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I'm turning 40 soon...


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And I can't wait. :D


Honestly, I'm ridiculously excited. The last few years have been exhausting as we've dealt with grief, a new baby, serious injury and a brush with death.


I've had some big moments of personal growth that have improved me, my marriage and my relationship with friends and family.


I have always felt older then my age, had older friends and now I feel like I'm catching up with my peers and myself.


And now, I'm wearing dresses and skirts. That seems trivial when compared to the other things but it means I'm shedding the last of my insecurities about my body and just enjoying it instead. I'm also going to start wearing red lipstick I think. Andy Rooney said only women over 40 should wear it, it's part of what makes them so sexy, and for some reason I've internalized that. :D


I can't wait. I won't be over the hill, I'll be at the peak of the mountain.


Anyone else just absolutely love getting older?

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I look better now than I did when I was younger. I am healthy mentally about my body--there's no negative 'you're so ugly' self-talk. I am completely comfortable in my own skin, physically and mentally. I can debate an issue with someone without being pushy or caving. I can clearly see my own motivations and weaknesses and strengths. I have learned grace and can give people room to have their own motivations, weaknesses and strengths without feeling threatened or being judgy. I can sit down and have a chat with a stranger without feeling insecure or wondering what to say. I am ridiculously confident in my own decisions (like homeschooling). I have a measure of wisdom and I'm looking forward to gaining more the longer I live.


A decade ago, I could have never written the above words. None of it was true. None of it. I was crippled by insecurity. What hapoened in the last decade to change all that? The passage of time. I simply have had time to grow up. I haven't thought of myself as a girl for years now. I'm a mature, grown woman and I love it.


I turned 40 last December. My Aunt tells me, "Just wait until 50. That's when things really get good." I can't wait.

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We'll send you the "Over 40 Initiation Manual" shortly.  You'll need to know the secret handshake and where to access our covert underground meeting places.   :D


I'll be 42 next month and do agree about the personal growth, wisdom, and confidence that comes with age.  That part, I enjoy.  In other ways, I wish I was still in my 30's.  But overall, I'm happy to be this age.  Which is good, since there's not a darn thing I can do about it.  ;)

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I actually do think 50 will be good. I didn't mind 30 at all. But 40 has been hard. It's getting better and I think I'm seeing things more clearly in the past few weeks. I was pregnant during my 40th b-day and frankly felt done and di not want to start over. Much prayer and grace was given and I have the easiest baby ever, at least out of my 4. I still struggle with the we have the 5-10 set and how smooth that had become thoughts, but it's only what I make it and I think having her in some ways has motivated me more. I'm taking what's mine now and finding a bit more direction with some things I'd lost these last 10 years. By 41 I think I'll have this 40 thing down:)

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I feel fine about being 45 and do not mind getting older - with one exception: even though I am physically fit, I notice that I do no longer have the same strength and stamina as I did in my 20s; my teenage kids are getting faster and stronger and are the ones who carry the backpack up the mountain. I have not quite come to terms with that. I can still hold my own because of willpower and determination, but could not pull off the same physical feats as back then, sigh.

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I turned 40 last week and was excited to do so.  I've always looked forward to milestone birthdays.  I do sense some growth coming, a greater sense of self-renewal if that makes sense.

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And I can't wait. :D


Honestly, I'm ridiculously excited. The last few years have been exhausting as we've dealt with grief, a new baby, serious injury and a brush with death.


I've had some big moments of personal growth that have improved me, my marriage and my relationship with friends and family.


I have always felt older then my age, had older friends and now I feel like I'm catching up with my peers and myself.


And now, I'm wearing dresses and skirts. That seems trivial when compared to the other things but it means I'm shedding the last of my insecurities about my body and just enjoying it instead. I'm also going to start wearing red lipstick I think. Andy Rooney said only women over 40 should wear it, it's part of what makes them so sexy, and for some reason I've internalized that. :D


I can't wait. I won't be over the hill, I'll be at the peak of the mountain.


Anyone else just absolutely love getting older?


Me!  I'm 43 and tell anyone that will listen :) .  I feel confident and in charge of my life, versus just letting life happen.


I'm also in skirt phase. I'm taking dd and a friend to the beach and I'm wearing the most adorable, and COOL, cotton tank and flowery skirt.  I'm going to sit on the beach, sip lemonade, and read.  I only wish I had a parasol!


Happy birthday!  I would blow you a red lipstick kiss, but alas, I'm still a lip balm girl ;) .

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Turning 50 was such a relief!  I love being 50 (almost 51).  I feel so free...I wear whatever I like (including red lipstick).  I just figure that if I look silly anyone thinking that will say, "oh, that poor old dear."  And I'm just fine with that. :)  


I'm in better physical condition than I was through my child-bearing and raising young kids years (30-45).  I'm more self confident but also more thoughtful.  I used to think self confidence meant that I could/should tell anyone anything, but now I'm confident enough to keep things to myself :)  


I do find, though, that what my brain thinks I can do is often overruled by what my body can actually do...recovery from injuries is slower, but I'm OK with that because it gives me a nice excuse to sit around and pamper myself :)

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In my twenties I was gestating, lactating, and sleep deprived. In my thirties I was chasing little kids. At 40 I get all the sleep I want and I'm a professional bellydancer. I'm having a blast! I have a gig on Wednesday that requires me to leave the house 2 hours before DH gets home. NO problem! My youngest is 13!

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I turned 40 in 2011 - the year leading up to my birthday was perfect. I consciously focused on learning how to do new things and on making myself happy before worrying about everyone else. Although my youngest was 5, my oldest was 11, so I finally had some breathing space to focus on myself. This year I turn 42 and I am ready for new adventures: returning to work or studying to move in that direction. I love getting older!

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I've been trying to decide if I want to make it special or not. It just feels like another birthday.

A few friends and I went to High Tea at a local hotel - two of us had birthdays that month. It was perfect: we got to dress up, had coffee, champagne and great food AND got to be home in time for the sort of early bedtime that befits a 40 year old ;-)

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