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How to Learn Math - Stanford online course just started

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ETA:  Here's the class





And there are several discussions ongoing about it.





Currently my feelings are mixed - so I'm backtracking on the enthusiastic recommendation! However, the class and the resulting discussions have been interesting and thought provoking, so worth a look if you are interested.

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I am taking this class, and have started reading her book.  It is a breath of fresh air to me as I despised math and never progressed very far.   I am already starting to see why.   And hoping it's not too late to turn things around for my two kids.  One of my kids shines in math concepts and problem-solving, but is very poor with math computation.   Now I'm starting to understand that too.


Agree with the recommendation!

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Well, I've been very inspired so far.  I pulled out my Kitchen Table Math books to review for dd7, and I'm drooling over RFWP's Problemoids for dd10 (again) . . . although I'm thinking that two Zaccaro books, HOE, Math for Real Kids, and LOF PreA are probably enough supplements for now!!!

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Super short segments.  You can just watch them, or you can watch them and participate in the back-and-forth, which really just consists of you typing in short answers to some thought questions, and peer-reviewing short responses from others.  I usually just audit courses, but in this case I'm actually getting a lot out of participating fully.  It's very thought-provoking. 


So each session takes about an hour to get through, I'd guess, and the video segments are short.  I ended up reading all 25 pages of the Lament paper, only the first 5 were assigned, so you can definitely make it longer! But I've been dipping in and out of it all day and have finished 2 sessions already.  They posted the first 4 sessions now, and the next 4 will be up in a couple of weeks, but the whole course is meant to be 8 weeks long (just an hour or two per week).  It's worth it!

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Because of you, I ended up borrowing the book from the library an hour ago :)


I'll be interested in what you think of it.  I wonder what I myself would think if I came to it after, rather than before, the discussion on the accelerated learning board, and seeing the criticisms by the math department professor, and so on.  I still think I got a lot out of it, including more of an understanding of ways my son might differ from me in math just because of being a boy.  I also went more toward doing some puzzles with him, and allowing more fun stuff to count as math.  I also decided to get AOPS Algebra as our his main curriculum to start whenever it has arrived and he has finished theater camp.

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