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I live in the south

Night Elf

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Yesterday in my dd14's french class, they were talking about the motto of Canada and the US. Then the teacher asked what the state of Georgia motto was. The class was quiet for several seconds until a guy in the back of the room said 'Git er done!' I should admit I don't know our (Georgia) motto though. I rather like the one suggested. :p

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm not sure I'd want my state's motto to be the same as Larry the Cable Guy's motto... but that's just me. :D


Oh I don't know. It's a positive attitude. :) It's much more exciting than 'Wisdom, Justice and Moderation', our actual motto. And of course I live surrounded by people who drive big trucks with the Confederate flag flying from the back. That's just a tad bit weird.

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Oh I don't know. It's a positive attitude. :) It's much more exciting than 'Wisdom, Justice and Moderation', our actual motto. And of course I live surrounded by people who drive big trucks with the Confederate flag flying from the back. That's just a tad bit weird.


After learning the "real" motto, I think "Git 'er done!" is probably a lot more motivating. And it will be more fun to read on bumper stickers.

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My older son was in speech therapy when he was younger and the ST was trying to help my son say the word "pie". The problem was that she pronounced it "paaahhh". My poor son had no idea what word it was and I finally had to interrupt and "interpret" for him!


I've lived in the South most of my life but this lady had one of the thickest North Carolina accents I had ever heard. I couldn't believe she was a speech therapist.


Elise in NC

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He's not even from the south.



That's okay. I don't even know who he is really. I've heard his name but I'm clueless beyond that. :) It still sounds like the good old boys around here. I dated a guy in high school that talked like that. Dd14 says it's so funny to hear their southern accents trying to pronounce french. The close ones say parlay vuu frahnsay in a southern accent. The poor ones say parlaze vuze francase.

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