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I would google, but not sure what.....need some sort of ice bag.


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In a few months we are camping at Disney. We sometimes stay in a condo. When we do, I bring ice packs to put in the freezer so that we can save money and bring our lunches into the parks each day. This time we will be camping and won't have a freezer (we have a pop up). We will have ice though. Is there some sort of leakproof bags that I can buy to put some ice in to make ice packs for our lunches? I've tried using zip locs (even double bagging) and still had leak issues....that's why we've been just buying lunch the last few times we've camped at Disney. But I'd really like to save money and eat healthier. But I'm not sure what to use to bag the ice without a mess. Any suggestions? Surely this product has been created lol.

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Buy those blue pouch thingies at Sports Authority. They're clear plastic with some kind of blue gel stuff inside them. You stick them in the freezer for a while and they stay cold. They're supposed to be for icing athletic injuries, but they work great in lunchboxes.




I'm sure you can get them cheaper elsewhere, but that's what they look like. Apparently they are called Cold Therapy Packs.


You can also get the Coleman (or another brand) hard plastic rectangular bottle-type things that have the same blue stuff inside them. The only disadvantage of those is that they take up more room in your lunchbox, and they feel heavier. You can usually get those in the camping department in Walmart or a sporting goods store.


An added advantage of the cold therapy thingies is that they work great if someone in the family has a fever and you need an ice pack that doesn't leak and make a mess. They aren't hard like an ice pack, either, so they are comfortable on a forehead or behind your neck.

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Would dry ice work, at least to keep ice packs/freezer bags frozen? We've only used it once and we had a separate cooler for frozen vs cold items. The dry ice worked for frozen things on our trip. Dh did it all though so I have no idea how it works.

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I'm wondering about using the zip bags--did they really leak or was it just a lot of condensation? I often send ds1 to school with a zip bag of ice (only about half full) in his lunch bag because he keeps his lunch in the car. :glare: I wrap the bag in a paper towel to catch the condensation. He hasn't had a bag leak yet.


Or you could get those cold compress bags like this.

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Could you sew fabric sacks (cozies) for your ziploc bags? Out of old towels, perhaps, to help with condensation? Or maybe out of oil cloth, the tablecloth material? They would not have to be water proof themselves, just tougher than a ziploc bag.



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