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Have you had your hearing checked?

Susan in TN

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I have had at least half a dozen. They have all been done by an audiologist. You have to have a referral to have one. At least I did with all of mine. Done by different audiologists. The last one I had done in April it only cost 35.00. They are not a big deal at all. You sit in a sound proof room and press a button every time you hear the beep. Then they give you words to repeat back. Sometimes they make background noise when making the beeps. The results were perfect hearing in my left ear and 45% in my right. If you have any other specific questions I will be happy to answer.

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My dh started with our regular primary care doctor. His quick test detected hearing loss--sent dh to an ENT I believe who did more extensive testing (significant loss in one ear). I remember he had an MRI to rule out a particular type of tumor--wasn't that. DH is pretty sure it came from using a power post hole digger without hearing protection many years ago.

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Is this part of a normal physical?


I don't remember having it checked recently, but maybe my memory is worse than my hearing ;)


I do know I'm having some hearing issues. They sound similar to the OP's. Plus I can't hear things behind me very well. People keep thinking I am ignoring them, but truth is most voices don't really register if they're behind me. My daughter is an exception, but she's a squeaky voice. I think I'm missing mid-range sounds, which is what most adults I know seem to have.


So what happens when you discover you have lost some hearing? Is it like your eyes going bad - not much you can do to change it, but maybe things you can do to slow the decline?

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I have had mine checked about 8 years ago. I am getting ready to have it checked it again. I had some hearing loss, but it is within the normal age related range. My father had significant hearing loss and I saw the damage the loss did to his marriage. My mom thought my dad wasn't paying attention to her, and my dad would misinterpret what she said. He didn't realize how much loss he had, and thought my mom was lying when she would insist that she told him something,( that he didn't hear her say). My husband and I have similar conversations some times so I want to just keep an eye on my hearing due to that.


My dad could hear certain minute sounds, but certain tones were almost non-existent for him. Unfortunate, my moms normal speaking voice was in that range.


We have really good insurance this year, so we are all getting caught up on things like this.

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I've heard good things about the Costco techs from my mom.


I had to have mine checked for an adoption health screen. The doctor thought it was hilarious, but I was really glad to learn it's perfect. I get distracted, too.


Sometimes on a cell conversation, I get a little anxious about hearing what the person is saying and then, as if by magic, I can't seem to hear them.

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I get mine checked every year because of my tubes.


I hate the part where you have to repeat words. The audiologist I had to in NY had a strong accent, and always strung everything together.


Saythewordtoothpaste. Saythewordairplane. Saythewordchair.


Drove me crazy. The audiologist I use here doesn't have an accent but mumbles bad. I'm going to use the audiologist that my kids saw.

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I get mine checked every year because of my tubes.


I hate the part where you have to repeat words. The audiologist I had to in NY had a strong accent, and always strung everything together.


Saythewordtoothpaste. Saythewordairplane. Saythewordchair.


Drove me crazy. The audiologist I use here doesn't have an accent but mumbles bad. I'm going to use the audiologist that my kids saw.


Well that would be downright annoying and frustrating. And then if you tell them you don't understand them, they would probably think it's your hearing. That's crazy.

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I have been having it for the last two years. On my list of things to do is to check if my hearing is bad enough for hearing aids. I think it is at the point where insurance would pay but I have to check that. There are very special rules about how much loss and in what ranges. I know I have the loss (25db) but I am not sure that I have it in enough ranges ( I think I do since I believe it is about equally bad in all ranges). If it is 25db loss in enough ranges, I will get hearing aids.

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