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So, at the end of his last letter ...


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... to me he says "Thanks, Luanne, for being my friend!"  And yes, the "my friend" part was underlined ... just like that.  My initial (and still) thought is this is his way of making it crystal clear that we are only ever going to be just friends.  Am I reading too much into this or am I right on target?

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Oh, that's a tough one. A woman would write that and be giving a hint. A man writing it could mean "I really just want to be friends" OR " you are my friend and I think this is so cool and I don't want anything to come between us being friends so I'm okay with moving the relationship forward as long as we remain friends."


Their brains work differently. You might have to ask for clarification.

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I honestly don't know if I would have the courage to ask him for clarification, but open, honest conversation is always best.  I don't know what conversations you've had prior to this, or if any of them indicated there might be something more.  If so, I wouldn't just let it go but ask for clarification.  Who knows where friendship can lead, though.


I'm sorry.  That's not what you wanted to hear.

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I honestly don't know if I would have the courage to ask him for clarification, but open, honest conversation is always best.  I don't know what conversations you've had prior to this, or if any of them indicated there might be something more.  If so, I wouldn't just let it go but ask for clarification.  Who knows where friendship can lead, though.


I'm sorry.  That's not what you wanted to hear.


I honestly don't know what I want to hear (if that makes any sense).  We have been writing back and forth since the end of March.  We have met in person one time (at a funeral) at the beginning of July. I really don't know him well enough to know if I want more than just friendship or not.  I just wanted to know there was a possibility of it, you know?  He lives 100 miles away. 

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I would assume it means he means he wants to be "just friends" but unless you ask you can't be certain.   Guys aren't too complicated, but they often don't like difficult relationship situations.   So it might be easier for him to write this than to say to you "Let's just be friends". 



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