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Teacher file box going on sale again in march


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Any idea how much it will be? I'm thinking about it because I want to buy $70 worth of workbooks, tho the time spent and the printing cost are a bit daunting to me.



Last time i bought it it was 75, i think. I need Daily Paragraph Editing, Poetry, Daily Science, and some History Pockets....they add up!

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Last time i bought it it was 75, i think. I need Daily Paragraph Editing, Poetry, Daily Science, and some History Pockets....they add up!



isn't that the truth!



I had thought it wouldn't be worth it for the time and trouble of printing, but the more I see, the more I want to use! Plus it would be good to be able to print what you need, instead of having pages in a workbook that you can't use. Like the Daily Science 1, I wouldn't actually use the whole book since most of it we covered in kindy, but the last part of the book is something I would use. Would hate to buy the whole thing and only use 1/4 of it. Tho I guess I could use it for review... but my son doesn't do well with review if he already knows it, he gets bored.

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This caveat is the only thing that stopped me from getting it in the past:


"How long can I use my printed materials?

TeacherFileBox.com provides a license to use all materials on the site only if your subscription is active. If you cancel your subscription, that license is no longer in effect, and you may no longer use the materials. Any materials that you have printed from TeacherFileBox.com must be destroyed immediately. "


This is from their FAQ. It takes away some of the savings for me if I have to destroy everything once my subscription is done. I like keeping bits of the kids work too.

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This caveat is the only thing that stopped me from getting it in the past:


"How long can I use my printed materials?

TeacherFileBox.com provides a license to use all materials on the site only if your subscription is active. If you cancel your subscription, that license is no longer in effect, and you may no longer use the materials. Any materials that you have printed from TeacherFileBox.com must be destroyed immediately. "


This is from their FAQ. It takes away some of the savings for me if I have to destroy everything once my subscription is done. I like keeping bits of the kids work too.




I keep all of my sons work. Do you think they mean the used pages? I mean, a lot of it is colored or cut out. Fill in the blank and such. I think in another thread someone said they called and asked about that. I think the reasoning is they don't want someone printing a whole bunch of stuff for years down the road. Which to me, you're paying for it all....

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This caveat is the only thing that stopped me from getting it in the past:


"How long can I use my printed materials?

TeacherFileBox.com provides a license to use all materials on the site only if your subscription is active. If you cancel your subscription, that license is no longer in effect, and you may no longer use the materials. Any materials that you have printed from TeacherFileBox.com must be destroyed immediately. "


This is from their FAQ. It takes away some of the savings for me if I have to destroy everything once my subscription is done. I like keeping bits of the kids work too.



That's the stupidest thing I have read in a long time! I don't think that's even legal!


I have a subscription but it annoys me that can't just look for the book series I want like Civil War History Pockets. ALL of the history pockets come up when I search for that and then they not even in order.

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That's the stupidest thing I have read in a long time! I don't think that's even legal!


I have a subscription but it annoys me that can't just look for the book series I want like Civil War History Pockets. ALL of the history pockets come up when I search for that and then they not even in order.



If you put the book number in, then only those sheets will come up.

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Book number??



Yes, each workbook has a number. You can go on amazon, look at the sample pages and find the number. oR, when you print out a sheet, there is a number on the bottom. That is the book number. So if you print out one civil war pocket, just put int the search box that number and only pages from that book will come up. I tried it just looking at it, can't print anything, and it works!

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Yes, each workbook has a number. You can go on amazon, look at the sample pages and find the number. oR, when you print out a sheet, there is a number on the bottom. That is the book number. So if you print out one civil war pocket, just put int the search box that number and only pages from that book will come up. I tried it just looking at it, can't print anything, and it works!



I LOVE YOU!!!!!! lol

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I don't think they mean for you to destroy things you have already completed. After all, the idea of the History Pockets is to have something to look at what you've done.


I look at it like I'm paying a subscription fee, just like I would to a computer site or a class (like Reading Eggs or whatever). While I am paying for the subscription, I have access to the full site and all the activities. When the subscription expires, if I don't want to renew it, I no longer have that access.


Now, if you buy the books, the copyright allows you to copy it for use in one class only. In the case of a teacher - only the students they have in one class for one year. For homeschool use, you can use it for your children or one co-op class.


I like the TFB rather than having a bunch of books. Especially since I would still have to make copies for my two kids. It also allows me to try out a bunch of stuff, or use pieces from different books, without having to purchase entire books each time.


We are using/I plan to use (although I did buy some of these as books before I found TFB): History Pockets (pretty much all of them), Daily Reading Comprehension, Skill Sharpeners Math, Skill Sharpeners Spell & Write, Beginning Geography, Giant Science Resource Books, How to Teach Art to Children, The Never Bored Kids Book (logic puzzles), Science Experiments for Young Learners, and possible a page or two from other things when we need some reinforcement. I just printed some Take it to your seat centers for my son to get some extra practice with mixed numbers.

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so can you print the entire book? Are all the books available?



Not ALL the books are available, I would say the overwhelming majority of their workbooks are there (but they are in units). I was initially frustrated with searching, but once I got a Evan-Moor catalog I was able to search as others said using the EMC number, but leave out the EMC part. So far everything I have wanted out of the catalog has been there.


For the younger grades I think it is totally worth the HSBC price for the year.

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I just canceled my subscription because all the printing I did last night came out odd, like everything had a shadow. It hurts my eyes to read the papers. I can't figure out why this happened. So it will be destroyed. Yay me. :(


I had the same thing happen. Evan Moor was great about the cancellation, giving a full refund once they realized that printing from TFB just wasn't going to work for me. I was impressed with their customer service ... but disappointed that TFB isn't an option.

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I just canceled my subscription because all the printing I did last night came out odd, like everything had a shadow. It hurts my eyes to read the papers. I can't figure out why this happened. So it will be destroyed. Yay me. :(


I had the same thing happen. Evan Moor was great about the cancellation, giving a full refund once they realized that printing from TFB just wasn't going to work for me. I was impressed with their customer service ... but disappointed that TFB isn't an option.



YES! I've had the same issue with a PDF book I bought from them! It seems that the black lettering isn't really set at true black, it's really a dark gray. So a laser printer will dither the print (trying to make it gray, not black) and it comes out all weird/fuzzy. It's an oversight on their end, IMO. That said, I still use the PDF even though I can't really stand to look at the page. I've been meaning to call their customer service line about the issue but just haven't gotten around to it yet...

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YES! I've had the same issue with a PDF book I bought from them! It seems that the black lettering isn't really set at true black, it's really a dark gray. So a laser printer will dither the print (trying to make it gray, not black) and it comes out all weird/fuzzy. It's an oversight on their end, IMO. That said, I still use the PDF even though I can't really stand to look at the page. I've been meaning to call their customer service line about the issue but just haven't gotten around to it yet...




oh no! I just bought a laser printer especially to print from TFB! Does this mean the printing will be crappy at all times?

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I wonder what the issue is that some don't?


I think it's partly because TFB requires printing from flash, unlike Evan Moor's standard purchased PDFs which are downloaded (and which print beautifully here). Also, they have reduced the quality somewhat on TFB to make file sizes more manageable for printing this way, and my printer just didn't cope. I could make it look okay if I used full toner (which I NEVER do), but wasn't willing to do that for all of the printing that I had ahead of me.


But I remain completely impressed with their customer service (I had my full refund within a couple of days), and will just purchase their PDFs instead of using TFB.

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I think it's partly because TFB requires printing from flash, unlike Evan Moor's standard purchased PDFs which are downloaded (and which print beautifully here). Also, they have reduced the quality somewhat on TFB to make file sizes more manageable for printing this way, and my printer just didn't cope. I could make it look okay if I used full toner (which I NEVER do), but wasn't willing to do that for all of the printing that I had ahead of me.


But I remain completely impressed with their customer service (I had my full refund within a couple of days), and will just purchase their PDFs instead of using TFB.




Do you have an older printer? I'm getting the brother 2270 that was on sale this week. Any way to test it out on something similar? Tho it is reassuring that if it doesn't work out TFB will refund your money. Aren't the PDFs as expensive as the books?

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Do you have an older printer? I'm getting the brother 2270 that was on sale this week. Any way to test it out on something similar? Tho it is reassuring that if it doesn't work out TFB will refund your money. Aren't the PDFs as expensive as the books?


I have a Brother 2270, 1.5 years old. I have a feeling that the issue may be that I'm using it wirelessly with a Mac.


I was on the fence anyway about TFB because I usually only purchase around 3 Evan-Moor PDFs a year. At about $25 a piece, that's only $75 for the year -- about the cost of a TFB subscription through HSCB. If I wanted to purchase a lot of books, or only wanted to use parts of some books this year, then TFB would be much more valuable and I'd be much grumpier about not being able to print from it. :001_smile:

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I have a Brother 2270, 1.5 years old. I have a feeling that the issue may be that I'm using it wirelessly with a Mac.


I was on the fence anyway about TFB because I usually only purchase around 3 Evan-Moor PDFs a year. At about $25 a piece, that's only $75 for the year -- about the cost of a TFB subscription through HSCB. If I wanted to purchase a lot of books, or only wanted to use parts of some books this year, then TFB would be much more valuable and I'd be much grumpier about not being able to print from it. :001_smile:



oh I see. I won't be printing wirelessly or with a Mac so maybe it will work for me. I'll just have to see.



Yeah, you're coming out about the same without the hassle of printing and using up your toner. I don't blame you.

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Not ALL the books are available, I would say the overwhelming majority of their workbooks are there (but they are in units). I was initially frustrated with searching, but once I got a Evan-Moor catalog I was able to search as others said using the EMC number, but leave out the EMC part. So far everything I have wanted out of the catalog has been there.


For the younger grades I think it is totally worth the HSBC price for the year.



They have a catalog! Wahoo.. no more hunting down book numbers on Amazon or the E-M site. Off to sign up for one! Thanks!

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I think it's partly because TFB requires printing from flash, unlike Evan Moor's standard purchased PDFs which are downloaded (and which print beautifully here). Also, they have reduced the quality somewhat on TFB to make file sizes more manageable for printing this way, and my printer just didn't cope. I could make it look okay if I used full toner (which I NEVER do), but wasn't willing to do that for all of the printing that I had ahead of me.


But I remain completely impressed with their customer service (I had my full refund within a couple of days), and will just purchase their PDFs instead of using TFB.



You can get around printing from flash by downloading the files as .pdf's and printing from the file. I do this because I am allowed lots of free pages from our local library and use PrimoPDF (some others like Nitro but it's all the same). You hit print like usual from tfb but instead of just hitting okay when your printer box pops up, choose PrimoPDF instead of your printer and it creates the file in Adobe and you save it as a .pdf. I then save them to a zip drive and it's easy, peasy to print them at the library. Saves me a ton in ink and paper and we are at the library all the time anyway. (I <3 my library!!)


Yes, you will need to delete the .pdf's should you ever end your subscription to tfb but I do not plan to unsubscribe for a good long while.. I love their workbooks.. I love being able to pick pieces out of each for what my child needs now. And there are SO many craft and artsy options for holidays and whatever else comes up! AND How to Teach Art to Children is now on there!! *Happy Dance*


Anyway.. It may work for you.

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You can get around printing from flash by downloading the files as .pdf's and printing from the file. ...


Yes, you will need to delete the .pdf's should you ever end your subscription to tfb but I do not plan to unsubscribe for a good long while..


Anyway.. It may work for you.


Thanks so much -- that's really kind of you to think of this.

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It has been worth it here - I have been able to print all different grade levels for my Special Needs daughter - 5th for this, 2nd for this, AND i'm not cursing about buying the wrong level!


I had emailed them about a typo in the description - and the lady that replied to me told me about searching via EMC number. The lovely thing with that is then they all come up IN ORDER!!! Everything I have looked for has been there - and then some.


Honestly, I"m beyond happy with the $75 a spent a couple of months ago on it.


Oh and i'm printing to an HP office jet, with a Mac wirelessly and haven't had any problems. There are a couple that are formatted funky and I have printed them at 105%, but haven't had any quality issues at all (and I print everything on fast, draft, because... i'm poor! LOL!!)

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I purchased today. I am going to put my proclick to good use with the sheets. I'm planning to make daily independent work for each child. My older two are still young (newly 9 and newly 6), so there's only so much they do 100% independently. It will be nice to be able to direct them to their independent work when I am finishing up a chore, working with their sibling, helping the toddler, and all of the other things that pop up over the course of a day that can't be scheduled. I just printed some sheets on bicycle helmet and seatbelt use to stick in our portfolio under health/wellness.

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Yes, each workbook has a number. You can go on amazon, look at the sample pages and find the number. oR, when you print out a sheet, there is a number on the bottom. That is the book number. So if you print out one civil war pocket, just put int the search box that number and only pages from that book will come up. I tried it just looking at it, can't print anything, and it works!


Wow! I currently have a subscription and was thinking about canceling. I felt like I was doing so much "weeding" to get to sheets that I wanted. This makes it SO much more worthwhile. Thank you!

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Is 3 days trail free for TFB?or it should be paid monthly and if we want to quit after 3 days then what about our paid subscription???

Anyone pls. reply me ....




From what I understand you have to pay, then get three days to try it out and if you don't like it then cancel and you'll get your money back. No free trial with the co-op price.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know when the expir date is but I save soem of it to my ipad and don't print things that are just read, such as teacher instructions, info and story pages.



I save as pdf and then upload to dropbox. Appears automatically on my ipad that way. I LOVE it! Totally makes TFB worth it, IMO.



I have found so many good things on there. I plan on keeping the sub for another couple of years, at least.

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