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  1. I don't think it's appropriate for 8th grade, unless there's some kind of edited version? I read it (the full version) in 11th grade, and plan to have Ds14 read it in 12th.
  2. I agree that 2+ years of a single foreign language would be very helpful. The other thing that stood out to my from your list was 9th grade math - Do you mean completing both AoPS Introduction to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra in one year? That seems like a very heavy math year. Or just Introduction to Algebra? I'm not sure whether you can skip Intermediate Algebra and go straight into Precalculus, but this would be something to check out.
  3. Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Peace are the first ones that come to mind. Ds14 has read and enjoyed both this year. He also recommends Tex and Rumble Fish, if your son is interested in reading a few more by SE Hinton.
  4. Ds14 used Singapore 1-6. Ds11 tried Singapore and Miquon, but has been using MUS since Beta. We are planning to switch after pre-algebra. Ds10 used Miquon and Singapore 2-6.
  5. The whole first book is in pdf here. We haven't used it, but I've only heard good things.
  6. My oldest used Analytical Grammar in 6th-7th and is now using Stewart English for 8th-10th. They're very different, but he's enjoyed and done well with both.
  7. Including required reading, Ds8 spends 3-4 hours.
  8. I always go back and forth on how much schoolwork to do over the summer. One of my kids really needs the extra time to "keep up" and would forget way too much if we took 8-10 weeks off, but this is the kid who's involved in the most summer sports and activities. He'll continue math and WWE 2-3 days per week (he should finish both by September this way) and I'll assign him some fun, light reading. The other boys will have time to tackle some tougher reading and a little math enrichment.
  9. In my experience in Ontario and Newfoundland (we moved to the US in 2009, so I'm not sure how much has changed), dual enrollment is available, but not nearly as common. In Newfoundland, one high school does not offer AP classes, and instead had a dual enrollment agreement with the university. In Ontario, and for kids from other schools in Newfoundland, dual enrollment was arranged on a case-by-case basis.
  10. I think Wheelock's would be too much for 3rd grade. I tried it with my oldest at the end of 4th and didn't get very far - he found it both overwhelming and boring. For younger kids who want a high school/college level Latin course, I like Latin for the New Millenium.
  11. Yes, Ds13 finished "high school" math last year in 7th grade. His goals for math were a little different than some I've seen mentioned here. He does not want to be a mathematician, and has never shown any interest in math competitions. From the time he was 6 or 7, his interest in math has been driven by his love for chemistry and physics. For this reason, we focused on algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus, and only dabbled in other areas of math. He did start taking college classes last year (through dual enrollment), but that was based more on science than math. There are online options available for the first few college math courses that we likely would have used if he hadn't been so desperate to get inside a chemistry lab.
  12. We're also not using a literature program for high school. Ds used Windows to the World last year, and EIL was my back-up plan for this year. Instead, Ds has a reading list for the year, and we discuss most of them as he finishes. Sometimes, essay topics have come out of our discussions. Otherwise, I'll have him pick one of the books he's read recently (or two that he wants to compare), and I come up with a few options for him to choose from. He's always free to pick his own topic, but he likes me to narrow it down for him. If you want to stick with EIL, I would have him read the book, without reading the assignment first. Then, let him decide whether he wants to complete the assignment as written, or substitute a different topic. If he doesn't want to write about that book at all, let him write about the honours book instead.
  13. I have two boys who are accelerated in math, and this is exactly what they did. Ds13 started Singapore 1A at 5 and finished 6B at 8. Ds10 started at 5.5 and finished just before he turned 10. They're very different learners, but both definitely have an innate ability that they didn't get from me. Ds13 just "knows" the concepts before he's taught them, while Ds10 has a great memory for procedures, but needs to work through them to fully understand the concepts. Both boys skipped the workbook for some sections (just did the textbook and CWP), and Ds13 skipped a few sections entirely. We didn't skip any levels. Algebra in elementary school is only appropriate for a very few kids, and accelerated kids are definitely overrepresented on this forum. My Ds11 will start algebra in 8th grade, maybe the second half of 7th, and I'm perfectly happy with where he is.
  14. Is there a specific reason that you want to stick with Saxon? I know the lessons would be too long and repetitive for my "space cadet". Switching to something less time-consuming for math might make his days a little more manageable overall. Is there a certain time of day that he seems to be able to get the most done? With my 11yo, who can only sit at a table and focus on schoolwork for a couple hours, we have to prioritize. Math, writing, grammar and sometimes Latin get polished off in his focus window. Everything else is done in small chunks throughout the day, or through videos, activities, experiments, etc. Online lectures, Teaching Company and Intellego have been great, and I'm looking at Ellen McHenry's science programs for next year.
  15. We have the same situation with Ds11 and Ds10, but they're only 14 months apart. When they were younger, we made a point of keeping them in separate math programs and using ungraded materials, but it really hasn't been as big of an issue as we thought it would. My kids are well aware of each others' weaknesses, so they don't seem bothered by each others' strengths.
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