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s/o Isn't anyone really, really offended by foul language anymore?

Rebecca VA

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Oh, this is too timely. My dh just came to me cuz he is playing a game of scrabble with my 7 and 9 yo.






My dd wants wants to stick an 's' in there and he didn't know if he should allow it. I said go for it, we read it in Aesop all the time. :lol:

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There are internal reactions and external reactions to foul language.


Internally, I react to people who use foul language (except in cases of serious emotional trauma or physical trauma) very negatively. I think of them as unintelligent, inarticulate and socially incompetent. It's simply not articulate, smart or socially skilled to use profanity in public. If people have more articulate ways of expressing their annoyances and frustrations but they choose not to-I read it as a sign of not being very smart. If they're using it in public when young child (natural born mimics) could possibly hear it, I consider it as socially inept as other topics strangers should not introduce to young children, like say, human reproduction. Most would agree that human reproduction is a great thing, but few would think of introducing it to other people's children who may be nearby. How much more so a debatable topic like profanity.


Externally, I have never felt like running away just because someone is offensive. That would be giving them influence over me. If I had children around that could hear it, I simply calmly explain to them that the words being used were rude and obnoxious, so the child knows it's not acceptable to use them. If they were in that young toddler stage where they hear a word and repeat it over and over with no way of understanding that some words are appropriate and others aren't, I would calmly walk away from the obnoxious person far enough to be out of ear shot.


So if I were to get cutoff while driving my response would be, "Stupid son of a b%tch. Get a f'in clue!"

Your would be something like, "How unfortunate it is that you chose to endanger my life and those of my children with your irresponsible driving abilities."

Seriously? I am socially incompetent, inarticulate, and dumb? I would say that I got my point across quite well. I will be sure to reflect on that as I gaze at my Master's diploma hanging on the office wall. I guess I missed that class in grad school.


But on a side note. I love profanity when it comes to my self proclaimed "good catholic neighbor". (the one that watches porn and has been married a few times). I string together a nice line of my Long Island heritage and let it fly. She will get it every time she confronts me with her bullshit.

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Oh, this is too timely. My dh just came to me cuz he is playing a game of scrabble with my 7 and 9 yo.






My dd wants wants to stick an 's' in there and he didn't know if he should allow it. I said go for it, we read it in Aesop all the time. :lol:


Ha! My 7 year old said to me, "Mom, wouldn't it suck if everyone in the world had no legs?"

What can I say? That would really suck. He's right.

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So if I were to get cutoff while driving my response would be, "Stupid son of a b%tch. Get a f'in clue!"

Your would be something like, "How unfortunate it is that you chose to endanger my life and those of my children with your irresponsible driving abilities."


my response would be - get off the road idiot. and for the motorcycle that raced up the freeway BETWEEN two lanes of bumper to bumper cars on a bridge - well, I was too busy trying calm down to say much of anything. (that got the adrenalin pumping :svengo: ) by the time my brain had registered, he was gone. though I did comment he would probably get himself killed - and hopefully not take someone else with him.

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So if I were to get cutoff while driving my response would be, "Stupid son of a b%tch. Get a f'in clue!"

Your would be something like, "How unfortunate it is that you chose to endanger my life and those of my children with your irresponsible driving abilities."

Seriously? I am socially incompetent, inarticulate, and dumb? I would say that I got my point across quite well. I will be sure to reflect on that as I gaze at my Master's diploma hanging on the office wall. I guess I missed that class in grad school.





Hmm. And I have no such credentials on my wall. Maybe I am the unenlightened one who isn't smart enough to use profanity? Not.


I have a natural tendency toward a very hot fast temper. I have worked hard in my life to control it. I have failed to control it especially in my youth and I know I feel MUCH better when I control it.

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I have a natural tendency toward a very hot fast temper. I have worked hard in my life to control it. I have failed to control it especially in my youth and I know I feel MUCH better when I control it.



We must be related. I've a temper like that too

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I have a natural tendency toward a very hot fast temper. I have worked hard in my life to control it. I have failed to control it especially in my youth and I know I feel MUCH better when I control it.


I sure did when I was young. One of the few things I can remember my grandmother saying to me on multiple occasions "Kristen, you have got to control that temper". I remember the tone of voice too. It's much better to control the response. I remember a line of a character's cogitating upon this subject from a book I once read: ____'s temper was hot, so it controlled him. his temper was cold, so he controlled it.

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Moist flesh colored panties.

Yeah, I went there. LOL


Well now I don't know whether to be incredibly impressed or deeply concerned.



After contemplation I find myself slightly awe struck.


(And I did giggle a little about the number of people who probably shuddered when they read it every.time.it.was.quoted. :p )

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There are very few words I find offensive. An f-bomb here and there is fine, but if it is coming every other word, or said in a particularly aggressive way, then I get uncomfortable. I cannot stand vulgar terms for male and female genitalia.


I try to never swear in public, and if I do slip-up, it is h*ll or d*amn, which I don't consider swears.

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Why? Is crotch sweat offensive to you?


It is a real issue, especially when exercising in humid weather.



Confession time:


Every time I see the word "crochet" I think how odd that this activity nice, little church ladies love starts with crotch.



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We must be related. I've a temper like that too


High five......and thus I don't get the need to release with bad words. At the same time, my tone and intensity even without swear words can be OVER the top and I have to watch that too.


When I figured out that I could live through a situation that infuriated me WITHOUT behaving badly....it was then I knew I controlled my temper, it did not control me.

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So really your issue is not with the use of profanity. It is the lack of one's self control (whether real or perceived) when angry. That seems entirely separate from this discussion, but perhaps that just my simplistic thinking.



Not sure if you are talking to me, but yes, I have an issue with both. I don't want to hear a string of f bombs even said casually without anger, but a person can display total lack of self control without saying a single bad word.

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So if I were to get cutoff while driving my response would be, "Stupid son of a b%tch. Get a f'in clue!"

Your would be something like, "How unfortunate it is that you chose to endanger my life and those of my children with your irresponsible driving abilities."

Seriously? I am socially incompetent, inarticulate, and dumb? I would say that I got my point across quite well. I will be sure to reflect on that as I gaze at my Master's diploma hanging on the office wall. I guess I missed that class in grad school.


But on a side note. I love profanity when it comes to my self proclaimed "good catholic neighbor". (the one that watches porn and has been married a few times). I string together a nice line of my Long Island heritage and let it fly. She will get it every time she confronts me with her bullshit.


When you're in you're car being cut off, you're not in public. I specified what I thought of people using it in public. I have no problem with people using profanity when they're not in public. It's also serious emotional trauma when someone does something so stupid it endangers peoples' lives like cutting off others while driving-that can cause car accidents. I made allowances for that. Read the post carefully before commenting next time.

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