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Is this possible?? Exercise question


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well,....I feel like it's impossible, but I think it could be done. You would have to follow a strick diet. Those defined abs are helped by cutting out sugar and doing low carb (or none), and eating lots of good protein. Plus doing a lot of core exercises.


I have 5 kids, I do work out (running, yoga, a little kettlebell), and I do not have any defined abs. :)

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:iagree: it's possible in theory but the reality of life makes it difficult (I have six kids. I feel your pain. I am in a similar position - my weight on the scale is technically not a problem; my shape, well... there are definitely a lot of clothes in my closet that won't fit me right now).


My plan involves LCHF eating to help lose the fat, running, and a little bit of P90X (not the full program, about half on the lifting days until I get stronger, running in place of the cardio days, plus Ab Ripper X. It works. See youtube for some homemade videos of Ab Ripper X.) These will have to be long-term/lifestyle changes for me. I still haven't worked out the logistics of the eating part yet - just starting :)


FWIW, when I first bought P90X a few years ago, the info-mercial featured a lady with 7 kids. Incredible shape.

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I think it's possible, but I think several factors are at play. Genetics is a big one. Some people just have more muscle definition naturally. Wish I were one of those people! :) I have to work at it. Also, everyone naturally stores fat In different places, some store it more efficiently than others.


I also think diet plays a big role. The two times I have visibly lost belly fat since having kids (I really don't have much, but I'm definitely jiggly in the belly with tiny love handles on the back of my waist) was when I was staying away from home and didn't have my usual supply of food. I wasn't going hungry, but I wasn't snacking. And both times I wasn't doing my normal amount of exercise. In fact, I just spent 9 days on vacation, where we made food at our condo, and the only exercise I got was snorkeling, which isn't a real calorie burner, at least the way I do it. When we got home, I had some stressful things to take care of and still wasn't eating my normal amount. I lost 7 lbs. and it was clearly from my belly.


I also think if you do some core work every day, working the whole core, you will see results. I hate core work and am very sporadic, therefore I'm not that toned. I work all my other muscle groups diligently and run and do cross training cardio. Working out with weights has definitely given me results.




Okay, that was a reallllly long-winded of saying, "Yes you can!" Best of luck.

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I think a lot depends on your diet and where you carry your fat. Even when I'm not super small I tend to start to have definition on the sides of my abs. I will always have some extra skin though on my lower belly however. I've not done sit-ups and such in ages with having diastitsis. I've done things like push-ups, planks and other things like that though which I think are much better. However, no matter the size of muscle if you are on a crap diet and bloated you will never see those abs. And of course the level of fat on your belly varies. A large part of my fat these days is on my hips. The best thing I've found is working out with the kids whenever possible, hiking, biking, etc. Now that it is winter I've been doing some yoga videos inside. It is hard to make yourself a priority and of course something else has to give but I think taking care of mom is good for everyone.

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Well, my diet is pretty good. I've been low carb for 3 years (lost 20 pounds in the beginning!!). I think I'm going to try to find some abs! Can't hurt to try!


Anyone want to join me in a 6-week, 200 sit-up challenge??? I'm also doing 30 minutes of cardio on the bike everyday. Those two things should make some kind of difference, right??

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Anyone want to join me in a 6-week, 200 sit-up challenge??? I'm also doing 30 minutes of cardio on the bike everyday. Those two things should make some kind of difference, right??


I'll join you! Maybe I'll stick to it if I have an accountability buddy ;)

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Doing 200 situps/crunches is totally unnecessary and you will probably end up stressing your spine. You can get better results choosing multiple core exercises that work your core in different ways while focusing on your form.


Here are some workouts:




(According to this article a crunch uses 6-7 muscles, a plank 20)



Strengthening your core is important but the reality is fitness model type abs are made in the kitchen (and photoshop!).


Clean up your diet, strengthen your core, and do some cardio to blast some fat away, I'm sure you'll be happy with the results.

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I think a lot depends on your diet and where you carry your fat. Even when I'm not super small I tend to start to have definition on the sides of my abs. I will always have some extra skin though on my lower belly however. I've not done sit-ups and such in ages with having diastitsis. I've done things like push-ups, planks and other things like that though which I think are much better. However, no matter the size of muscle if you are on a crap diet and bloated you will never see those abs. And of course the level of fat on your belly varies. A large part of my fat these days is on my hips. The best thing I've found is working out with the kids whenever possible, hiking, biking, etc. Now that it is winter I've been doing some yoga videos inside. It is hard to make yourself a priority and of course something else has to give but I think taking care of mom is good for everyone.


Yes, this.


I work out daily; sometimes with a trainer, sometimes in a fitness class, and sometimes in a grueling bootcamp. I have a strong core (I held a 5 minute plank at bootcamp a couple weeks ago). My diet is not so great, yet not horrible, and with the exception of the muscles on the lower sides you cannot see my abs. My body fat is pretty low but I am short, I think that plays a part in it.


I am not trying to dissuade you OP, getting fitter is a great goal but I like to focus on the fitter/healthier part and not trying to look a certain way. Good luck with your goals and be sure to visit the weekly exercise thread to say hellO!

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Good to hear! I love Pilates!


I was determined I was going to stay in shape my last pregnancy (I got pnuemonia - guess how long that goal lasted). i read a pilates in pregnancy book with a forward written by a female OBGyn. she could *always* tell what patitents did pilates compared to almost anything else. had nothing to do with weight (as some were otherwise fit), but by the condition of their abs.

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I am not trying to dissuade you OP, getting fitter is a great goal but I like to focus on the fitter/healthier part and not trying to look a certain way. Good luck with your goals and be sure to visit the weekly exercise thread to say hellO!



or a certain number on the scale. we have a friend who learned to be a physical trainer. she was always slim and looked good. after her training - she gained 15 lbs and *dropped* a dress size.

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I'm hoping to do this program sometime this year: http://www.twohundredsitups.com/ But who knows if that will happen...or if it will make my abs any better :p

Well, my diet is pretty good. I've been low carb for 3 years (lost 20 pounds in the beginning!!). I think I'm going to try to find some abs! Can't hurt to try!


Anyone want to join me in a 6-week, 200 sit-up challenge??? I'm also doing 30 minutes of cardio on the bike everyday. Those two things should make some kind of difference, right??


I would love to do the two hundred sit ups challenge!

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It depends on how much weight you gained during pregnancy and how much elasticity your skin has. Toned muscles won't eliminate saggy skin or stretch marks. According to my plastic surgeon friend the only that fixes that is "the resurrection". :smilielol5: Or a tummy tuck if you don't want to wait that long. :D

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My understanding is that to even see your abs you have to have an unusually low body fat % for a woman of about 15%. That's pretty unusual. My weight is fine, I have ab strength but I don't think I'll be appearing "cut" anytime soon after 7 kds. Here's a link http://www.livestron...percentage-abs/


I had 15% body fat back in the fall, before the holidays/ winter eating deluged me with about four percent more. I have had four kids, and I work out regularly…usually I take a break in the winter though. I was able to define my abs but it did take some work on my part! And finding time is hard. You need cardio exercise, a good diet, and some sit-ups..not impossible, but not easy either.


And I wanted to add that I was/ am also in a normal weight range with a healthy BMI. You (anyone) can do it too!!!


Oh, and one time I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy..and my belly always looked like I was having twins, even the time I "only" gained 40 lbs.



Now as for the stretched skin..well, let’s just say “overall†everything will still look better with a flatter tummy. ;) Hahaha!

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re: bodyfat percentage- it would depend on how cut you are talking about really and also that will of course vary some from individual within those ranges as well.


It is something to consider as well, how hard do you want to work? How lean do you want to be? Below 17-19% or so(of course depending on the individual) can mean cycle irregularities for women


re: sit-ups- I would not go that way. It is not the most effective exercise and for moms it is especially a lot more likely to make things worse instead of better as so many do have diastasis. I'd work on overall leaning and general core exercises.

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re: bodyfat percentage- it would depend on how cut you are talking about really and also that will of course vary some from individual within those ranges as well.


It is something to consider as well, how hard do you want to work? How lean do you want to be? Below 17-19% or so(of course depending on the individual) can mean cycle irregularities for women




I would not recommend focusing on body fat or weight….healthy weight/fat etc. will vary from person to person..but following a good routine and watching what you eat will help. Also, switching up the way you do sit-up and crunches helps as well…I have found sit-ups with a five pound weight to be very effective... alternating with a side to side oblique twist, with the weights in your hands…


I do not find it possible to homeschool (6 hours per day), clean my home, make 3 meals a day, take kids to activities, do laundry and still work out. If I eliminated cleaning and laundry, I could fit in a work out everyday.


I could never find the time to workout every day..try 20 minutes- three times a week to start, and build from there. I manage to clean, cook, and work from home (and do laundry). But I do take short cuts when I can! ;) Also, I should disclose that I have at least one disaster room that needs to be cleaned out..and the bathrooms are not always presentable. Hahaha...

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I would not recommend focusing on body fat or weight….healthy weight/fat etc. will vary from person to person..but following a good routine and watching what you eat will help. Also, switching up the way you do sit-up and crunches helps as well…I have found sit-up with a five pound weight to be very effective. Alternating with a side to side oblique twist, with the weights in your hands…

If you have diastasis though the twists are going to be harmful as well and so is the crunch, with or without the weight. It would be wise to check for a split first before carrying forward with any exercise plan. When you have diatasis and you do such activities it splits the muscles further apart making the belly bigger obviously.


We'll have to agree to disagree on which exercises are the most effective not taking possible diatasis into account. The below link tells you how to check for a split, which is very simple to do. From that link a list of movements and exercises to avoid if you do have diatasis.




Some Types of Movement to Avoid

  • Movements where the upper body twists and the arm on that side extends away from the body, such as "triangle pose."
  • Exercises that require lying backward over a large exercise ball.
  • Yoga postures that stretch the abs, such as "cow pose," "up-dog," all backbends, and "belly breathing."
  • Abdominal exercises that flex the upper spine off the floor or against the force of gravity such as: as crunches, oblique curls, "bicycles," roll ups/roll downs, etc.
  • Pilates mat and reformer exercises that utilize the "head float" position, upper body flexion, or double leg extension.
  • Any exercise that causes your abdominal wall to bulge out upon exertion.
  • Lifting and carrying very heavy objects.
  • Quadruped exercises without adequate abdominal support.
  • Intense coughing without abdominal support.

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If you have diastasis though the twists are going to be harmful as well and so is the crunch, with or without the weight. It would be wise to check for a split first before carrying forward with any exercise plan. When you have diatasis and you do such activities it splits the muscles further apart making the belly bigger obviously.


We'll have to agree to disagree on which exercises are the most effective not taking possible diatasis into account. The below link tells you how to check for a split, which is very simple to do. From that link a list of movements and exercises to avoid if you do have diatasis.




Some Types of Movement to Avoid

  • Movements where the upper body twists and the arm on that side extends away from the body, such as "triangle pose."
  • Exercises that require lying backward over a large exercise ball.
  • Yoga postures that stretch the abs, such as "cow pose," "up-dog," all backbends, and "belly breathing."
  • Abdominal exercises that flex the upper spine off the floor or against the force of gravity such as: as crunches, oblique curls, "bicycles," roll ups/roll downs, etc.
  • Pilates mat and reformer exercises that utilize the "head float" position, upper body flexion, or double leg extension.
  • Any exercise that causes your abdominal wall to bulge out upon exertion.
  • Lifting and carrying very heavy objects.
  • Quadruped exercises without adequate abdominal support.
  • Intense coughing without abdominal support.


I am sorry, I did not mean to comment on the diastasis….I guess I don’t have that and I haven’t researched it much, although I have heard of it.

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I didn't mean to be a smarty pants, it is just a very common thing and it always worries me when mothers embark on doing a bunch of exercises all of sudden to get rid of that big belly when the usual exercises people do can make it a lot worse.


btw- many congrats lovethislife on your accomplishments!


I just had my 4th 2.5 months ago and am still working on recovering my body here and am very excited to get back in shape and to my normal size!

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I think everyone should get checked out by their doctor before embarking on an exercise routine, absolutely. Perhaps that is one thing they check for? I don’t remember…


Thanks and congrats on your fourth kiddo! Kids are such a blessing a totally worth all the extra effort and work..LOL. You can get back in shape; I have faith that you can do it.


I didn't mean to be a smarty pants, it is just a very common thing and it always worries me when mothers embark on doing a bunch of exercises all of sudden to get rid of that big belly when the usual exercises people do can make it a lot worse.


btw- many congrats lovethislife on your accomplishments!


I just had my 4th 2.5 months ago and am still working on recovering my body here and am very excited to get back in shape and to my normal size!

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Well, my diet is pretty good. I've been low carb for 3 years (lost 20 pounds in the beginning!!). I think I'm going to try to find some abs! Can't hurt to try!


Anyone want to join me in a 6-week, 200 sit-up challenge??? I'm also doing 30 minutes of cardio on the bike everyday. Those two things should make some kind of difference, right??



I will join you, I need to seriously alter my diet, and find my stomach again. Never really been a problem until after my 3rd child and it just isn't budging now. I KNOW it's because I need to cut some things out of my life....I will have to check out the 200 sit up challenge but I think I might be joining in. :) What do you use for LCHF ---- recipes, books, etc?

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Abs are made in the kitchen.



I have heard this as well. I COMPLETELY agree. I can tell within a few days if my diet is not so great because of my middle section. I have heard that abs are more about diet and good cardio than core work and in my experience, it's pretty true.

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I will join you, I need to seriously alter my diet, and find my stomach again. Never really been a problem until after my 3rd child and it just isn't budging now. I KNOW it's because I need to cut some things out of my life....I will have to check out the 200 sit up challenge but I think I might be joining in. :) What do you use for LCHF ---- recipes, books, etc?



Please join! Very true, sit-ups alone will not accomplish much at all...

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Maybe. It depends on how much stretching and damage has been done to the abdominal muscles, how much loose skin there is in the area, your natural body type... Only one way to find out though. ;)


"Possible" yeah, realistic for every mom? No. I knew a woman with 13 kids who was a beanpole with no stretchmarks, I've had one kid and I don't think anything short of surgery will give me a visible sixpack. It's a contniuum, and for people who aren't naturally muscular and lean getting a sixpack (even for guys) is usually more effort than it's worth.

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My weight is fine; my shape=not so much. It is time to tone up!


So, is it possible for a woman who has had 5 kids to have tight, lightly defined abs while still having time to care for those 5 kids?


This is very possible.


"Possible" yeah, realistic for every mom? No. I knew a woman with 13 kids who was a beanpole with no stretchmarks, I've had one kid and I don't think anything short of surgery will give me a visible sixpack. It's a contniuum, and for people who aren't naturally muscular and lean getting a sixpack (even for guys) is usually more effort than it's worth.


This is hard, I agree...and too much work. LOL. The two terms are pretty different.... :laugh:

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i know a woman with seven. pilaties. re: core work


keep in mind there are several layers of abdominal muscles, and if you want to see "toned", they all need to be worked.


I get all my core work in the form of bellydancing. I refuse to stop making bread or give up real sugar. I just don't wanna. However, bellydance gave me a break from my Mommy job so that I could recharge, do really FUN exercise and meet middle-aged women with imperfect bodies who looked and felt fabulous. It strengthens your core AND your confidence. It even made me 1 1/4 inches taller.

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