones, but not the chocolate.  The chocolate ones were the addictive ones!


It's probably for the best.  I have learned to turn a blind eye to the freezer case there where the mochi ice cream is kept.  Soooo good, but causes me problems.  I found I need to really restrict my sugar, soy, and dairy intake.  Mochi is out for me except on rare, special occasions.  :sad:

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Hostess is coming back. The twinkies, chocolate cupcakes, and powdered donuts are already back and the other items will follow. Maybe January 2014?  I think that is right.

This might be really bad news.  It's easy to resist them when they're out of production  :w00t:.

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Our tiny town has one still. People come and take pictures of it, LOL.


There's a state highway in the basin & range part of Nevada that is known as "the loneliest road in America".  On it, MILES away from anyplace, out in the middle of a flood plain for an invisible river, is a solar-powered pay phone (new-fangled partial-side booth).  It is dubbed "the loneliest phone in America".  I hope it's still there -- it's a tourist attraction!

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Flannel sheets, or really any sheets, with delicate pretty patterns on them.


Oh, and 8 1/2 x 11 inch loose leaf notebook paper. That seems to be harder to find all the time.


And Sara Lee cheesecake bites.


I was at Kohl's the other day buying some new sheets, and saw some of the cotton/poly blend (yay!) that had some pretty patterns.  I bought one solid color, and one with palm trees (figuring DH would appreciate the trees more than the light blue floral).


I've found GOOD loose leaf paper at Office Max.  I especially like the reinforced kind, so they don't tear out of the binders quite so much.


Now that you mention it, I haven't seen much Sara Lee in grocery stores around here anymore.  Hmmm.......

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Okay, I'm dating myself but I sort of miss Woolworth's. The smell of products combined with grease from the little cafe with green swivel stools where you could buy real bran muffins complete with a square pat of butter that came with them, or grilled cheese sandwiches with bright orange cheese oozing out from toasted white bread, or chocolate milk in a swirly glass. The aisles and aisles of eclectic products ranging from hair nets to shoes to bras to binders to candy. The older staff, women who were obviously grandmothers :lol: Before all the super malls and internet shopping, what a little world that was for a child!


We had a Ben Franklin's in our town.  No counter or cafe, but a true Five and Dime.  Even had a "nickel" (round coin with the 5 cent symbol on it) and a "dime" (similar) on the sign.  I miss the old Five and Dimes.


I also miss Shuck's store (back home.  I don't know if it's still there.  It was a general store out in the country between two towns (about 6 miles into town either way).  Mr. Shuck sold milk in glass half-gallon bottles with foil caps and cream at the top, and rang things up on an antique register.  He had a post office in there, too, and was the book mobile stop for our area.  It was set up like an old store, where it was usual and standard for the proprietor to gather your items for you.  This worked well, since he had stuff piled quite high, in order to fit so much into so small a space.

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They used to make an antacid gum.  I used it when I was pregnant.  It worked very well and it was better than constantly chewing all those chalky tablets. 


There was this cereal they made years ago called sunflower crunch (or something like that).  It was insanely crunchy and stayed crispy in milk.  I'm so bummed....it was so tasty!!

Was it rectangular and tasted orange-y? That gum saved my first pregnancy!!!


(Also, do they still make Feen-a-Mint? My great-aunt used to take that, but I haven't thought about it in years. EDIT: just googled it, never knew it was a laxative, but laughing that a laxative reminds me of one of my favorite relatives, lol.)


I miss chocolate-covered Paydays.

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