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February Financial Accountability Week 4 (2/22-2/28)


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Yesterday, I had to buy gas for both cars, stamps to mail the wedding shower invitations. And, we decided last minute to go to the local indoor trampoline place with the kids. It was $12/hour, but one was done after an hour and the other was done after 2. It's exhausting! So, it was only $32. Not bad for a fun field trip! :)

Today, I have to grocery shop and it will include a trip to Sam's Club and my meat store. I think I'll end up spending the rest of my budget!!!


Groceries (including all household items): $440/$700

Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!)

Gas: $350/$550

Kids' activities: $880/$1700


Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account:

Eating out: $6/0!!!

Coffee: 0!!!



Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32.



Extra income (hopefully!):

Goal: $555/$400

(Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)


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Month to date totals:


Groceries 495/600

Kindle/Itunes- 22.01/10.00

Kids Activities and Needs- 245.61 I don't actually have a budgeted amount for this

Gas 98/100

Eating Out- 92.51/20.00 I'm WAY over budget for this

Misc- 319.91 this includes the wedding gift, attire for wedding, and misc purchases for myself. A lot of these are wants but a good portion are what I'd call needs. I think I need to redefine what I consider a need so I can curb some of this category. Or maybe I need to break it up into individual categories?

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Well, we have arrived at our hotel. Looooong drive, but arrived safe and sound!


2/22 $50 gas, $73 hotel, $40 groceries/road food and snacks for game day tomorrow.

2/23 $40 gas, $14 lunch, $12 socks for ds, $10 team shirt, $2 soda, $8 dinner and coffee for drive home. we are home! And tomorrow should be a no spend day.

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Grocery shopped today. This should last me until next Sunday, at least. This included $200 worth of meat. I get meat about every 12 weeks. So, I'm over my goal. But, I hope to be well under next month!


And, I HAD to have a coffee this morning on the way to gymnastics.


The only other things I have this month are another payment for Boy Scout Camp and another payment for rowing.



Groceries (including all household items): $772.50/$700

Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!)

Gas: $400/$550

Kids' activities: $880/$1700


Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account:

Eating out: $6/0!!!

Coffee: 1.86!!!



Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32.



Extra income (hopefully!):

Goal: $555/$400

(Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)


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This has been an expensive month. :glare: On Thursday, I ordered contact lenses (267.96), signed the boys up for baseball (340.00) and then paid for the co-op classes (266.00). On the plus side, I bought groceries today, which I expect will be the end of grocery-buying for this month. I find it fascinating that my total food groceries comes out to $548.07 today, while last month, the same category was $545.35. Pretty remarkable how close those figures are!


I did buy groceries for my MIL, too, but I'm counting them in my "Gifts" category, so it won't confuse my family-feeding records.

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Bought socks and underwear for dh and ds - total was $127.00, but I didn't buy Movies as Literature or Wordsmith Apprentice even though I got to checkout TWICE. I do need to order our CAT tests for the required annual testing and register the middle two boys for the ACT this spring. That will all take a chunk of change.

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Bought socks and underwear for dh and ds - total was $127.00, but I didn't buy Movies as Literature or Wordsmith Apprentice even though I got to checkout TWICE. I do need to order our CAT tests for the required annual testing and register the middle two boys for the ACT this spring. That will all take a chunk of change.



I need to order itbs...i will wait until may though, i think, as we dont take it til end of may beginning of june.

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2/22 -- $0

Somewhere along the line, I got off track during the weekend. So, I'll try to remember what we did.

2/23 -- oldest dd had a robotics class about 1 1/2 hour away. I bought snacks and gas. $54 gas, $20 snacks and some medicine at Target

2/24 -- $182 new faucet; my dishwasher died and DH was so nice, he bought me a fancy faucet (on clearance at Lowe's) with a sprayer and soap dispenser. But...our current faucet is all set up different, so we may need a plumber to install it. Sigh...but maybe he can revive our dishwasher while he's here!

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Well...I didn't spend any money last week as I was to darn sick. However, I gave my envelope to the kids to buy groceries and craft supplies. Needless to say it's empty, but we are well stocked and we did have Chipotle over the weekend.


I'll be staying home all week to recover from this cold and will not spend any money until Friday.

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I am over on groceries for this month....we are in between huge snowstorms (had a foot last week and am expecting a foot today of snow) and I had to buy at the store closest to me rather than where I usually buy. The prices were 40% higher, at least. It was bad for the budget, but great motivation to keep driving to the farther away store. I am under on our eating out budget and gas, though. Hurray! For budget purposes, I can rearrange and have it all covered.


Our NICU bills are all paid off but one ($1100 that my insurance company should cover fully but is denying)! We have had some other unexpected expensive stuff come up.....it looks like I remain disciplined in my spending!

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I went to Goodwill today, to try and score pants for ds13, who I swear grows a quarter inch every night. There were almost no pants in his size at all, though I did find a nice pair that will be for Easter. Less than $2. The big win, though, was the barstools. I found two good barstools with a black "leather" padded seat at $10 apiece. We're finishing our basement (very slowly) and those will work at the bar. (Perhaps not forever, but for $20, it won't hurt to have them already.) I also got ds soccer cleats for $15, which, TBH, I thought was a little expensive for Goodwill, but obviously much better than buying new cleats in a men's size.


Cute side-bar: there was an antique meat grinder I pointed out to ds13. He took an interest in its potential resale possibilities. He looked it up on e-Bay and then asked if I would buy it so he could resell it. So, I now own an antique meat grinder, on the potential that he might be able to make $50 or more dollars on it. :001_cool: Of course, it may not work out as well as that, but I greatly enjoy it when my kids are open to possibilities such as this. He shows a lot of entrepreneurial promise!

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2/25 0

2/26 My DS needed jeans so hit up JCP and there was tons of clearance so got him 2 pairs of jeans, 4 shirts, 2 hoodies, socks, underwear, 3 pairs of jeans for my DD, and a couple of things for my younger 2. I spent $120 but ended up with a lot of stuff, enough to hold him over till the summer. $2.18 at Amazon but I got a whole album for that price!

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I got busy and forgot, repeatedly, to come post. But I was still keeping track. In fact, I created my own Excel spreadsheets for keeping track of how much we are spending in our cash categories each month. It's much easier than the writing down and then adding that I was doing.


I should come in about $400 under what I spent last month. Yay!


These totals are as of last Saturday. There have been a few additions.


Groceries: $794.99

Gas: $80

Eating Out: $43.78

Medical: $56.99

Car Maintenance/Fees: $18.20

Pets: $24.97

Self-Care: $20

Clothing: $177

Entertainment: $11.79

Crafts: $5.42

School: $219.96

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I had to buy a few things at CVS - shampoo and deodorant. But, I used a bunch of coupons and stacked them with a $3 off of $15 and ECBs and walked out spending very little.


Then, I spent $530 on wedding and shower presents from my sisters and me for my new sister-in-law to be. That wasn't budgeted for this month, but both the wedding and shower invites went out and I wanted to get what I wanted! So, it needed to be done and since I'm the only one who lives near a Bath, Bed and Beyond, it fell on me. And, I used 20% off coupons, so the original total was near $650!! My share of that is only $135 though.


And, we put down a $150 deposit on Boy Scout camp for the summer.



Groceries (including all household items): $784.50/$700

Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!)

Gas: $400/$550

Kids' activities: $1030/$1700


Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account:

Eating out: $6/0!!!

Coffee: 1.86!!!



Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32. Wedding/shower gift for said wedding/shower: $135.



Extra income (hopefully!):

Goal: $555/$400

(Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)


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I have fizzled this month. I think it's because I am on a diet, and I can apparently only focus on one self-help thing at a time. I'm down 7 pounds and 2 inches off of my waist! But, I have got to get back to tracking my spending. Middle dd is getting her braces on March 11th, at which time I have to have 25% of the cost to put down. Oh, and I have baseboards already purchased, but I need to buy all of the door casings before I can install the baseboards. So many things to spend my money on!

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Only non-essential spending:


2/22 $0

2/23 $2 coffee

2/24 $217 DSW (scored on clearance---2 pr boots for me, boots and lace-up Oxford heels for dd18, sneakers for dd13----and we all wear size 6 :D), $13.13 at used book store (astronomy books)

2/25 $0

2/26 $0 (dh met a friend at Starbucks but used gift card funds)


Today should be $0 again.

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I was just looking at that other thread. Suzy Ormand or whatever the heck her name is - you know, the money woman who has way too much energy for my taste -- says 8 months. Man, is that depressing or what?


We haven't had to pay utilities for years (included in our housing). I know it probably varies by region, but what do people generally have to pay?



Tbh, suze drives me a little nuts. 8 months?? Hahahahaha. No. Just no. We will start with 3 and then continue to fund it WHILE funding other things like xmas gifts, car repairs, and vacation. I dont know what we pay for utilities as dh is in charge of that, but around 80 a month in winter and 150 in summer.

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Took the kids to the children's museum today. Had a coupon for free admission. We did spend $6 on drinks and a snack though.


My utilities here are nuts. Water bill comes out every 2 months it runs $160-170. The charge for water is only around $30 the rest is sewer and all the taxes they add on. Garbage bill is every 2 months $43 for pickup once every 2 weeks. My heat is electric so electric bill runs $225+ in winter and $100 in summer. My electric company tacks on around $40 as a minimum system charge. Payable even if you don't use any electric!

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Don't be too hard on yourself. Changing one's thinking about and behavior toward money is a process. You can take baby steps and it will be ok.


This is true! I'm actually really proud of us, we got our tax return and put all but $200 into savings. We used the 200 to pay off a credit card, and buy the last of the curricula we needed.

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I was just looking at that other thread. Suzy Ormand or whatever the heck her name is - you know, the money woman who has way too much energy for my taste -- says 8 months. Man, is that depressing or what?


We haven't had to pay utilities for years (included in our housing). I know it probably varies by region, but what do people generally have to pay?


Our landlord pays our water, but I know our electric is 40-75 depending on the season, and gas is 50-250 depending on the season.

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Total for this month (I don't anticipate more spending today-maybe a coffee at work, but that's it)


Total: $1859

Groceries: I was very good, but DH went to BJs and spend $200. So $790 total. Not bad, but man, set DH loose in BJs and he goes NUTS.

Gas: $242. This includes a very long road trip (about $90 worth of gas) so not bad.

Kids: $158 (clothing, new socks, medication)

Dining Out: $136. More than usual, but again, road trip was expensive.

Curriculum and Paper supplies/Toner: $132


Transferred to savings: $100

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I was just looking at that other thread. Suzy Ormand or whatever the heck her name is - you know, the money woman who has way too much energy for my taste -- says 8 months. Man, is that depressing or what?


We haven't had to pay utilities for years (included in our housing). I know it probably varies by region, but what do people generally have to pay?


I like Suze. I don't hear her often, but once in a while I catch her on TV and I have a CD I picked up at Goodwill. On the CD, she was saying 8 months for the emergency fund.


I don't technically have one fund that I call our "emergency fund," but I do have several liquid accounts that can be tapped without penalty. I do have a bottom number that I don't like any of them to fall below. We would be in good shape for many months without an income. In 2008 and 2009, we earned only about half a year's worth of pay from dh's business. If we did not have accessible money, we would have been in serious trouble during that time. Currently, I'm striving to build those accounts back to a comfortable level after those years of draining it quite a bit.


My utilities may not compare in any logical way, but FWIW, my electric is about $300 during the coldest months, $250 in the hottest months. We have a wood-burning furnace for heat. Before we had that, heating oil was shockingly, horribly expensive - and that was before it was half so high as it is now. We were averaging $700/month for OIL in the winter when we bought the furnace. We're on a well, so no water bill. I think trash and recycling removal is $86/3 months. (I can't remember the interval off the top of my head; might be 2 months.)

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Here are my February totals:


Food Groceries: 548.07

Non-Food Groceries: 118.82

Other Household: 222.54

Food Eaten Out (incl. dd's lunch): 86.39

Kids Activities: 460.00

Co-op Classes: 266.00

Books: 133.55 :ph34r:

Gifts/Parties: 47.95

Hair/Personal: 257.00 :ph34r:

Auto Maintenance: 180.00

Clothing: 179.19


Fortunately, we received three rental checks that were very helpful. :thumbup1: Straight to savings you go, little dogies.

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I won't have totals until tomorrow...


2/28: Ikea $106.00 (who knew they had a clearance section?)

Hair Supplies for dd and I: $24.00

Starbucks: $3.45


Did not expect to spend anything today but I took my mom out for some errands. At least we stayed out of bookstores!

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Yikes. Gas $250. You're in the midwest and we're in the north east. Probably would be a similar expenditure here. Just trying to look ahead for when we have to pay our own utilities. Good thing I've gotten the family used to lowering thermostats.



Yeah, December - march are rough!

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