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My dog superglued her lip to her teeth


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Dog got a hold of a tube of superglue. Bit into it and glued the hair on her upper lip (her little mustache) to her teeth and gums. Just a bit of lip involved and glued to just 2 teeth. She can drink and eat. Vet visit or will it wear off eventually?


She looks silly. Lip curled up, like she's sneering at us.



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I feel sorry for your doggy, but this did make me laugh out loud. If your pooch would cooperate, couldn't you just trim the hair. It would still be stuck to her gums and teeth, but she would probably be much more comfortable. I would think the glue would wear off and the fur would then fall off the teeth/gums.



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I did giggle. :) I rubbed the spot with peanut butter which she then licked like crazy and she unstuck herself. There is still a bit of hair stuck to her teeth.

I have no idea where she found the superglue. I did call the vet and, after he laughed, he reminded me that she is like a toddler and has to be watched constantly. Or put in her play pen :)

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I did giggle. :) I rubbed the spot with peanut butter which she then licked like crazy and she unstuck herself. There is still a bit of hair stuck to her teeth.

I have no idea where she found the superglue. I did call the vet and, after he laughed, he reminded me that she is like a toddler and has to be watched constantly. Or put in her play pen :)


I am glad to hear that all is well.


I hope her feelings weren't too hurt by the laughing. (Mine always give me this sheepish look when I laugh at them.)


Over all I think dogs are easier than kids, but even they have thier moments.

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