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one more modesty spin-off

Halftime Hope

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I don't have to stare to see it. If the female in front of me in line at the store is wearing a thin white shirt with a bright pink bra under it, it is hard not to notice it.



Not if someone is occupied with their own activities, conversations and thoughts. I am usually too busy with my sons helping me unload the cart to give a darn. And if you don't have kids, there's always chit chatting with the person next to you or laughing at the tabloid headlines from the National Review and Weekly World Report, right?

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Two options:


1. Enjoy it.


2. Look away.



And 2a) you could assume she didn't have a mom, grandma or aunt who taught her to wear a flesh colored bra under a white shirt.


2b) the rest of her bras were destroyed in a tornado or house fire and she is buying more.


2c) she doesn't care that her bra shows through, maybe she likes pink, maybe it is her signature color.

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And 2a) you could assume she didn't have a mom, grandma or aunt who taught her to wear a flesh colored bra under a white shirt.


2b) the rest of her bras were destroyed in a tornado or house fire and she is buying more.


2c) she doesn't care that her bra shows through, maybe she likes pink, maybe it is her signature color.



But was it blush or bashful?


(I think that was funnier inside my head than outside my head, but DH isn't home, so you all and my sisters are having to hear my "jokes.")

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Nope, helping a person with their taste in wardrobe is a job for a good friend ONLY. But this reminds me of the time my parents visited the Naval Academy and walked past a young midshipman female who was wearing a matching red set under her dress white uniform! My dad nearly passed out with suppressed laughter, and he's a very discrete and respectful person.

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Nope, helping a person with their taste in wardrobe is a job for a good friend ONLY. But this reminds me of the time my parents visited the Naval Academy and walked past a young midshipman female who was wearing a matching red set under her dress white uniform! My dad nearly passed out with suppressed laughter, and he's a very discrete and respectful person.



Then she was out of uniform. Underwear under whites has to be white or skin colored. I am extremely surprised that her leaders didn't catch that.

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But was it blush or bashful?


(I think that was funnier inside my head than outside my head, but DH isn't home, so you all and my sisters are having to hear my "jokes.")


No, it was pretty outstanding! I have no sisters or daughters, so I like it when friends quote chick flicks!


(Now I'm thinking: I don't always quote movie lines, but when I do...)



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One of my adult daughters once wore a dress with a white skirt to the wedding of another daughter. She also wore black bikini underwear.....which I knew because the skirt was a bit see-through, and no slip. She is known to have some racy clothing choices, so I didn't say anything to her as I wondered whether she meant to dress that way. However, weeks later yet another adult daughter was talking about the wedding and started to tease the first daughter about her underwear, and dd was horrified, and upset with ME because I didn't say anything to her at the time!


Trust me, you can't win! :sad:

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It would never occur to me to comment on the clothing of a perfect stranger. Nor would it even occur to me to comment on the clothing of a close friend, unless she asked my opinion OR I thought she might be having an unintended clothing malfunction, such as the above mentioned skirt tucked in underwear.

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That being said we are HUGE underwear police in this house..".put it on, put it back on, put it on in the right direction, put in on UNDER your pants, take off Mommy's bra its not that funny" :glare:

We could use a song.


Ha! I thought it was only at my house!

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I could start one about high healed shoes. Like the women I see walking around in these super mega high heals and they can barely walk in them. They look like a baby giraffe walking for the first time and over hot coals. To each their own, but not my thing!


It's prizegiving at my boys' school on Friday. Last year, the leaving girls were all wearing six inch (or higher) heels. Some pulled it off; others looked like foals trying to stand for the first time. I kept waiting for one of them to plunge off the stage or topple down the stairs.



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This was a problem that gave the priests and nuns at my catholic high school fits.


some people love a little rebellion I for one wore my sweater even on 90 degree days as I never could find a button down that did not gape.


Teenage girls in Hong Kong wear sweaters in summer (90 degrees, 99% humidity) because their uniform shirts are thin and showing anything underneath (even a full t-shirt) is not acceptable to them. It's mentioned here.



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A fashionista friend told me that black bras under light clothing is currently fashionable.


Who knew?


I should google that.


Annnnd...I found this:





That article has this photo linked within it:



Now, I might *think* she looks insane (not sexy or provocative), but I would not actually say something to her unless she was my sister or daughter or mom or something.

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Years ago, when I spent a summer in Jamaica in the Manchester Parish, I noticed that many women had black under things worn under light colored clothing. I later discovered this was due to the fact that white undergarments were twice the price of black. That is what the women could afford. After spending three months around it, I can honestly say it's just not on my radar when someone wears a dark undergarment under something light or white.


EXCEPT!!!!! This ONE particular incident. My father in law once showed up at a Christmas party in paper thin white pants and a bright red Christmas themed shirt. I think he felt he was really stylin' for the occasion. However, he had on a leopard skin print THONG and then in the center of the room with many eyes trained his direction because he was making a toast, bent over to pick up his napkin which he had dropped.


I tried so hard not to notice, but like the elephant in the room, there was just no avoiding it no matter how much one engaged the mind or eyes elsewhere. Dh nearly died.right.there.on.the.spot. MIL leaned over to me and said, "Well, I don't even think about this stuff anymore. He's always been a social embarassment."


So yep, despite my very best efforts to not give a rat's behind what other people are wearing when I'm out and about, that one got me. Like a train wreck on the side of the road, I couldn't help but notice. :ack2: Dh says he has PTSD from the experience.



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That article has this photo linked within it:



Now, I might *think* she looks insane (not sexy or provocative), but I would not actually say something to her unless she was my sister or daughter or mom or something.


That's not the look of insanity to me. Madonna popularized using bras as part of one's public outfit almost 30 [*choke* *sputter*] years ago.




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