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Help! Stroke? What does this sound like? UPDATE #55

Cindy in FL.

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He was just seen by the neurologist. CT scan was negative. The neuro strongly believes it is Transient Global Amnesia. They will keep him over night for observation and do an MRI tomorrow as a precaution.


That being the case, I am going to stay home. Dh has been under a lot of financial stress lately, because his business has been slow and we have put a lot of money into a new business which is supposed to open tomorrow. He and the boys were supposed to drive home tonight to man the business in the morning. If I stay home tonight I can open tomorrow. I think he would want me to do that since he seems to be ok.


Thanks everyone!




Sounds like a good plan to me.

Perhaps the sheer relief that the wedding was over caused him to "crash".

Praying that nothing shows up on the MRI either!

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i came by to see how he was doing. after the opening, is it possible for you to go to the hospital?

we have found over the past few months that medical care is better when there is an adult there who isn't the patient. maybe there is someone who was at the wedding who could be with him?


ymmv, but we also work on providing ourselves some emotional insurance, so that sometimes we make decisions based on the worst possible case. eg. for me, i would go to dh right away because if by some outside chance it turned out to be catastrophic, because i know myself that i wouldn't be able to handle the emotions of having chosen to not go, even with really good reasons, kwim? you know yourself best, and what you can manage and what you can't....




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Just spoke with the doctor. He would like to do an MRI, Echo, and an EEG. Nothing has been done yet, and dh continues to regain memory except for the time surrounding the wedding. The dr wants to keep him until Monday, but dh wants to come home and follow up locally. Dh's best friend and his brother who is a doctor have been keeping up with him at the hospital. They are going there now possibly to pick him up and then try to get him to stay at the best friend's house tonight and drive home in the morning. Regardless, I will make sure that he get's a second opinion.


When dh makes up his mind about something he's hard to dissuade!

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Im Still praying, Cindy.


I hope your day is going smoothly!


I know it's hard to argue with a determined DH, but if they can get those tests done where he is, now, it might actually be a lot less hassle than trying to schedule them all on an outpatient basis.



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They are safely home now. Dh seems mostly back to himself, but a little bit off. Hopefully after a good night's sleep he will be even better. I will insist he get checked by his doc on Monday and referred to a neuro.


Thank you all so much for your care!

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They are safely home now. Dh seems mostly back to himself, but a little bit off. Hopefully after a good night's sleep he will be even better. I will insist he get checked by his doc on Monday and referred to a neuro.


Thank you all so much for your care!


Sounds like things are good so far. Hope he gets checked thoroughly.


Good luck w/the business!

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Dh is going to drop the records off to his doctor first thing tomorrow morning and request an appointment and MRI. He is somewhat better after a good night's sleep, but he is still missing some memory and isn't as "on the ball" as he usually is.

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Dh is going to drop the records off to his doctor first thing tomorrow morning and request an appointment and MRI. He is somewhat better after a good night's sleep, but he is still missing some memory and isn't as "on the ball" as he usually is.


As long as they see him acting "normal" (driving, chatting with them) they will not assign any urgency to this. You/dh will really need to be the squeaky wheel on this.

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Thank you for this tip. The doc is a personal friend, so I am hoping he will take it seriously. I'm ready to squeak away if necessary!




As long as they see him acting "normal" (driving, chatting with them) they will not assign any urgency to this. You/dh will really need to be the squeaky wheel on this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He is doing very well. The neuro wants him to have an MRI with contrast, but dh doesn't want to. He's willing to do one without contrast, though. Waiting to find out if the neuro feels that would yield enough info to make it worthwhile. Thanks for checking on him!

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