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Movies for children involving Islam

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I'm putting together some resources for SOTW 2, and I am trying to tie in our Family Movie Night to some chapters. I've perused some lists others have made, but I haven't seen anything suggested on that topic. I'm looking for entertaining, not documentary, as we will be using those throught the week. So maybe something a little more accurate than, say, Aladdin, but not a History Channel doc. Any suggestions? My kids are 7 and 9, but definitely not sensitive or prone to being scared.

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Netflix has a really good documentary about Mecca.  It follows three different Muslims who are making their pilgrimage.  It might be a bit old for your ages, but you never know.  I loved stuff like that as a kid.


ETA - Yoinks!  There goes my Reading Comprehension grade for the week.  Sorry, reread and saw you didn't want a documentary.  It's still good though. :001_rolleyes: 

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I was thinking about this...  and couldn't come up with anything.  Now I'm really curious.  Surely there's some film with Muslim characters that shows some insight into Islam and is also appropriate for elementary schoolers...  But maybe not?


The only thing I thought of was Little Mosque on the Prairie, which is totally family appropriate.  If you don't know it, it's a Canadian sitcom about a mosque in a small, rural town.

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Yes, I was also going to suggest "Muhammad, the Last Prophet" They are careful to not actually show the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) which may be confusing at first, but it's an excellent talking point (Muslims are encouraged to not draw or take pictures, and especially not make pictures of prophets for fear that it may one day lead into people using those images as a focus for worship of that person, while we believe that all worship is due to God alone).


If your children are ok with reading subtitles(or even if they just want to get the jist of what life was like back then), this TV series is excellent (Umr ibn AlKhattab on MBC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELbEFTkqpCU

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It may be too old for them, but we really loved Arranged, about the friendship between a young Muslim teacher and her Orthodox Jewish teacher's aid in Brooklyn. They are both going thru the process of finding husbands by arrangement. Fascinating and respectful, and often funny. Makes some very good points about the right to chose, and the right to chose to give up that right!

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