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Just saw this news that a boy shot himself at school


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Oh, please let the boy be OK. This has me sick. I'm shaking.


We are not in Cincy but my son knows boys from different LaSallian schools around the country. I don't know if he's met boys from here.


St. John Baptist DeLaSalle, pray for us.


Live Jesus in our hearts forever.


Update Tues PM: I think the boy is still in critical condition. I haven't seen anything else.

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I'm praying. praying that he makes it, and that people learn to lock up their guns, for the love of everything. There is NO excuse. I'm sure your grandpappy did have his guns out, loaded, etc at all times. I don't care. I bet kids shot themselves then too. I have zero issue with gun ownership, my family owns several. But they are LOCKED UP. If you want a gun available at a second's notice it needs to be on your person. Otherwise in a safe. They are easy to open quickly in an emergency, so there is no excuse.

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That poor child. I hope he pulls through, recovers, and goes on to have a good life. What trauma for the kids who witnessed it - knowing someone who attempts suicide is terrible, having to see it done as an act of violence is so much worse.


I hope it goes without saying that minors, especially minors having mental health problems, should not have access to firearms.

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I'm not going to click on the link - too heartbreaking - but from what I can gather, there's hope?


Praying ferverently for this child, his family, friends, and community.


We'll dedicate our daily rosary to them.


Please, I don't want to read the detailed news but if there's an update - would you mind posting it here?

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How heartbreaking. :crying:


Praying for the boy, and also for his family and friends, who must be so shocked and terrified.


The latest news update said he's in critical condition. If he survives, I am praying that there is no terrible brain damage.

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Why on earth would he do that in front of all of the students? I feel terrible for all of them who had to witness it. Horrifying!




I can only assume that he had major emotional problems and wasn't thinking rationally -- unless he did it as a way of trying to get even with kids who he felt were mean to him or something. But something had to have been terribly wrong for him to resort to such an extreme measure. Thank goodness he didn't shoot anyone else first.


Whatever the case, I can't even imagine how I, as an adult, would deal with something like that -- let alone a classroom full of young teens. And the teacher must be an absolute wreck, too.


And can you imagine the parents of the other kids are feeling? They must be so thankful that their kids weren't shot!


What a tragic situation all the way around. :(



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That's horrible, unsinkable. :(


This is a perfect case for how I feel about guns. We have at least 20 in our home. It's DH's hobby so I don't know how many. However if one of our guns was taken by our children to harm himself or others, I believe we as parents should never again have the right to own ANY type of gun again. No handguns. No shotguns. Nary even a BB gun. Because somewhere along the line, some parent or guardian missed something with this child. A normal, healthy, happy child does not go to school one day and attempt to blow his own head off in front of everyone. Nor does a normal healthy child blow away 20 other kids.


You lock up your guns for healthy kids because healthy kids are often curious kids and even good kids make mistakes. But you add gun locks and hide ammunition and even rehome guns if you have a troubled kid. I'm really tired of bad parenting being ignored by everyone on this issue.

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