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I got out the glitter today.


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I feel as though I deserve an award. I've had this great little package of glitter shakers in different colours for months. We finally used it to make a glittery easter project.


Best Mum Ever. Or at least, Best Mum at our house!


I know there are fellow glitter haters here who will understand!


(It wasn't really that bad, my kids were very careful with it and I'm sure we'll get it out again...soon-ish.)

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You definitely get Best Mom Award. I am terrified of that stuff.


I read the title and opened the thread to see how you got the glitter out of everything. I was impressed. I thought you had done the impossible. :lol: Guess you will be working on that for the next several years; until you finally just give up!:lol:

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Good for you! I still come across glitter from the last time DD made a glitter-laden creation (it's been at least 2 months). I've resigned myself to the fact that our schoolroom is just going to have permanent glitter spots for the next few years (DS isn't into glitter, but I'm sure DD will be for years to come). It's actually kinda fun. :)

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We did a glitter project when my oldest ds was three. He's nine now and we have moved three times since then. I still find a few specks of red and green. Whereas, I used to complain about how it has followed me all these years, I now am kind of fond of the memories that it represents. Memories of simpler less hectic days. Lol.

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I bought a several different colors of glitter when my boys were 3 or 4 years old. I hid it on top of our very high refrigerator, way in the back, when no one was home. No one knew I had bought the glitter. Since my boys weren't climbers, I figured it was safe.


Way past midnight one night, DH and I were awakened by DS3's blood-curdling screams. DS1 and DD had gone downstairs to the kitchen and had climbed up on the counters. They found the glitter. They poured it in sleeping DS3's eyes so he would see sparklies when he woke up. They had been very excited about giving DS3 this psychelic experience, and they had no inkling that this was a bad idea.


Removing the glitter from his eyes was nearly impossible. Simply pouring saline solution on his eyes did not work. I think I ended up getting the rest off his eyeballs with a wet Q-tip. I was so scared his sight had been damaged. Luckily, it had not. The entire time, DS3 was screaming his head off, which made me even more extremely anxious.


Getting it off his skin and out of his hair and ears was equally difficult, but that part wasn't dangerous. I guess it eventually wore off. Soap and water, baby oil, baby powder ... nothing I tried worked.


After that, I never purchased glitter again, and I never will. So, we have never used it for an art project, like I had planned.

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I bought a several different colors of glitter when my boys were 3 or 4 years old. I hid it on top of our very high refrigerator, way in the back, when no one was home. No one knew I had bought the glitter. Since my boys weren't climbers, I figured it was safe.


Way past midnight one night, DH and I were awakened by DS3's blood-curdling screams. DS1 and DD had gone downstairs to the kitchen and had climbed up on the counters. They found the glitter. They poured it in sleeping DS3's eyes so he would see sparklies when he woke up. They had been very excited about giving DS3 this psychelic experience, and they had no inkling that this was a bad idea.


Removing the glitter from his eyes was nearly impossible. Simply pouring saline solution on his eyes did not work. I think I ended up getting the rest off his eyeballs with a wet Q-tip. I was so scared his sight had been damaged. Luckily, it had not. The entire time, DS3 was screaming his head off, which made me even more extremely anxious.


Getting it off his skin and out of his hair and ears was equally difficult, but that part wasn't dangerous. I guess it eventually wore off. Soap and water, baby oil, baby powder ... nothing I tried worked.


After that, I never purchased glitter again, and I never will. So, we have never used it for an art project, like I had planned.



Wow...poor kid! I do not purchase glitter for fear my kids would do something equally.......erm, genius. :lol:

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After that, I never purchased glitter again, and I never will. So, we have never used it for an art project, like I had planned.



You win the best (worst?) glitter story I've ever heard. I love that they wanted him to see sparkles! I can't imagine having to dig all the glitter out of his eyes, that must have been very nerve-racking.

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