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Does anyone want 60 to 100 year old books?


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I have a bunch of old books. For example, I have a copy of Ben Hur from 1902 and Cherry Ames books from the 1940s, and Honey Bunch books from the 1920s and '30s. More recent books include Bobbsey Twin books from the 1960s, and a few others.


I love books and I love to look at these old books but no one in my house is ever going to read them. My house is bursting with bookcases and I need to make room for newer books.


Since my boys do not want to read about 5 year old Honey Bunch or Flight Nurse Cherry Ames I'm going to let these old girl books go.


Does anyone know if there's some sort of market somewhere for these old books? I don't know where to start. I don't want to just drop them off at Goodwill. I want them to go to someone who will love them and read them.

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Wow! Those were some fast answers, and good ones, too. Thank you! I love these old books just enough to want to give them to a good home, but I don't love them enough to keep them in the house.


They don't have to be gone right away, so I can take some time to try to sell them. I've managed to clear off a few shelves of newer books that I can happily send to Goodwill. Having these old books hang around for a couple more months isn't a big deal.

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Powell's Books in Portland buys books and pays for the cost of shipping the books to them. Generally you enter the ISBN number of the book at their website to see their offer, but since your books are too old to have ISBN numbers, you'd need to email them to see if they are interested. Their website is powells.com.


You could search "Completed Auctions" at eBay to see what they're going for there.


As a PP mentioned, Etsy is also a good place to sell them, once you know what they're worth, as are local used bookstores.

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I love Cherry Ames. I might be interested in those depending on how much you want for them. I loved reading my grandmother's copies when I was a young kid and let a friend borrow the four I had and they never returned them. :( I know DD would love them too.

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I love Cherry Ames too! I have mine from a used bookstore but there are quite a few for the kindle. Also the first 3 or 4 have been republished.


Thanks for the tip! The last time I tried to google about Cherry Ames was a few years ago, and I stumbled into some fanfic that called for brain bleach. I've been afraid to look up anything about the books ever again.

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