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Why can't I make myself just sit down and READ?


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I wouldn't say I always have poor concentration - I can concentrate on WTM forums!  And Sudoku.  And lesson planning.  And miscellaneous other things that I just enjoy doing (like solving logic puzzles... or last night I  happily spent over an hour writing out Latin declension and conjugations while watching a tv show online (we don't have a tv)).


So why is it that I have SO much trouble making myself just sit down and read a book?  My brain wanders in a thousand different directions and I just can't get the book read, no matter how good it is.


Also, when I'm doing a "boring" task (washing dishes, folding laundry, etc.), I really like to watch something online while I do it or at least listen to the radio or an audiobook or something. Why can't I just do the task without feeling like I have this need to be entertained during it??


Anyone else like this?  How can I break this habit?


By the way, I am a *severe* introvert.  I have far more interaction with my children and husband during the day than I "need" - which I hope doesn't sound terrible, but I just get so.worn.out from the constant interaction.  So I would think I would *relish* this time of quiet and solitude to read a book.  But I can't do it.  I'd much rather write out Latin declensions, or do calculus, which watching Law and Order:UK on youtube. 





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It's ok to be in the mood for writing out Latin declensions instead of reading.


I often find it hard to settle into reading if I've shortened my attention span by reading too much online (common symptom of sleep deprivation here!) or if I'm expecting to be interrupted any second.


Maybe books feel too much like somebody else you have to pay attention to when you are all peopled out.

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I feel that way doing dishes, cleaning. I have to "rock it out" or I just wander off and do something else. As far as reading goes, maybe you're just not a big reader. Maybe you are an info person. I could read all day if I was allowed, but write out Latin declensions...snooze. Neither are bad to be so let yourself off the hook, maybe you just read for info and don't need to read for pleasure.

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If your brain is used to a lot of screen time and other activities that don't require extended focus, it becomes much harder to focus on something like reading.  There was a good book that came out about this, I think it was called "The Shallows."  Anyway, you have to work at retraining your brain to focus on a book for long periods of time if you aren't used to it.

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I used to read all. the. time. I mean, it used to bug my mom to death that I would rather read than do other things. I always had a book near by. Fast forward to now...to a time where I always have my iPhone and iPad close by...and while I still enjoy reading, I now find myself choosing to hop on Facebook, take a look at Pinterest, come here to WTM boards, etc. Its like I no longer have the patience to sit down an actually read a book. I realized this not long ago, and I've been trying to figure out a way to get through it and back to reading books. Remember back when people used to complain that Sesame Street was bad for children because it caused them to want to be constantly stimulated (everything moves so quickly on that show)? Well, I guess for me the Internet and iPhone are my Sesame Steet. It makes me sad.

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I've been reading a good deal more this summer, since I have no TV and time to fill here.I have to say it was challenging at first, because I was out of the habit,but I have found the more I read, the more I am able to settle and read more!

I do think the material has to be of moderate to high interest. When my attention span/settle factor :-) is low, the book has to really grab me. Now, though, and this is after six weeks here,I feel more able to read slower material.

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Maybe books feel too much like somebody else you have to pay attention to when you are all peopled out.

I think this is why I have a hard time reading fiction lately. I read about 1/3 of the way through Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and had to stop and take it back to the library. After spending all day with kids that barge into the bathroom while you are in there to explain photosynthesis (because that's an emergency?), I had no patience for the first-person narrative of a nine-year-old. It was giving me anxiety.


On the other hand, I can devour non-fiction pretty quickly. I just finished "Your Inner Fish" and realized I enjoyed the company of evolving prehistoric creatures more than imaginary people with personal problems.

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