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Plantar wart?

Chris in VA

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Uggh. I have one right on the middle of the ball of my foot. When I was a teen, I had to get two taken off a toe--surgery is not something I want. Any ideas? Prob have to wait til we get home next Fri., but thankfully I can still walk around with sandals...barefoot puts too much pressure on it.

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There are all kinds of options at the local Walgreens.  Personally, I like salicytic acid treatments.

Yes, me too.  I had a stubborn one that I finally got rid of with repeated salicytic acid treatments.  I used Dr. Scholl's treatments with the little discs and kept them on for several days, took off the dead tissue and put another one on for another day or two.  Once it had been removed I had kind of a hole where it was, but that eventually filled in and healed.

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You can smother it with a decent sized corn pad type of thing, or duct tape. It takes a couple weeks but without air it dies underneath and will eventually just fall off. (you change the dressing periodically) I read on another thread people have had success using apple cider vinegar. I don't know how that works, check the acne thread!

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Thanks--can't find duct tape at the stores we can walk to, so I think I'll wait. It's imbedded in the skin so it won't fall off, and I have to walk a lot in the next ten days, but I have nearly a week when we get back before going back to dog walking. Wish it would just spontaneously resolve!

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the drug store here has diy cryofreeze kits for warts.  otherwise, the salicylic acid pads.   apparently, the salicylic acid irritates the skin and makes your immune system pay attention and do something about the wart.  at least that's why 2dd (pharm student) told me when the subject recently came up, she though it was interesting.

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We have had a lot of luck soaking the foot for 20 minutes in water and vinegar, then paring the skin away and applying a OTC pad and cover with duct tape. Do it every day or even twice a day if time allows. Youngest Ds is plagued by them and we have found this more effective and less potentially painful than freezing. He uses his feet at sports and a few bad aim times of the freezing liquid by the doctor benched him- not cool! they always came back when frozen, too, the soak/trim/pad method gets the whole thing, leaves a hole but it doesn't hurt at all and goes away eventually.

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Liquid band aid works at our house.  You just have to keep applying it as it has a tendency to peel off but we had good results in about a week.


I was gonna say, months sounds like a long time! (the reply above yours) Mine took about 2 weeks all told, but you have to keep it pretty consistently covered/smothered. Didn't use any extra remedies, just kept the thing airtight, and by the end of the second week it came off easily, no scraping necessary!

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We just got rid of dd's plantar warts this spring. We thought she just had a callous for a long time, but when a second "baby" one formed nearby, our internet sleuthing convinced us it was plantar warts and her doctor confirmed it. The doctor said she could freeze it, but they would have to bill it as a procedure and our insurance likely wouldn't cover it and it would cost hundreds of dollars. She said Compound W is successful 70-80% of the time, so it makes sense to start there.


We would soak dd's foot in a nice warm foot bath with epsom salts near bedtime, then I applied the Compound W. The doctor had said to cover it, but we quickly learned that bandaids wouldn't stay on that part of the foot. The bottle didn't say anything about covering it, so we stopped. Every few days a layer of skin could peel off. We were optimistic within a week that this would work because we could see the warts getting smaller. The baby was gone within 2 weeks, but the bigger one was more like 4-6 weeks. Since the bottle just said up to 12 weeks, we were pretty happy with that.

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I tried quite a few otc remedies for mine, but nothing worked until I had the doctor freeze it off. I was beyond shocked that it worked. Our insurance did cover it, and I would have that done again in a heartbeat, after messing around for so long before actually going in to the doctor.

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Scrap the top off, dip a small piece of cotton in cider vinegar, place it on the wart and cover with duct tape.  My dd had one on the ball of each of her feet.  She did this and it was gone in about 3 months.  



I was gonna say, months sounds like a long time! (the reply above yours) Mine took about 2 weeks all told, but you have to keep it pretty consistently covered/smothered. Didn't use any extra remedies, just kept the thing airtight, and by the end of the second week it came off easily, no scraping necessary!


Dd's warts were 1.5 cm and 1 cm in diameter, and they were deep - yuck!  The dermatologist suggested salicylic acid, but dd wanted to try a home remedy first.  And, the dermatologist shaved the wart off because it was sticking out and hurting when dd walked.  Once it was shaved off it didn't hurt.   Dd had 2 nice sized holes when they finally disappeared.

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Agreeing with Ali in OR-the Compound W works great. We tried the medicated pads and also duct tape but neither would stick on ds's bottom of foot. We asked the pediatrician and she said to use the Compound W. We had similar results to Ali-the baby warts went away quicker, but the huge one took about 4 wks.


We applied it with a toothpick. The pediatrician said to soak it and file it, but we didn't have time for that and it still worked out. We never used a bandaid or anything-we applied at bedtime so he wouldn't have to walk on it right away so the medicine could soak in.

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