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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean, I hope you have a good night, or...a bad one, whichever one you think the doctor needs to see the measurements from :D.


Plans for today:


-homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab

-half a Greek lesson

-try to find dd9's recorder...dd2 hid it somewhere and now we can't find it

-take dd9 and dd7 to music lessons

-grocery shopping

-2 loads of laundry

-exercise (weight lifting)


I hope everyone has a nice day!

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Order a swarm of tiny violins for group classes next week


A swarm of tiny violins....that is such a nice picture in my head :).


I liked these posts a lot more when I was on the other side of the pond!  Now I just feel like a slacker!


:D I had noticed :D.


Don't feel like a slacker, though. You just moved from Europe to the US, such a big move is plenty of work. Hugs.

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It seems there are a lot of posters in these threads from "the other side of the pond". I'm super curious about where you all are from  :)



I'm running on little sleep. Any time my 13 month old decides to sleep through the night will be fine by me. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.



Get kids up/teeth brushed/beds made/dressed



At least 2 loads of laundry

Clean off kitchen table

Tidy up house

Run to Walmart


Pay Bills

Plan and cook dinner


Dh is on 2nd shift this week, which I hate, but I always manage to get 10x the work done. So hopefully I will be going beyond my list.

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I was planning on hanging out the laundry today but I woke to clouds :( Not sure what to do with it. I hate using the dryer unless I absolutely have to (rain, too cold).




---make red sauce in the crockpot

---emails I didn't get to yesterday

---errands: library, grocery store


---prep dinner (supposed to grill--better not rain!)

---gather all clothing for collection this weekend; list for taxes

---check plant sale list at the university this weekend for anything native and interesting

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I'm back in town and have a lot to do this week! I honestly don't know if I'll get to all of this today or not.

unpack and put everything away

schoolwork with the kids (still going)
do a checklist of things for dh because he leaves Saturday for 2 weeks in Israel (have done more than half of this)
plan Awana large group time
plan chemistry labs for my class this week
plan IEW writing class for co-op this week
make a checklist for my new part-time job cleaning a pediatrician's office (starts Thursday night)
dinner for tonight
plan meals for the rest of the week



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I am still exhausted and trying to catch up after the weekend camping trip with my dd9's GS troop, so I need this thread to keep me motivated today!  


I'm up and dressed. I've met with dd15 to look over assignments. 



daycare child arrives (7:45am)


get dinner in the crockpot

English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

English, math,science for ds


check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going



naptime for daycare child

afternoon chores

science for dd6 and dd9

take dd15 to dance (4pm)

take kids to park for some outside time

pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

home for dinner

showers for kids

evening chores

bedtime for youngers

math tutoring for dd15





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Mom's in survival mode today. I'm sick. Groan, pout, whine, sniffle, snot.  :glare:


Bare minimum required for the day: 

school: at least handwriting, math and FIAR 

kids to well child ped visits at 11

run the swiffer vac through the main areas because floors are gross


Anything else is gravy.

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Hope you feel better soon, Erin!

Thank you! 


It's 7am and I've not seen a single child, which is highly unusual here.  I suspect I've passed my germs onto some of the small people.  The bare minimums may fall to the pediatrician for "well" checks and swiffering the floor.   We might have a sick day for school and spend a bunch of time with our old buddy Netflix.  

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Jean...good luck with your study.  


Erin, hope you feel better soon.



  • vacuum, dust first and second floor
  • laundry-one load of each
  • school..full load of classes
  • online Latin tonight
  • order pizza for dinner...no cooking.  :thumbup:  I'm so happy about this!
  • clean out refrigerator and put trash cans at the curb


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Plans for today:


-homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab

-half a Greek lesson

-try to find dd9's recorder...dd2 hid it somewhere and now we can't find it ---- STILL can't find it :huh: .

-take dd9 and dd7 to music lessons

-grocery shopping

-2 loads of laundry

-exercise (weight lifting)


Going to work on my Greek lessons now.


I still have no idea what to make for dinner.

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Hi, I'm back.  The technician said that I slept more than the 90 minutes that I thought I slept!  I had a lot of leg cramping and pain in the night.  They did have leg leads to measure movement so I don't know if it will pick up on all of that.  I won't get results for at least a week.  I'm going to start my day by trying to sleep for a couple of hours.  I may be back here soon if that fails.  

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feeling much better and hoping to get my list finished this time


dd14 online latin class 845-945am

clean kitchen

clean livingroom

am petcare

pm petcare



open house at pottery guild 5-8pm(it's a show up anytime in there)

cadets 630-930pm

go to bottle depot

drop off cardboard for recycling

clean entrance

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Mom's in survival mode today. I'm sick. Groan, pout, whine, sniffle, snot.  :glare:


Bare minimum required for the day: 

school: at least handwriting, math and FIAR 

kids to well child ped visits at 11

run the swiffer vac through the main areas because floors are gross


Anything else is gravy.

Did as much school as I have in me, which turned out to be math and FIAR.  Putting the kids in front of the TV until we leave for the ped. 

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latin class online is done.  Tutor is an air head based on my observations, this shall be interesting.  Class twice a week for the next 10 months.  Lets hope first impressions are wrong. 


Rest of the kids are slowly getting up.  Ds10 says Johnny Appleseed is a pot head (because he wears a pot on his head) and then says "put that in one of your articles!" lol  Then dd14 and I spent some time goofing around, dd14 likes to do this weird voice and say "I be epic" while pointing to herself.  My rebuttal today was "the only thing epic about you is your failure rate" to which she declared that was the best non-swearing insult ever and plans to use it on facebook with her friends.  Yes we tease this way, she knows in reality I am a proud proud momma of her lol. 


Now on to making breakfast for the clan, and sending dd14 out for a walk with sawyer pup, because she won't stop barking for attention.

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Going to work on my Greek lessons now.


I still have no idea what to make for dinner.


I finished my Greek lesson & vocab, cooked dinner with husband.


I'm not going to exercise, I'm soooooo tired (the kids have a cold, maybe I'm getting it too?), I'm going to read a book instead.


See you tomorrow! :)

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I'm back in town and have a lot to do this week! I honestly don't know if I'll get to all of this today or not.


unpack and put everything away


schoolwork with the kids (still going)


do a checklist of things for dh because he leaves Saturday for 2 weeks in Israel (have done more than half of this)

plan Awana large group time

plan chemistry labs for my class this week

plan IEW writing class for co-op this week

make a checklist for my new part-time job cleaning a pediatrician's office (starts Thursday night)

dinner for tonight

plan meals for the rest of the week


Erin, I hope you feel better soon!


Jean, I hope you can rest well!


I get to add something to my list.  My dd just got an email asking her to come to a play audition tonight at the theater she performed in this summer and last spring. They need one young lady and none came to the auditions last night. The director liked dd's performances and asked her to come tonight, so we decided to go. I thought all the parts were for adults. Dd is 16 and tall, so I guess she'll be fine. Even though others might come tonight and she might not get the part, it was great having them personally ask her to come!

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Slept from 7:30 to 9 am.  I did not want to get up at 9 am and I am in major pain but I forced myself to get up anyway.  I will let myself have a nap later but if I let my sleep cycle get off I will pay for it for days to come and can't afford that.  


I was gone one night.  The kitchen is TRASHED!  Guess what I'm tackling first?  

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1:30 pm update.
It feels like for every one thing I accomplish from my list, I think of 2 others that need to be added to it.  



daycare child arrives (7:45am)


get dinner in the crockpot

English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

English, math,science for ds


check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going


register dd15 for upcoming dance workshop

ran to grocery store for needed dinner items


naptime for daycare child

afternoon chores (sweeping/vacuuming/recycling/empty & reload dishwasher/wipe down bathroom counters)

call dentist's office to make payment on account

text mechanic to see if he can look at air conditioning in dd's jeep later this week

art homework for dd9

Spanish homework for ds

science for dd6 and dd9

take dd15 to dance (4pm)

return books to library

take kids to park for some outside time

pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

home for dinner

showers for kids

evening chores

bedtime for youngers

math tutoring for dd15 with dh

look at new Spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 and figure out how to fit it into our day

pick up 2 items at Walmart for dh's backpacking trip with the BS troop this weekend

dehydrate food for dh's trail dinner



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Kitchen is now CLEAN!


Laundry is running.


Ds has done his geometry.


Ds had his online class too - and after all our copying and whiting out the answers on chapter 1 - Jann started with chapter 2!  Oops!


Dd finished earning money for her electric scooter last night.  Dh ordered it for her already.  Eeek!  I hope she doesn't kill herself on this thing.  


After lunch - go to get ds's I.D. card.  


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Getting ready to head out for our afternoon/evening activities.


3:20 pm update:



daycare child arrives (7:45am)


get dinner in the crockpot

English, math, handwriting, and reading for dd9

phonics, math, handwriting, spelling for dd6

English, math,science for ds


check-in with dd15 to see how assignments are going


register dd15 for upcoming dance workshop

ran to grocery store for needed dinner items


naptime for daycare child

afternoon chores (sweeping/vacuuming/recycling/empty & reload dishwasher/wipe down bathroom counters)

call dentist's office to make payment on account

text mechanic to see if he can look at air conditioning in dd's jeep later this week

pack cooler of drinks/snacks to get us through soccer practice

art homework for dd9

Spanish homework for ds

science for dd6 and dd9


strip sheets from bed

3 loads of laundry 

finish folding and putting away last two loads of laundry

remake bed with sheets

take dd15 to dance (4pm)

return books to library

take kids to park for some outside time

pick dd15 up from dance (5pm)

meet daycare mom so she can pick up her dd (5:30)

ds soccer practice (5:30-6:45)

work out at Y while ds is at practice (5:40-6:40)

home for dinner

showers for kids

evening chores

bedtime for youngers

math tutoring for dd15 with dh

look at new Spanish curriculum for dd6 and dd9 and figure out how to fit it into our day

pick up 2 items at Walmart for dh's backpacking trip with the BS troop this weekend

dehydrate food for dh's trail dinner


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Updated List:


unpack and put everything away

schoolwork with the kids

do a checklist of things for dh because he leaves Saturday for 2 weeks in Israel (only one more thing, the bank, and I couldn't go today)
plan Awana large group time
plan chemistry labs for my class this week
plan IEW writing class for co-op this week

make a checklist for my new part-time job cleaning a pediatrician's office (starts Thursday night)
dinner for tonight

plan meals for the rest of the week


Added later today:

Pick up new Awana T-shirts

Take dd to an audition


I almost finished!

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Update at almost 4:




---make red sauce in the crockpot

---emails I didn't get to yesterday

---errands: library, grocery store


---prep dinner (supposed to grill--better not rain!)

---gather all clothing for collection this weekend; list for taxes

---check plant sale list at the university this weekend for anything native and interesting


Heading out for errands right now. I will cook the red sauce overnight in the crockpot. Not sure if I will exercise before or after dinner. It's massively humid and pretty darn hot right now.

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I fell asleep on the sofa again having a cuddle with my youngest.  This lack of coffee issue is really showcasing my fatigue issues.  If I sit, I sleep basically.  laundry is going.  math is done with ds10 and AAR with dd5.  The teens are about to begin grammar  and science in a moment. I swear my kitchen is getting messier faster than I can clean it.  I am trying to give the kids room to cook for themselves etc, but 4 kids picking different things to cook and not yet mastering the whole idea of clean as you go is leaving it a big mess.  Must get it done before I cook dinner.


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Bad  PG day today.  I am 16 weeks and this is actually the first day I haven't gotten dressed.  I never got sick today, just didn't sleep well last night.  So I have been lying around all day feeling icky.  Babysitting niece got here at 9:15. We started school (embarrassed to admit this ...) around 10:30. I did lessons w/the preKer and my girls did their morning stuff.  DD 9 got handwriting, spelling, and English done w/me before lunch.  DD11 got Spanish and Spelling done.  So not a super productive morning for her. 


Then I lay down for a rest.  Girls played dress up and made up cheers.  Then it was time to get dn4 down, so dd9 read to her for me and got her to sleep!!  (good practice for new baby coming!) while dd11 took her math test.  Then dd9 read a chapter of SOTW aloud to me.  She is now s*l*o*w*l*y writing a narration for me.  DD11 is working on her history timeline.


Of course we discovered that dd9 left her math book at girl scouts last night.  So as soon as dn leaves we are off to the church to pick that up.  It will be a late night for her tonight finishing that!  But at least I will make myself pick up our reserved library books while we are out.  And what to feed these people?  I have no idea.  Food sounds yucky to me right now :(    But I guess they have to eat.


Hopefully tomorrow is a better pg day.

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Took a short nap.


Left message for guidance counselor at local high school about the PSAT.  


Now - to make some rice for dinner.   The rest of dinner consists of leftovers which will not thrill my family.  They don't seem to understand that if we don't eat them, it just goes bad and we throw away what was (once) good food.  


Tonight the plan is to grade geometry while the kids are at the Y.  

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Played indoor frisbee (with a mini-frisbee) with Indy and Han Solo






-Reading Compr.


Cleaned oven


Looked up low maintenance bedding plants for our zone


Talked to repairman FOREVER-he's very anti-gov't and had a load to say, despite the fact that I was clearly busy trying to feed my children








Cleaned downstairs bathroom


Spent ages on the phone with Direct TV re: our bundle bill (urgh)


Nap (I'm so sleepy all the time.  My iron must be low.)


Watched David Tuturo's wedding show (Wowzer!)


Dinner is in the oven

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missed the bottle depot, got there 5 minutes late


Went to pottery guild open house, I think I am going to join


Teens went to cadets, learned parents committee meeting was moved to tonight(thanks for the heads up) and that lasted 2 hours of the 3 hour meeting.  So got home at 10 pm with a migraine and no one had been fed dinner yet since I thought we would be coming home after dropping off the teens to feed the youngers. Wheeled the garbage can to the road and took care of pm petcare.


it is now 1030om.  the youngers have eaten and are asleep.  I just did canned soup for supper.  Teens need to eat and I have popped some motrin and am heading to bed, my head hurts.  school mostly got done, chores mostly got done and frankly I don't care, my head hurts too much.

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Oh man, you guys are inspiring.


We did school. We did lessons.

I am so swamped with my small business right now, I barely have time to make meals. I'm not complaining- we want my husband to leave his job and work from home. More to do is a good problem to have right now. It just means my garage is going to be a mess and I will have to hold onto our morning school time by the skin of my teeth.


It's good for me to have to do lists and see some if yours. Thanks, hive. Zzzzzzz.

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