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If you were only doing *1* math curriculum which would it be?


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singapore math grade 7-10 offering is in a mess due to common core.


This is not true. I used the old version of DM 1A and now we are in the new version of 7B. There is very little difference between the two except that the CCS version has some added topics (which is why I switched). The 8th grade CCS books are supposed to be available this summer.


I will for sure be outsourcing the teaching of math by pre-calc (if not before) so I am not at all concerned about the lack of higher level materials. Right now the plan is to take my DD through DM 8B and the geometry section of DM 3 (or will it be DM 9 by then?) and then see how confident I feel about finishing out the DM series vs. outsourcing algebra 2.


Certainly I wouldn't base my elementary school pick of MEP vs. Singapore based on concerns about secondary math. MEP is a good program but it isn't a good "fit" for my teaching style. I like "soft spiral" programs where each chapter is on one topic and there is a very clear scope & sequence that I can judge my student's progress along. I used MEP Reception and 1A with my DS but while I felt like he was doing a lot of very interesting math work, I couldn't quiet that nagging little voice of doubt that he was actually making any progress.

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Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. :-)

See, that's the first thing I thought of when I first read this thread title - no homeschooler worth her salt will do only one maths curriculum. If not another whole curric, most will at least add a supplement - maths readers, word problems, contest problems, vintage maths books, etc. ;)


:w00t: :confused1:


Ummm.... I have no comment, other than that I have no comment.

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:w00t: :confused1:


Ummm.... I have no comment, other than that I have no comment.

Yeah, I disagree as well. Some kids and families do fine on one. It really depends on your kid. I skip around, but I would NEVER say a homeschooler wasn't worth their salt for not doing the same.


As for my vote, I would go with MEP. It's free and calls for a variety of learning styles. I really love Singapore, some parts of Saxon, MM, LoF, and RightStart, too, though. lol

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This is not true. I used the old version of DM 1A and now we are in the new version of 7B. There is very little difference between the two except that the CCS version has some added topics (which is why I switched). The 8th grade CCS books are supposed to be available this summer.


Mess is not the most exact word to use. I do prefer having a full set though and NEM and NSM series are both "incomplete" now. I was going to order the DM 7A & 7B but my older boy has done most of the chapters. These are the topics he has not fully done.


" Slopes of Linear Graphs

A. Positive Slopes

B. Negative Slopes

C. Special Cases" - He has done positive correlation, negative correlation and no correlation. He has not done calculation for slope.


"16.1 Set Notation

A. Sets

B. Equal Sets

C. Subsets

D. Universal Set and Empty Set

E. Complement of a Set" - . He has done P(AUB), P(AnB), P(A'), and p(A) + p(A') = 1

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Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. :-)

See, that's the first thing I thought of when I first read this thread title - no homeschooler worth her salt will do only one maths curriculum. If not another whole curric, most will at least add a supplement - maths readers, word problems, contest problems, vintage maths books, etc. ;)


Guess I really screwed up with my first 5 kids then and need to have my "salt" taken away. Never supplemented Horizons for K-6th grade books for any of them. Can't imagine how they managed to turn out the way they did. ;)


#6 is the first child I have ever supplemented with and just started to last yr. I honestly do not believe she is a "stronger" math student than my others w/o any supplementing.


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I've never ever heard of people doing more than 1 math curriculum at a time until I came here (and I've homeschooled 11 years and been a part of a large homeschool community)!? I don't think it's as common as you think, to do more than one math curriculum.




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Christian Liberty Press correspondance school used Saxon starting at 54, and has been writing their own curriculum for before that. I would really like to get a look at this curriculum.




Hunter, I have had Liberty Math for K and 2nd. Although my dd has struggled with math, I have to say that I really like Liberty a lot! I think one reason it is not more popular than it is, is that many want a TM that is more scripted. The one with Liberty has just basic ideas on how to teach the math. The other reason I feel it has not taken off is they only go to 2nd grade at this point. I don't know why CBD doesn't sell the 2nd grade book (the one with a frog and some red balloons on the cover), but you can see it at RR. I felt this book covered everything well without too much drill.

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Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. :-)

See, that's the first thing I thought of when I first read this thread title - no homeschooler worth her salt will do only one maths curriculum. If not another whole curric, most will at least add a supplement - maths readers, word problems, contest problems, vintage maths books, etc. ;)



:confused1: :svengo:

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I have used Modern Curriculum Press for a decade now and the only regrets I have ever had were the 3 times I gave something else a try.


Unless MCP completely changes, I'm sticking with it until 6th/7th grade for all the rest of my kids.


I don't supplement it. I have LoF and other Mathy books they are welcome to enjoy if they want at their leisure, but that's it.


The kids who have done MCP straight through are having no problems at all going into Lials and further, do quite decent to very well on their itbs and ACTs, so I'm quite happy and so are they.

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Meh. I'm worth my salt as a home schooler. Worth some chocolate and wine too for that matter. ;p


There is a fine line between being eclectic vs curriculum hopping or scattered.


When it comes to math, I personally feel staying with a solid program is important.

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I like Rightstart for K, followed by MEP.


If I wanted a straightforward traditional math my top choices would be: Christian Light Education (which technically doesn't have a K program), Rod & Staff, or the Amish Spunky series (which also doesn't start until first grade). Actually, even if I was going to go with a traditional math program, I might still do Rightstart for K.

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If I were stuck with one curricula for K, I'd do MEP-reception a couple of days a week but I'd also buy and use cuisinaire rods and pattern blocks for the other two-three days a week (since reception is only 60 lessons) for us to play around with (*cough* no, I totally didn't just add Miquon back in there -- no books!! See!! *shifty eyes*).

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Hunter, I have had Liberty Math for K and 2nd. Although my dd has struggled with math, I have to say that I really like Liberty a lot! I think one reason it is not more popular than it is, is that many want a TM that is more scripted. The one with Liberty has just basic ideas on how to teach the math. The other reason I feel it has not taken off is they only go to 2nd grade at this point. I don't know why CBD doesn't sell the 2nd grade book (the one with a frog and some red balloons on the cover), but you can see it at RR. I felt this book covered everything well without too much drill.



Thanks for the review. The samples looked awfully good. I'd really like to see these books at some point without buying them.

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