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Wish us luck... we're officially bucking the system tomorrow!

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Tomorrow would be my oldest child's first day of school - and she won't be there because we're homeschooling! YAY!


Today was her last day at the preschool. She was a bit sad - thinking about missing her friends. But I told her we'll still keep in touch with her close friends. Then I reminded her of the fun we've been having homeschooling and all the exciting things we'll be doing this year. And... on the days I work, her Nonnie will be teaching her how to cook, in addition to some other things I'll send with her. That perked her up!

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I no longer practice law but believe me it is a wonderful resource especially down the road when it is time to discuss the Bill of Rights and the Constitution generally. Dd wishes desperately I were anything BUT a lawyer as she is not fascinated with learning 1st amendment case law-go figure...I am so very excited for you both what a wonderful journey you are about to embark on!! Best wishes for a peaceful and joy filled year. Just don't become offended if your dd does not find the connection between the commerce clause and the evolution of civil rights to be an endless source of fascination-mine loves math!!!How does that happen??! I explained that mommy does not love math and certainly not higher math and that's why she went to law school instead .She gave me the 1000 yard stare and returned to her book-6 years ago and we are still going strong ,continuing to work together at this despite being two very different people in so many ways.

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Hehe! I have thought this very same thing myself. Our area starts back Monday and we won't be there...because we are HOMESCHOOLING too! LOL :) Love it!
We like to sit near the window in our pj's, drinking hot chocolate and watching the kids standing out in the cold waiting for the bus! Well, I mean, it's just one more reason we love homeschooling! :D
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Tomorrow would be my oldest child's first day of school - and she won't be there because we're homeschooling! YAY!


Today was her last day at the preschool. She was a bit sad - thinking about missing her friends. But I told her we'll still keep in touch with her close friends. Then I reminded her of the fun we've been having homeschooling and all the exciting things we'll be doing this year. And... on the days I work, her Nonnie will be teaching her how to cook, in addition to some other things I'll send with her. That perked her up!


Hooray! Enjoy the journey.

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