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SOTW audiobook


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At the risk of asking an awkward question on this board....is the audiobook for SOTW good? I can't read for long periods of time and have been going through dental work for bridges which make my speech sound odd until I adjust. My youngest needs help for history and I think having someone read it to her would be a good thing for her. I've tried having my other daughter read it to her, but...well...siblings.

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DS really likes listening to SOTW audiobooks on his iPod. We've never read the actual books but DS thinks the audiobooks are an enjoyable supplement and I see them as a worthwhile, detailed history review for him. He retains & learns a lot from them just by listening during quiet time in his room or at bedtime. Listen to some samples here to see if you/your kids like the narrator's voice.

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We only used the Audio book this year. I've tried SOTW two times in the past, with my oldest DS, with me reading, and we never got past the first few chapters...not sure why, I just didn't enjoy reading it. But with Jim reading it to us, we've had a stellar year doing SOTW Vol 1.

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We traveled 12 hrs one way between two homes while in the process of moving and we listened to all the CD's in a row. My daughter LOVED it and couldn't wait to start doing the activities that go with it. I also love the CD's, my husband however was ready to hang himself and couldn't wait to get out of the car at each rest stop. You either love Jim's voice or you don't.

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We traveled 12 hrs one way between two homes while in the process of moving and we listened to all the CD's in a row. My daughter LOVED it and couldn't wait to start doing the activities that go with it. I also love the CD's, my husband however was ready to hang himself and couldn't wait to get out of the car at each rest stop. You either love Jim's voice or you don't.

Agreed. He does seem to be somewhat divisive. That said, if you like his voice, they are well done and enjoyable in audiobook format. My girls listen to them in the car and enjoy it.

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We love Jim Weiss at our house. We've listened to many, many hours of him in the car! I find his voice to be calming for my kids as well. Our library system was able to get SOTW for me. You might try a library before buying to see if you like them.

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