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Summer schedule

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I'm really hoping that in the early afternoons while the toddler is napping I can engage in a bit of light school time with the older kids. My goals are math review (lots of Right Start math games), reading practice for the six year old, and having at least DD work on learning to type. We're also going to study state history, but that will mostly be read-alouds when we would be reading anyway (bedtime, rainy days, etc) and field trips.

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We do about an hour of other stuff (mostly the summer-bridge type workbooks and various websites) in the morning, and 2 hours of reading in the afternoon. Piano continues all summer. We take weeks off if she's doing full-day piano camp (it's 9:00-4:00, and since I'm on staff, it really is more like 8:30-4:30, plus a 30 minute commute) and when we're out of town traveling. We're actually starting summer schedule this week, because except for DD's online lit class, everything else is done. When she has a 1/2 day camp, it replaces the academics in the morning, but not reading in the afternoon.


We also have our memory work playlist on the iPod for in the car and daily listening-mostly the old CC CDs-I don't do CC, but I like much of their memory work.



Really, we "School" in the summer more to keep the schedule consistent for DD-she just plain does better with a routine she can count on.

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Since we school year round, our daily routine is somewhat 'light' as far as seat work goes. We do math, spelling, HW, and reading daily. If we stopped those for a long time, we'd lose any progress made, so I'll continue that through the summer. Dd naturally likes history stories, so I'll keep reading those to her. We will be doing some summer camps that are nature based, so that will cover science.

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We're discerning year round school right now and working through most of the summer. It's very hot here during the summer and we'll be indoors more than outdoors, so it might be better for us to school in the summer and take our break during the spring!

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We will be doing:

math review using computer and iPad games four times a week

continue writing letters to family once a week

read aloud books

read alone books

lots of swimming (p.e., right?)


We will also be listening to our composer biography cd's that we didn't get to during this school year but that will likely be on our two road trips we are planning.

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We're schooling during the school year as there's just too much going on during the summer! Besides, since Bean is still "in" school, it makes it easier to have Buck on her schedule.

So, for summer, we're just going to do some Life Science/Biology stuff (they both like it, and Bean could really use some remediation) and Getting Started with Latin.

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Our light summer schedule includes in any order:

1. Bible story

2. Each child doing math (a different program than we normally do, or a math game, or a math activity like use sidewalk chalk and draw the length of various animals down the sidewalk)

3. Read to me

4. I read to them

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I don't really have any specific plans this year. My dh and I are focused on home improvement right now. I do plan to have the kids read each day. I also want the older two to work on their handwriting and do some math review. We will see what gets done. ;) Other than that the kids will be swimming and hopefully enjoying the outdoors. The kids will also go to a week of VBS and my oldest is going to his first sleep away camp with our church.


I forgot my dh just starting Apologia Botany with them and they plan to read it over the summer.

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DD- 30 minutes daily ( additional reading equals additional electronic time)

DS - 30 minuts Phonics Pathways, 1 minute readers ( additional reading equals tech time)



Both - Life of Fred daily (additional exercises equals more tech time)



DD- summer journal

DS- HWOT Cursive


Documentaries - filing Netflix with educational shows


Science/art/geography/etc- themed weekly fun activities to reinforce learning and keep kids having fun while engaging their brains. I'm also providing a fun science manual with supplies so they can do experiments until their hearts are content. Same with art.

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I school year round as well. We take time off when I need a break, and I usually take all of December off. That said, I like to try and do some fun things during the summer as we finish our regular stuff.


So for science I want to do this evolution unit


I also want to sign the kids up for swimming lessons. I normally sign them up for art classes in the summer as well, but I'm not sure that will happen this year.

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The goal is..

Math for both, something a few days a week. Maybe using some of our games and extra resources that I don’t typically pull out.

Latin once a week for C9 just so he doesn’t forget it all.

Library summer reading programs for both.


Virginia geography. We did US geography this year but I purposefully skipped VA. We’ll do a little more in-depth this summer, maybe make a salt-dough map which is something I think they would enjoy but that we probably wouldn’t get around to during the year.


They both do swim team which is busy so that will keep us occupied.


C9 is also a Cub Scout (Webelo) and I plan on having him pick a few badges to work on.

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Rising 6th grader:

Cursive & typing

Mr. Q Chemistry

Two MBTP history/lit units (Civil Rights/Roll of Thunder and World Wars/Number the Stars)

Math review (MiF 5?)


Rising Kindergartener:

MBtP Habitats & Homes, Change




Maybe an evolution unit study if we have time (via Intellego)

Reading for both, obviously

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