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Had to share and this is the only place people might possibly maybe care ...

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This is my first post here on these forums.  I've been lurking for almost a year now but never felt "qualified" to post because I hadn't actually started homeschooling my kids yet (ages 13, 11, 9, 5, 1).  But we've begun listening to the Story of the World CDs as a fun "get geared up activity" and we're almost done with the Ancients and I had my first "you can tell we homeschool" moment and I was so excited that I had to share ...


We were playing Risk as a family and my daughter (age 9) was looking at the board and she said she felt like Alexander the Great felt when he cried because there were no more territories in the world left for him to conquer! LOL


OK, thanks for listening :)

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That's great. My daughter thought it was funny that Alexander named so many places after himself (and sometimes his horse!). Hope you have a great year of homeschooling. These forums are a great resource and encouragement to me. Enjoy, and welcome!

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I'm so glad you started posting! Everyone is welcome that is interested in self-educating and after-schooling and learning in general. There are no qualifications or stripes to earn. WELCOME!


I'd add more smilies, but my iPad doesn't list them and I can only use the ones I have the code memorized for. Can someone post some flashing and bouncing welcomes?

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Welcome! I needed > a year before I started posting too although I was already homeschooling! Everyone just seemed so much more wise and learned and I was afraid I wouldn't have anything valuable to share. I loved your first post. What a lovely moment. Good luck to you!

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That's great. My daughter thought it was funny that Alexander named so many places after himself (and sometimes his horse!). Hope you have a great year of homeschooling. These forums are a great resource and encouragement to me. Enjoy, and welcome!


I wish I could remember the title, but there is a book about all the Alexandrias.  The author went around and tried to find all of them.  

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