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Iron Man 3 - is it ok?

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I have not seen it, but it is no different (from previews) than any of the other Iron Man movies. None.


It's a little more violent than the Avengers, but I think that's because it's personally about Iron Man, not the whole group.


I'm not sure why your 18, 15, 12 year old could not handle this if they've seen the Hulk, the other Iron Man films, and the Avengers.

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I'm not sure the "much more" is right. It's violent, but I don't think anymore so than the others.


Have they seen the previews? There are several up. It WILL be emotional, however, because the Mandarin (the bad guy) kidnaps Pepper (or really places her life on the line, wasn't exactly sure which from the previews) and Tony Stark does have some serious questions he has to answer in this one as a result.


But more violent? I'm not sure. Look for the previews. That will tell you.

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I don't know if the violence was any more gruesome than others, but it did seem to take up more screen time than the others. I thought this last one was really below average, not as good as the others. And I still don't really understand why all the bad guys were glowing...

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Pile-on question: I saw the first film and liked much of it, but I think I'm just shy of my lifetime quota for seeing the Iron Man suit being assembled/slapped on one. panel. at. a. time. It was less interesting to me than golf. Is there less of that now? I can't fast-forward in the theatre.

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I took DS who is 6 with me - first showing opening day woohoo!!! And I agree that there isn't necessarily more violence but it is a different kind of violence...more up close and personal gratuitous killing. There are also more adult-size nuances and subtleties too. But I still recommend it!! :)



Daddy had 7.5 yo at it right now. we decided last night would be too much (late) for DS. I am hoping at least DS has a good time

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There were a couple of times, reading that, were I went "huh..that's just a bit over the top there"--in reference to the reviewer and their comparisons to modern day terrorists, the boston bombings, etc...


No doubt it is violent. But that reviewer makes it seem like it's rip em apart blah blah all the way through. It has a PG--13 rating. If it were as bad as the way the reviewer writes, it would be rated R.

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No doubt it is violent. But that reviewer makes it seem like it's rip em apart blah blah all the way through. It has a PG--13 rating. If it were as bad as the way the reviewer writes, it would be rated R.



Somewhat OT... Mr. & Mrs. Smith is rated PG-13. I think the sex and violence in it is over the top enough to be R rated. So personally, I don't trust the movie ratings. I'm fine with my son seeing some R rated content due to language and nudity but I'm not okay with some stuff that's PG-13 for violence.

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Somewhat OT... Mr. & Mrs. Smith is rated PG-13. I think the sex and violence in it is over the top enough to be R rated. So personally, I don't trust the movie ratings. I'm fine with my son seeing some R rated content due to language and nudity but I'm not okay with some stuff that's PG-13 for violence.


The only thing you're guaranteed not to hear/see in a PG13 movie is more than one f-bomb or full-frontal male nudity. The ratings system is just silly.

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my dd and ds' went and saw it today. this is what she had to say. (from actually watching it - not reading some review) It's dark. It's picked up on suicide bombings and terrorist activity from the middle east. dd thought some of it was rather horrifying. her take was absolutly no children, and not young 'tweens. it's lighter than batman on the whole, but it is still dark.


stay and watch the scene after the credits.


eta: she also said there is one young tween character, and the interaction between him and iron man was fun to watch.

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I saw it yesterday with my husband, and again today with my girls (16, 10, 9). It was my favorite of the three.


I don't think it was more violent, but the nature of the "bad guys" made them scarier. The 9 year old kept having to cover her eyes because the villains just looked frightening.

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Pile-on question: I saw the first film and liked much of it, but I think I'm just shy of my lifetime quota for seeing the Iron Man suit being assembled/slapped on one. panel. at. a. time. It was less interesting to me than golf. Is there less of that now? I can't fast-forward in the theatre.


There is MORE of that in this movie than the previous two put together, I think! Over and over and over again!! (It's never bugged me in the other movies, but this movie drove me nuts with it!)


We didn't like it all that much - but Iron Man is generally our least favorite Avenger-movie, so... take it for what it's worth. There were dark "filmed" scenes with terrorism stuff that were uncomfortable - and the "bad guys" burned from within and that was disarming & ugly - but nothing overly "gross." The violence seemed about par for the course with Iron Man movies.

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DH and I went to see it last night and won't be taking our 7yo and almost 6yo. Just for reference, we did take them to the Avengers movie after we'd seen it and we were comfortable with that level of superhero violence.


I promise no spoilers here- The bad guys in Iron Man 3 would be too intense for my kids. If my 7yo was a few years older we'd let him go because he has a really firm grasp on reality vs. fantasy. Our younger one has a much harder time with that. We might let our older one see it when it comes out on DVD and he can watch it on the smaller screen, but we'll decide that when it's actually out.

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My boys won't see any of this until they're... older. I don't know, maybe 35? We don't let them watch anything like this at all and it would completely and utterly freak them out. They think deeply about the actions in movies/tv shows.


Seriously, I don't think it's much darker than the rest of iron man, but it does continue to talk about terrorism and all the targets are now American.


I loved it.

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but it does continue to talk about terrorism and all the targets are now American.



The Targets AND the Bad Guys (AND the good guys, lol) are now American, yes?


A big change-up from the super-hero movies when I was a kid, lol. The bad guys were always the Russians... :ph34r:


There was too much Tony Stark in this movie - not enough Iron Man. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dh & I finally saw this one tonight. I think it is a pretty great addition to the Iron Man series. (Fwiw, I loved the first Iron Man movie, thought the second one was lame & didn't like it, and I didn't like The Avengers & thought it was pretty boring.) Iron Man 3 has a good plot & some great characters (Ben Kingsley, especially, but also Guy Pearce, & the tween, along w/ all the regular characters). Fabulous cast, really. I think my 12yo ds would really enjoy it & will probably take him.


I had a bit of trepidation hearing about the amount of violence ahead of time (movies these days often have so much or maybe I'm just getting too old for all of it), but I thought this was about on par w/ the first one; not necessarily more violence, just different scenarios. I thought the bad guys looked creepy the first couple of times I saw them, but once I knew what they looked like, I was ok w/ it.


If you like superhero/action movies, I'd definitely recommend this one! :thumbup1:



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