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Magazines for teen girls?

Night Elf

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Dd15 has finally grown out of the American Girl magazine. She needs something new. Her main interest is music (eclectic style), but science is a close second. She isn't into beauty or fashion tips. She isn't a girly girl at all, more like a tom boy. She used to like to read a lot but school has taken away her enjoyment of free reading. She simply doesn't have time for long books. I think she'd like short stories.


Any suggestions?

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I can't recommend any science or music magazines for Night Elf's daughter (sorry!), but I definitely recommend Justine Magazine as a "girly" teen magazine. Lots of cute fashion tips, celebrity news, and latest movie and TV show talk. My daughter really likes it. The website is www.justinemagazine.com .

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Odyssey markets itself as geared toward ages 10-16--might that work?




At 15, I might encourage her to read National Geographic (my secret addiction!) or Scientific American, or any of the very thoughtful magazines geared more toward adults than kids/teens. Truly science-oriented magazines might be a little dry for her, but Nat Geo should be pretty accessible.

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She might like ChemMatters magazine if she has a science bent. It's written for high school students, with articles typically 2-3 pages long. It explains the underlying chemistry pretty well, so it would be useful even to those who haven't taken chemistry yet. You can see some sample issues at their website.


Erica in OR

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