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Our Male Children and the Female Body

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In order to encourage my son to see boobies as the holy grail (hmm like he doesn't already, he is 14 for pete's sake) I have decided to drive him to work topless. After all my car is private property so there should be no problems. And I can educate the rest of teh drivers on the road as to the importance of not seeing them as sexual objects, just as another part of the beautiful human body. Okay on my overweight self, maybe not so beautiful, but at least that will help them not to be driven off the road in lust for my tatas.


It is a foolproof plan, I see nothing what so ever going wrong with it :P


The OP and the rest who think it is vital that everyone be exposed to everyone's tops because women go to the beach topless across the ocean will thank me for my service in the good fight!

No, no, no you've got it all wrong!! You need to be showing your boobs to *other* peoples children remember.


*dies laughing*

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In order to encourage my son to see boobies as the holy grail (hmm like he doesn't already, he is 14 for pete's sake) I have decided to drive him to work topless.  After all my car is private property so there should be no problems.  And I can educate the rest of teh drivers on the road as to the importance of not seeing them as sexual objects, just as another  part of the beautiful human body.  Okay on my overweight self, maybe not so beautiful, but at least that will help them not to be driven off the road in lust for my tatas.


It is a foolproof plan, I see nothing what so ever going wrong with it :p 


The OP and the rest who think it is vital that everyone be exposed to everyone's tops because women go to the beach topless across the ocean will thank me for my service in the good fight!

You are truly a selfless woman :gnorsi:

Very altruistic.

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In order to encourage my son to see boobies as the holy grail (hmm like he doesn't already, he is 14 for pete's sake) I have decided to drive him to work topless. After all my car is private property so there should be no problems. And I can educate the rest of teh drivers on the road as to the importance of not seeing them as sexual objects, just as another part of the beautiful human body. Okay on my overweight self, maybe not so beautiful, but at least that will help them not to be driven off the road in lust for my tatas.


It is a foolproof plan, I see nothing what so ever going wrong with it :P


The OP and the rest who think it is vital that everyone be exposed to everyone's tops because women go to the beach topless across the ocean will thank me for my service in the good fight!

There is a lesser expectation of privacy in a vehicle.


Maybe find a family-friendly nude resort?

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Well I told ds the plan. I believe his words were "For the love of God NO! do you never want to have grandchildren? If I have to drive with you like that I will never want to see boobs again!"


So hmmm, there goes that plan to do my civil service today. Teens and their quirks about not wanting to see their mom's booKs, jeepers. Don't they know their future wives will thank me for this service. Geeze I could have like changed an entire small town's thinking on this concept.


Well back to the drawing board.


AHA! I've got it. I will design t-shirts that have an image of a nursing baby and 2 boobies printed on it and wear that out in public. I mean t-shirt advertising works for Marvel, it should work for this too.


Ooooohh and I can make the back say "if you like my boobs you should see my placenta"



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I saw a nursing mom at the library today who was making no attempt to keep anything covered, and of course I thought of this thread. ;)


It's not my style, but whatever. I was just waiting for my 7 year old - who has no filter whatsoever - to march up to the woman and ask about her breast. Thankfully, that didn't happen.

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 I will design t-shirts that have an image of a nursing baby and 2 boobies printed on it and wear that out in public. I mean t-shirt advertising works for Marvel, it should work for this too. Ooooohh and I can make the back say "if you like my boobs you should see my placenta" Perfect!

Don't forget - you need the areola and nipple exposed on at least one, maybe both if the baby has just popped off.

The placenta could really be it's own t-shirt. Think about your marketing - Marvel doesn't always put all of its superheroes on one shirt. Don't underestimate  your potential customer demand.

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Don't forget - you need the areola and nipple exposed on at least one, maybe both if the baby has just popped off.

The placenta could really be it's own t-shirt. Think about your marketing - Marvel doesn't always put all of its superheroes on one shirt. Don't underestimate  your potential customer demand.

Good point.  Okay so we will have nursing baby on one side, nekkid boobie with areola and nipple showing on the other.


Shirt #2 placenta shirt, complete with top 10 reasons you should eat it on the back and a website address to a site with placenta recipes and how to throw a placenta dinner party


Shirt #3 is for boys, it says "my future wife will breastfeed and you can watch"


Shirt #4 is for men and has a baby nursing and says "yes men can lactate too...wanna see?"



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Good point. Okay so we will have nursing baby on one side, nekkid boobie with areola and nipple showing on the other.


Shirt #2 placenta shirt, complete with top 10 reasons you should eat it on the back and a website address to a site with placenta recipes and how to throw a placenta dinner party


Shirt #3 is for boys, it says "my future wife will breastfeed and you can watch"


Shirt #4 is for men and has a baby nursing and says "yes men can lactate too...wanna see?"



*dies laughing*
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Careful. There's a good reason Morrissey rarely exposed more than a single nipple at a time.



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Come to think of it, I only ever exposed one nipple when nursing, to dissuade my lovely children from twiddling. No patience for twiddling.

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Come to think of it, I only ever exposed one nipple when nursing, to dissuade my lovely children from twiddling. No patience for twiddling.


I'm trying to figure out how anyone does it without the second nipple squirting milk all over the place. Or am I the only one who has that problem?

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Come to think of it, I only ever exposed one nipple when nursing, to dissuade my lovely children from twiddling. No patience for twiddling.


You mean yours didn't go groping down your shirt? My three-year-old boy would put the horniest fifteen-year-old on his first date to absolute shame lately.

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I'm trying to figure out how anyone does it without the second nipple squirting milk all over the place. Or am I the only one who has that problem?

Mine stopped that by the end of the first yeah.  Before that I had to put a washcloth into my bra on the non-nursing side to stop the spray.  Once I past the first year I never leaked on the opposite side anymore.

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You mean yours didn't go groping down your shirt? My three-year-old boy would put the horniest fifteen-year-old on his first date to absolute shame lately.

That's what the other arm is for, to fend them off or to be used as a shield. I've heard that some women have a free hand when nursing. Lucky.

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I'm thinking there's money to be had in chain mail nursing bras to keep the tiddlers at bay. How's the ETSY store coming along?

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Come to think of it, I only ever exposed one nipple when nursing, to dissuade my lovely children from twiddling. No patience for twiddling.

Me too! They are NOT toys (for the nursing baby anyway)!

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Come to think of it, I only ever exposed one nipple when nursing, to dissuade my lovely children from twiddling. No patience for twiddling.


One of my lovely children would fall asleep quickly and easily if I let him twiddle for a couple minutes. If he couldn't twiddle it would take hours to get him down. NOTHING could replace twiddling. I remember making awful faces and just dealing with it so I could have that blessed peace.

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One of my lovely children would fall asleep quickly and easily if I let him twiddle for a couple minutes. If he couldn't twiddle it would take hours to get him down. NOTHING could replace twiddling. I remember making awful faces and just dealing with it so I could have that blessed peace.

I have never tolerated it long enough to observe any such effects.

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Am I really the only one who clicked on the first link. :001_unsure:  I'm all for natural, but come on, RAW PLACENTA SMOOTHIES!!! :willy_nilly:


Please tell me that I am not the only one having a hard time stomaching this one, no pun intended honest. Do I just lack perspective? I get that animals do this, but that's because they can't work the stove and aren't allowed to shop at Trader Joes.







They're actually not all that uncommon.  I ate my last placenta raw, in smoothies.  You couldn't taste it at all.  It's supposed to aid with bleeding and after 2 pph incidents, I wanted to be double sure.  It wasn't gross at all.

OK people, I just wanted to make sure that everyone who didn't know it all along, now realizes for certain that the OP is toying with us, and I'm sure she's having as much fun with it as the rest of us are having.


In case you missed it while you were still reeling from the image of men nursing their babies, she has now informed us that she thinks human placenta would be good sautéed with a garlic butter sauce. :ack2:


All aboard the RedLuNahTic Crazy train!!! :D. (Hey, she even has "lunatic" as part of her username... Just coincidence? I think not. :))


I thought she would have a tough time topping the 4-Hour Homemade Cereal thread, but this one takes the cake. I, for one, can't wait to see what she comes up with next. :)

Like I said, why the insults?  You're usually a really nice poster and what I kinda consider an ambassador, but do we need to insult a growing part of the birthing community that eats their placentas?  There's so much variation.  Men lactating, eating placentas...it doesn't hurt anyone.  Now, I wouldn't feed mine to others, after all you only get one per kid and there's not much there, but if someone is willing, who cares?  People eat pickled pigs feet and McDonald's "meat", so how is placenta bad?

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The side effect was screaming not sleeping to happy and content as soon as he got his little finger on a nipple. It was like a magic button.


In our house it's the opposite, and the alternative would be me screaming. When nursing it was like my anti-magic button. :P

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Like I said, why the insults? You're usually a really nice poster and what I kinda consider an ambassador, but do we need to insult a growing part of the birthing community that eats their placentas? There's so much variation. Men lactating, eating placentas...it doesn't hurt anyone. Now, I wouldn't feed mine to others, after all you only get one per kid and there's not much there, but if someone is willing, who cares? People eat pickled pigs feet and McDonald's "meat", so how is placenta bad?

But see, you did it for health reasons. I had never heard of such a thing when I had ds13, but if I'd been in your situation with the pph, I would have considered doing it, too.


The reason I'm poking fun at the OP is because, first of all, I'm pretty sure she's just playing with us here, and secondly because she made it sound like she considered it to be a normal option for a family dinner (sautéed in garlic butter, if I recall correctly.) And if she's serious about men bfing their children, I'd really like to meet her dh and see what he has to say about it. ;)


I would never insult you for making the choice you did, because hey, pph is very scary, and I would be willing to do pretty much whatever it took to prevent it, too!!! But the OP didnt mention anything like that -- she is just going out of her way to post more and more outlandish comments, and I sincerely believe she's just doing it to keep the thread going and to shock as many people as she can, to see how they will react. In short, I think she's doing it all for her own personal amusement, not because she is trying to be helpful or informative.


And FWIW, the OP has probably managed to offend quite a few non-bfing moms with her comments -- they have just chosen not to take the bait.


Personally, I think it's kind of fun to have something new to talk about, instead of our usual kilts and cupcakes -- which have been mentioned a bit here and there, but have taken a backseat to boob-obsession, bfing dads, and sautéed placenta. :D


My hat is off to the OP. I couldn't have made this stuff up, but she has shown quite the creative streak in this thread! :)

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