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It doesn't seem strange to me.  People comment because they are surprised when they see others of unusual height , not because they think those people should be limited to the careers that are associated with being that size.  Very tall girls are asked about playing basketball and may be described as "model tall."  Very short men could be considered "jockey small."  I wouldn't read into it. 

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Oh for the love of Pete!  


Sometimes a compliment is just an innocent compliment.  Every time someone says something to a woman that even vaguely hints at her being *gasp* a woman it doesn't mean that they're trying to take away her vote and keep her pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen!




Sorry.  I shouldn't be playing along with the trolls.  I didn't get any sleep and haven't had my tea yet.

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I guess I should have prefaced this with I was called "model tall" as a child. Actually at about 12. But I knew enough about models at that point to know I wasn't "model thin". So what was meant as a compliment was actually pretty harmful. I still carry that comment with me.


I don't believe "basketball tall" is the same.


And thanks for the welcome! And then also for being called a "troll" in the same thread. Yay!

That last part is kind of funny, lol.


In many cases, I don't think it's fair to blame our baggage on innocent people. I don't blame people for in-the-moment shock about my having 5 kids, my homeschooling, or the fact that my kids have all gone through growth spurts recently. Humans speak. Words come out before they're fully processed. I might "accidentally" call a little girl pretty or notice a little boy is tough. That's because many little girls are pretty, and many little boys are tough. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I guess I should have prefaced this with I was called "model tall" as a child. Actually at about 12. But I knew enough about models at that point to know I wasn't "model thin". So what was meant as a compliment was actually pretty harmful. I still carry that comment with me.


I don't believe "basketball tall" is the same.


And thanks for the welcome! And then also for being called a "troll" in the same thread. Yay!

Still not quite getting it -- model tall is not a compliment, basketball tall is a compliment? Or the fact that it's model for girls and basketball for boys?


Or is it that many boys like being tall and many girls don't?

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People have told my ds that he has great bone structure, but it is too bad that he's too tall to be a model.   Tall isn't a compliment or an insult.  It is just an aspect of our appearance that we don't control.  I can't take something as a compliment or an insult if it is something that I couldn't change even if I wanted to.  It is the same category as saying "Oh, you have a head."

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Still not quite getting it -- model tall is not a compliment, basketball tall is a compliment? Or the fact that it's model for girls and basketball for boys?


Or is it that many boys like being tall and many girls don't?

I would take "basketball tall" for a girl as simply pointing out she's tall. "Basketball tall" implies she's tall enough to get a ball in a basket. "Model tall" implies she's a girl who's tall who fits the height of women who are objectified by society. I don't like it. She's 7. I just don't like it that already I'm seeing how society treats my dd different than my ds. But never did I think the woman was implying she should be barefoot and pregnant like a pp suggested.

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