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Band-Aid Rash?


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My 10yods and now I are sensitive to band-aids.  (The box says the packaging contains latex, nothing about the band-aids.  And we have no probs around balloons or a swim cap w/ latex.)  What is it?  I mean I take off the band-aid and my skin hurts more than the original sore.  I switch the band-aid spot, wear it there for a couple hours and bam, there is is again.  Anyone find band-aids that don't do this or have a rec?

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You are likely sensitive to the adhesive. Especially if the red irritated skin is where the bandaid was stuck to the skin. Try a different brand.


:iagree:   Ds9 is sensitive to the adhesive in some brands.  He gets a terrible rash.

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You are likely sensitive to the adhesive. Especially if the red irritated skin is where the bandaid was stuck to the skin. Try a different brand.

Yes, my dad is allergic to most adhesives. He can't use any brand of bandaids. He uses gauze and paper tape that sticks to the guaze, not his skin.

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I have a friend whose son reacts to band-aids but not latex.


I don't react to band aids, but if I get one of those wrist bands that places use as a day pass I put it on very carefully. If there is any exposed adhesive I itch until the band comes off for a while. I don't have any other allergies (except bees) but I get a rash from that glue.

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My last c-section required this strap thing from the Dark Ages because they couldn't tape me.

? I had a vaginal birth/a c-section/a VBAC, so only one c-section. It was in Germany. They did not use any sort of adhesive. They clipped my wound together with metal butterfly clips that looked sort of like little hair clip things and poured some kind of powder on it. They made me stay in the hospital for 9 days until it was fully closed.

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The adhesive is the problem. I find that the nexcare waterproof ones are much less irritating to my skin (I still have a scar from when I was in the hospital before DD7 was born from the paper tape so apparently that adhesive can also be an issue for me) but regular bandaids give me a rash if I have them on for very long.

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I use liquid bandage now if I must use one, otherwise I air dry and let a scab form.  I get bad rashes from bandaids and medical tape and it doesn't take long.  Like when they draw blood and tape the cotton ball onto the spot, if I don't remove that in under 15 minutes I have a bad rash from the tape.  It is so painful too, just like raw patches, and from regular bandaids it is way worse.  I don't get it on my fingertips if I use a bandaid though.  I get itchy/tingling there but no rash, anywhere else it is a painful, red raw rash.  Liquid bandage does not do that to me, though I prefer to not put anything on it if I can help it.

When I had my c-section I was stapled shut for 3 days, no medical tape other than my iv sites and those got really painful, then the staples were removed and I was shut without the need of further dressings on it.  But a decade later when I had an ingrown hair on the scar get infected and burst the scar open they used gauze and tape until it finished draining and I don't know what felt worse, the hole in my scar or the rash from the tape.  It was horrible.

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Yep its the adhesive...both my kids are allergic to it...beware that if you have surgery you may have reactions to the tape they use! My sister had hernia surgery and is allergic to adhesive and it cause MAJOR issues after the surgery because of the rash it caused close to the incision.

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