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earrings irritate my ears - help! - update page 1


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I've had my ears pierced since I was a little kid. I wore earrings all the time with no problems. In my teen years I didn't wear them as much, but when I did they never bothered me, and they were always the cheap kind of earrings. In my 20s, the only earrings I wore were a pair of expensive gold hoops. Again, no problems.


Now, in my 30s, no matter what earrings I wear, withing minutes my earlobes are red and itching and I have to take my earrings out. I've gone about 7 years without wearing earrings and today I tried putting on a pair of sterling silver earrings I just bought and I had to immediately take them out because they bothered me too much.


What do I need to do to wear earrings? Is there some sort of solution I should soak my earrings in? Is there any particular metal that doesn't seem to do this to people? I don't really care for yellow gold anymore and would prefer white metals and I don't even know if yellow gold would bother my ears because I lost my hoops.


Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?


**Edited to add I tried the anti-biotic ointment trick first and it worked!!! I've been able to wear my earrings all day with no irritation! Woo hoo! I'm also going to try the other suggestions mentioned to see if they work as well. I'm so excited to wear earrings again! :)

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I had the same thing happen to me. (I became more and more intolerant to earrings as I got older.) Now, the only earrings I can tolerate are platinum. Unfortunately, they are pricey. I went for several years without wearing earrings at all until DH bought me my first platinum pair.

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I don't really care for yellow gold anymore and would prefer white metals and I don't even know if yellow gold would bother my ears because I lost my hoops.


Get white gold or platinum. Since you have not wear earrings for a long time, prep for a few days with wiping alcohol on the "earlobe holes" to desensitize. I am honestly amazed your earlobe holes didn't close up after seven years.

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Mine are like that whenever I wear earring for the first time after an extended time of not wearing them. If they are good Sterling Silver than I coat them in antibiotic ointment before I put them in. If they are cheaper earring then I do the clear coat of nail polish and the ointment. After a week or so I can have them in without the ointment.

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Get white gold or platinum. Since you have not wear earrings for a long time, prep for a few days with wiping alcohol on the "earlobe holes" to desensitize. I am honestly amazed your earlobe holes didn't close up after seven years.



My mom had one of her friends pierce my ears with this REALLY big needle when I was little so my holes are huge and absolutely refuse to close. :glare:

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One time dh bought me a silver ring (before we got married) not realizing the extent of my allergy. I put it on and he was able to watch the rash develop around my finger and watch my finger swell in a matter of two minutes. He now asks before he gets anything for me that might have metal.

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My dd10 can only wear Surgical Steel or Titanium (like the metal they put in Joint replacement) earrings or her ears get so irritated they bleed. I have to get them online or at craft fairs. Also, we have to use the plastic backs.

Here are two links: http://www.amazon.com/Stainless-Surgical-Steel-Earrings-Hypoallergenic/dp/B001W3QV0C


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Same thing happened to me. I had 4 piercings in each ear (5 in one) and never had a problem growing up. Now, I had to let all but one hole close up. I actually re-pierced the second hole in each ear, but the only earrings I can wear are my real diamonds, which I believe are set in 24K gold.


ETA: I always use rubbing alcohol on them, too, as they still tend to act up.

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