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Magnesium supplementation


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There is no kind that specifically helps with depression.  What you need to ask is what kind of magnesium is best absorbed?  And the answer is if you are taking it orally, the kind in Natural Calm by Natural Vitality http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=N3-1005&sourceType=sc&source=FG&adGroup=40-60&keyword=N3-1005&cm_mmc=Google+Shopping-_-Product+Listing+Ads-_-40-60-_-N3-1005&gclid=CP33grDpyLkCFcF_QgodyQ8A1Q  (I just linked a random ad for it.)  Start with 1/2 tsp. and work your way up to "bowel tolerance" (ie. when you start to get diarrhea.)  Then back off just a bit.  If that is too hard on your stomach, then absorb magnesium through your skin by taking nightly epsom salt baths.  

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Not the OP, but thanks for the info on natural calm. How many times a day can/do you take it? I'm looking to ease anxiety and stress and hopefully sleep better. If this stuff helps with regularity, all the better :) !!!


Jean, you mentioned starting with a 1/2 tsp. How much water for that and how often? Has anyone tried the flavored one (it think i saw raspberry lemonade) or is the flavor of the original ok? What about the one with added calcium?


Thanks so much!

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I just put hot water in a mug and add the Calm.  You can fill the mug or half fill it.  You will have to drink all that is in the mug though.

I like the flavor of the original (it is mildly citrusy).  I didn't like the raspberry lemonade flavor at first but it has grown on me.  I actually take a lot of magnesium.  I take 2 tsp. of the Calm and 1 tsp. of CalMag (by the same company) in one mug of hot water.  But I worked up to that amount.  I take more magnesium than calcium because I was low in magnesium and high in calcium but it's all about ratio for your body.  You'd have to look up what the ratio is supposed to be.  

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There is no kind that specifically helps with depression. What you need to ask is what kind of magnesium is best absorbed? And the answer is if you are taking it orally, the kind in Natural Calm by Natural Vitality http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=N3-1005&sourceType=sc&source=FG&adGroup=40-60&keyword=N3-1005&cm_mmc=Google+Shopping-_-Product+Listing+Ads-_-40-60-_-N3-1005&gclid=CP33grDpyLkCFcF_QgodyQ8A1Q (I just linked a random ad for it.) Start with 1/2 tsp. and work your way up to "bowel tolerance" (ie. when you start to get diarrhea.) Then back off just a bit. If that is too hard on your stomach, then absorb magnesium through your skin by taking nightly epsom salt baths.

I worded that poorly. I did mean what kind is best absorbed. I then thought I should add something about what I was wanting it for.


Thank you and everyone else who responded.

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Not the OP, but thanks for the info on natural calm. How many times a day can/do you take it? I'm looking to ease anxiety and stress and hopefully sleep better. If this stuff helps with regularity, all the better :) !!!


Jean, you mentioned starting with a 1/2 tsp. How much water for that and how often? Has anyone tried the flavored one (it think i saw raspberry lemonade) or is the flavor of the original ok? What about the one with added calcium?


Thanks so much!


I take the Raspberry one.  I add it to OJ.  It tastes better that way than with water.  I take it 2x per day about 1/2-1 tsp each time.  I usually take it after lunch and then late in the day - around 7-9pm.  I've tried more than that because my restless leg isn't totally helped by this,  but it was TOO much for my system (TMI).  I think I'll try the baths with epsom salts... I love taking baths, and take them nearly every night, so it's not big deal for me anyway.



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Not the OP, but thanks for the info on natural calm. How many times a day can/do you take it? I'm looking to ease anxiety and stress and hopefully sleep better. If this stuff helps with regularity, all the better :) !!!


Jean, you mentioned starting with a 1/2 tsp. How much water for that and how often? Has anyone tried the flavored one (it think i saw raspberry lemonade) or is the flavor of the original ok? What about the one with added calcium?


Thanks so much!

I actually prefer the flavored (there are a few kinds). We do it 3x a day for my ds with anxiety/tics. Dh does it just nightly for sleep.

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To those that use Natural Calm -- I bought some this weekend.  I took 1/4 tsp yesterday morning and 1/4 tsp this morning.  Plan to take another 1/4 tsp this afternoon and one tonight before bed.  Is it possible for this stuff to get rid of a sinus headache?  I woke up with one yesterday morning.  I wanted to eat before I took a Sudafed and ibuprofen.  I went ahead and took my dose of Natural Calm though and, a half hour later, the headache (and neck tightness I get them them) was totally gone.  It usually takes several doses of medicine to get rid of these things.  I didn't have the headache the rest of the day.  I woke up with another one today -- I maybe get them a couple times a month with changes in barometric pressure.  I took another dose of Natural Calm and the same thing.  Totally gone.  If this is an effect of this stuff, that is awesome. 


Also, I'm not fond of the taste (I'm taking the original flavor -- not the raspberry lemonade or whatever it is).  It isn't horrible, but not the best either.  Today I drank it with a tea bag and some sugar and it was fine.  Is it ok to use a teabag or something else to make it taste better?  If you do this, what do you recommend?


Thanks so much!

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I have generic Natural Calm. A word of warning though magnesium can lower blood pressure, which isn't bad unless you already have low blood pressure. If I take it too frequently then I end up too low and feeling very unwell.

Thanks for this. I do not have low blood pressure -- or high for that matter. I will make sure I'm aware of any changes though.

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I purchased this to use as deodorant but it stings too much!  I still use it as a mag supplement though, just not under my arms (ouch).  Just thought I'd mention there are other options besides baths/oral supplements.



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To those that use Natural Calm -- I bought some this weekend.  I took 1/4 tsp yesterday morning and 1/4 tsp this morning.  Plan to take another 1/4 tsp this afternoon and one tonight before bed.  Is it possible for this stuff to get rid of a sinus headache?  I woke up with one yesterday morning.  I wanted to eat before I took a Sudafed and ibuprofen.  I went ahead and took my dose of Natural Calm though and, a half hour later, the headache (and neck tightness I get them them) was totally gone.  It usually takes several doses of medicine to get rid of these things.  I didn't have the headache the rest of the day.  I woke up with another one today -- I maybe get them a couple times a month with changes in barometric pressure.  I took another dose of Natural Calm and the same thing.  Totally gone.  If this is an effect of this stuff, that is awesome. 


Also, I'm not fond of the taste (I'm taking the original flavor -- not the raspberry lemonade or whatever it is).  It isn't horrible, but not the best either.  Today I drank it with a tea bag and some sugar and it was fine.  Is it ok to use a teabag or something else to make it taste better?  If you do this, what do you recommend?


Thanks so much!


I don't know about the sinus headache, but I'll definitely be trying it out the next time one rears it's ugly head. 


As for the taste.  I have the rasp./lemon one and its VERY strong and tart.  I don't like the taste with just water.. but do like it in OJ.  I tried it in cranberry juice and it was awful that way too :ack2: .  So, try and see what works for you.  I don't think it matters at all if you drink it with tea/sugar.

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I took Natural Calm on the recommendation of a friend and my stomach was upset all night. I don't like carbonation, either and to me it tasted a bit fizzy. I thought I would just get it over with and swig it down, but then, like I said, it kind of gurgled around in my stomach for hours. I bought magnesium citrate pills and they seem to be fine.

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