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Thanks nono. Early reports are saying that it was likely a domestic dispute, and took place just in the parking lot (not within the Temple itself). The Temple is supposed to be a place of peace, and it's unnerving when that peace is shattered. My prayers are with the victims.

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Shooting news is terrible. Violence knows no boundaries. we are heading to Milwaukee Wi to visit friends and my daughter is going to the Military Ball with civil air patrol this weekend. Have a great week :)



I'm quite intrigued by the Civil Air Patrol's programs and would be excited if one of my children chose to participate. I hope you have a nice visit with your friends.

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ok, so hubby surprised me with a violin...now my girlfriend wants to know when I can start playing for a program Seriously!? Um, It's gonna be a while LOL

congratulations. have you played before or is this new?


I still owe dd a new viola. (though right now, she's wanting money for a trip to machu pichu) she played through high school, and sold it to pay for some college stuff. maybe when she gradutates in two years. . . .

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congratulations. have you played before or is this new?


I still owe dd a new viola. (though right now, she's wanting money for a trip to machu pichu) she played through high school, and sold it to pay for some college stuff. maybe when she gradutates in two years. . . .



No, I don't play yet. Ok, well I can almost play Twinkle Twinkle. Does that count, lol. I do read music and play the flute. I have been looking at violins since last year. I've been wanting one for the last couple of years and after looking around I figured I'd save some money for a decent violin. Unfortunately with dd just starting softball ($$$) and EFY ($$$), plus they have spanish courses up for renewal with BYU ($$$). So I just haven't been able to save the money...but it's ok. DH took care of it :)

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No, I don't play yet. Ok, well I can almost play Twinkle Twinkle. Does that count, lol. I do read music and play the flute. I have been looking at violins since last year. I've been wanting one for the last couple of years and after looking around I figured I'd save some money for a decent violin. Unfortunately with dd just starting softball ($$$) and EFY ($$$), plus they have spanish courses up for renewal with BYU ($$$). So I just haven't been able to save the money...but it's ok. DH took care of it :)

have fun. reading music is helpful so you don't have to learn that too. are you taking lessons or attempting to self-teach?


I'm going back to piano and determined to learn this time and am making progress through the books I'm using. I'm thinking of askign for an electronic keyboard for my birthday/mother's day then I can plug in earphones and not worry about who is getting woken up. (dd works graveyard.)

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ok, so hubby surprised me with a violin...now my girlfriend wants to know when I can start playing for a program Seriously!? Um, It's gonna be a while LOL


Congratulations! There are some nice demonstration videos here for basic posture, bowhold, etc. (on the right side of the page you will see links to different videos).

Kurt Sassmannshaus (owner of this site) is the son of the creator of the Sassmannshaus method that has been extensively used in Germany and recently translated into English. I use this method alongside Suzuki with my students, I think it could work well for an adult learner as well. Here's a link to volume 1 in the method books.


I know how you feel. I play violin and viola, but have always loved the harp. I recently started taking lessons (with a little folk harp) and am thoroughly myself.

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Can I just say...


Every time I see BJU in a thread title, I see BYU, and I get excited that someone is talking about BYU. Then I read the thread title again. Sigh...





Hmm, maybe we should start planting random BYU threads on the boards just for fun :tongue_smilie: :tongue_smilie:

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Hmm, maybe we should start planting random BYU threads on the boards just for fun :tongue_smilie: :tongue_smilie:


*Snort* :lol:


Crazy Mormons trying to take over the curriculum boards... ;)

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I could just see the uproar now lol!


We like BYU's independent study program though..ok i take that back...i like them, dd doesnt because *gasp* it makes her actually have to study regularly and work fairly hard at it!


I will be enrolling the two kids in their new language

program. It has been updated to include more talk time with classmates and intructor.


As for the violin, i'm self teaching right now. I have a call to a teacher, but havent heard back yet. I bought two books at the music store that seemed quite explanatory and had good skill/song progression. I also bought a shoulder rest. I am much more comfortable. You tube is also great lol, and a mirror :) .

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Congratulations! There are some nice demonstration videos here for basic posture, bowhold, etc. (on the right side of the page you will see links to different videos).

Kurt Sassmannshaus (owner of this site) is the son of the creator of the Sassmannshaus method that has been extensively used in Germany and recently translated into English. I use this method alongside Suzuki with my students, I think it could work well for an adult learner as well. Here's a link to volume 1 in the method books.


My kids are learning the Sassmannhaus method. I should think it would be fine for adults--I've done a little bit too and I should probably try to learn on my older daughter's violin...

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Now I'm hoping there will be a new hymnbook forthcoming sometime soon, because I'm sure there are plenty of interesting, beautiful hymns out there just waiting to be included.


And a new Children's Songbook, since a lot of the songs are from The Friend now and not included.

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Updated 2013 edition of the English language LDS scriptures being released.


Looking forward to getting myself a copy.

I was just coming on to say this. It is already available for mobile editions too. I'm excited. I know what dh is getting for his birthday this year (our 10 mo recently ate several pages of 1 Nephi out of his current set.)

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I was just coming on to say this. It is already available for mobile editions too. I'm excited. I know what dh is getting for his birthday this year (our 10 mo recently ate several pages of 1 Nephi out of his current set.)


This happens ALL THE TIME at my house. Pages get eaten, torn out, scribbled on...talk about plain and precious parts going missing :tongue_smilie:

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*Snort* :lol:


Crazy Mormons trying to take over the curriculum boards... ;)


Hey, we've gotta do something for fun. No alcohol, no tobacco, no recreational drugs, no coffee, no tea, no sex outside marriage...what's left for us but making random mischief? ;)

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Hey, we've gotta do something for fun. No alcohol, no tobacco, no recreational drugs, no coffee, no tea, no sex outside marriage...what's left for us but making random mischief? ;)

I thought it was eating junk food. (and congregating in doorways and hallways.)

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I finally got to attend my new ward today (was sick our first Sunday,then last Sunday was Stake Conference). I think I'm really going to like the ward. :) I've already found at least one other homeschooling family in the ward, with rumors that there might be others, which is encouraging. There's a broader range of ages than my old ward too, which was heavy on the empty-nester side of things (although our Primary still had about 40 kids, so not completely devoid of young families). I hadn't realized how used I'd gotten to having an "old" ward until I saw a bunch of moms whose oldest kids are still in diapers and felt like I'd stepped into my brother's BYU family ward instead of my "typical" family ward. :lol:


Aaaaand just as I was typing this I got a phone call that we're being invited over for ice cream and brownies! And it's at one of the sister's homes that I really "clicked" with at the RS activity I went to on Wednesday.


So ya, feeling very optimistic about this new ward. :D

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I had a primary lesson take an unusual turn today. I had three visitors to class and ended up saying the word uterus. Yeah.....I could have said anything after uterus because that is when they stopped listening. The topic was restoration of the priesthood. Even more disturbing was the young lady who asked her neighbor "What is a uterus?" This is Valiant 11 people! Your daughter owns a uterus, she should know what it is.


Amber inSJ

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I had a primary lesson take an unusual turn today. I had three visitors to class and ended up saying the word uterus. Yeah.....I could have said anything after uterus because that is when they stopped listening. The topic was restoration of the priesthood. Even more disturbing was the young lady who asked her neighbor "What is a uterus?" This is Valiant 11 people! Your daughter owns a uterus, she should know what it is.


Amber inSJ



I feel bad for kids whose parents aren't comfortable talking about "sensitive" issues. I was one of them--and I have made a concerted effort to be open with my kids about things that do or one day will concern them.


Funny story though: once when I was (very) pregnant a little four-year-old boy came up to me at church and asked if the baby was going to come out through my ankle. I think I told him the baby wasn't going to come out my ankle, and he should go ask his mom (also pregnant) about it. Although I wondered if he was asking me because he had asked her and she had put him off?

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I feel bad for kids whose parents aren't comfortable talking about "sensitive" issues. I was one of them--and I have made a concerted effort to be open with my kids about things that do or one day will concern them.


Funny story though: once when I was (very) pregnant a little four-year-old boy came up to me at church and asked if the baby was going to come out through my ankle. I think I told him the baby wasn't going to come out my ankle, and he should go ask his mom (also pregnant) about it. Although I wondered if he was asking me because he had asked her and she had put him off?




LOL my two-year-old thinks the baby will be coming out of my bellybutton. His sisters occasionally try to tell him the anatomically correct version but he isn't interested.

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I had a primary lesson take an unusual turn today. I had three visitors to class and ended up saying the word uterus. Yeah.....I could have said anything after uterus because that is when they stopped listening. The topic was restoration of the priesthood. Even more disturbing was the young lady who asked her neighbor "What is a uterus?" This is Valiant 11 people! Your daughter owns a uterus, she should know what it is.


Amber inSJ


Oh my land! She definitely ought to know what a uterus is, as well as some of its basic functioning by the time she's 11! I started menstruating within months after turning 11 and it freaked me out plenty even though I had been thoroughly instructed on the subject by my mother. I can't even imagine getting your first period as a surprise, not even knowing what a uterus is. That floors me.


ETA: I am kind of wondering how the subject came up in a lesson on the restoration of the priesthood, though...lol...

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LOL my two-year-old thinks the baby will be coming out of my bellybutton. His sisters occasionally try to tell him the anatomically correct version but he isn't interested.


This totally makes me giggle.


My daughter was born when ds was about 5, just as his aspie obsessiveness was shifting from human anatomy to US states. One day he was watching me hold the baby and he commented, in a very casual tone, "Mom, did you know she already has a womb? Girls are born with wombs." This only surprised me because I had always called it a uterus in my discussions with him (I'm fairly big on using medically accurate terminology with kids--my friend calls breasts "nummies" and all her kids do too, and it drives me bonkers; they dress modestly by "covering their bummies, tummies, and nummies". Which is cutely rhyming and very memorable, and gets the job done, but still rubs me all wrong.) Anyway, I agreed that the baby did indeed already have a womb and asked him where he had heard the word "womb" (because I wanted to keep tabs on who he was getting his information from on this particular topic). He said he read it in a library book, which I should have guessed (he was an avid reader in those days). And then I asked whether he knew that "womb" is just another word for a uterus. He looked at me like I was a complete moron and said, "Well, YEAH, Mom. I just like the word 'womb' better than 'uterus'. It sounds more mysterious."


Funny the things we remember...

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This totally makes me giggle.


My daughter was born when ds was about 5, just as his aspie obsessiveness was shifting from human anatomy to US states. One day he was watching me hold the baby and he commented, in a very casual tone, "Mom, did you know she already has a womb? Girls are born with wombs." This only surprised me because I had always called it a uterus in my discussions with him (I'm fairly big on using medically accurate terminology with kids--my friend calls breasts "nummies" and all her kids do too, and it drives me bonkers; they dress modestly by "covering their bummies, tummies, and nummies". Which is cutely rhyming and very memorable, and gets the job done, but still rubs me all wrong.) Anyway, I agreed that the baby did indeed already have a womb and asked him where he had heard the word "womb" (because I wanted to keep tabs on who he was getting his information from on this particular topic). He said he read it in a library book, which I should have guessed (he was an avid reader in those days). And then I asked whether he knew that "womb" is just another word for a uterus. He looked at me like I was a complete moron and said, "Well, YEAH, Mom. I just like the word 'womb' better than 'uterus'. It sounds more mysterious."


Funny the things we remember...



Lol AWESOME. My seven-year-old was talking about how the baby girl already has eggs as she's growing inside me. I think if they talked about anatomy in church class she would have a lot less trouble sitting still there, LOL.

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Oh my land! She definitely ought to know what a uterus is, as well as some of its basic functioning by the time she's 11! I started menstruating within months after turning 11 and it freaked me out plenty even though I had been thoroughly instructed on the subject by my mother. I can't even imagine getting your first period as a surprise, not even knowing what a uterus is. That floors me.


ETA: I am kind of wondering how the subject came up in a lesson on the restoration of the priesthood, though...lol...



This is what happened to me. Well, I more or less knew what a uterus was, but had never even heard of periods. I was not quite 11.


My parents were great in most ways, but my mom was majorly uncomfortable with discussions about s*x or reproductive issues. They pretty much didn't happen. Oddly my husband is kind of the same way, though by his account his parents were more open. The kids will ask a question and he will say "we'll talk about that some other time". At that point I usually jump in with a simple and straightforward answer to the question. I do not want to send the message that these are subjects we cannot discuss openly.

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I had a primary lesson take an unusual turn today.  I had three visitors to class and ended up saying the word uterus.  Yeah.....I could have said anything after uterus because that is when they stopped listening.  The topic was restoration of the priesthood.  Even more disturbing was the young lady who asked her neighbor "What is a uterus?"  This is Valiant 11 people!  Your daughter owns a uterus, she should know what it is.


Amber inSJ


Haha!!! LOL!!



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Tell me I can make it through today. My baby was fussy all night so I didn't get much sleep. This morning my two year old woke up at 4:30 saying his tummy hurt; I knew he didn't eat much for dinner so I thought he was just hungry. I got up and fed him breakfast. Since then he has thrown up 3 times. You know, there are days when being the Mommy is just really, really hard.

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Okay, can I just say I think we're being spied on? :lol: We just got our March Friend in the mail (it had to be forwarded from our old address, so we got it a bit late), and once again the story story of Matt and Mandy is paralleling my kids' lives. January was mom and dad whispering and planning with the kids not knowing what was going on, February was finding out they were going to move because of their dad's job, and now March is finding out their new home will be much closer to the Temple (we went from being an hour from the nearest Temple, to being able to see it from our backyard). My kids are excitedly freaked out about it. :lol:

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(I'm fairly big on using medically accurate terminology with kids--my friend calls breasts "nummies" and all her kids do too, and it drives me bonkers; they dress modestly by "covering their bummies, tummies, and nummies".
:ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:
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MamaSheep, on 04 March 2013 - 09:13 AM, said:


(I'm fairly big on using medically accurate terminology with kids--my friend calls breasts "nummies" and all her kids do too, and it drives me bonkers; they dress modestly by "covering their bummies, tummies, and nummies".


:blink: :svengo:

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:ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


:blink: :svengo:



So it's not just me then. But hey, it gets the job done. And my friend is a truly awesome human being and I wouldn't trade her for anything. I'm sure I do/say things that make her a little nutsy sometimes too.

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How did everyone's day go? I don't like the switch to Daylight Savings Time (wish we would just keep the same time year-round) but otherwise we have had a nice day. It was warm enough to walk to church, which helps immensely with the kids ability to sit through Sacrament Meeting. I actually got to attend Sunday School and enjoyed the lesson on the organization of the church in 1830. We had nice talks in Sacrament meeting too, about repentance and faith. And one child's primary teacher made a point of telling me after church how well-behaved she was today :svengo:



Actually, she hasn't had a major meltdown in over 3 weeks. Ever since we started a gluten free diet...looks like we'll be sticking with that.

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I came home early with two of the kids since I'm having a ton of BH/ctxs and need to rest (too early), The Sponge disn't get her ADHD meds, The Love won't go to nursery without us, and hubby had meetings. So we all stayed for sacrament meeting but only hubby and The Drama stayed.

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I don't know if I would mind giving a talk quarterly, but doing it every 12-24 mos doesn't work very well. I get rusty. That's over with.

Do you suffer, or do your children suffer, from being excluded in friendships because the other kids in their classes go to the same schools but you home school...so your kids don't get included! YKWIM. It has happened to all three of my daughters and most of my sons. And they still want to go to church because they love church.

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I started reading reading Daughters in My Kingdom tonight. https://www.lds.org/relief-society/daughters-in-my-kingdom/manual/message?lang=eng


I love this quote from the preface:


Sister Belle S. Spafford, the ninth Relief Society general president, said: “The average woman today, I believe, would do well to appraise her interests, evaluate the activities in which she is engaged, and then take steps to simplify her life, putting things of first importance first, placing emphasis where the rewards will be greatest and most enduring, and ridding herself of the less rewarding activities.â€


What things do you feel are the things of "first importance" in your life?


And conversely, what kind of activities do you think we (collectively or individually) should de-emphasize?

Edited by TKDmom
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We had a child added to our Val 10 & 11 class. The reason given is his mom thinks his teachers are really boring and likes Dh & I better as teachers. Since when is that a reason to change primary classes? I like this young man, but he is pretty sarcastic and that doesn't fly as humor in my classroom. Being mean and then claiming "JK" just isn't going to work for me.


We will see how it goes


Amber in SJ

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I got to teach today, Lorenzo Snow lesson 5--all about eternal progression so it was a joyful lesson. I love teaching but I accidentally blurted out something personal about my dh and his inactivity. I tried to recover; thankfully there were lots of other comments that gave me the time I needed. Then 7yo dd asked me about dh's inactivity on the way home. Nothing like coming home with red eyes and sniffling to get your dh to come back!


Overall it was a really nice Sunday anyway. The bishopric member that is in charge of talks asked me if I was willing in general but didn't actually ask me. I haven't given a talk in about 6 years, so I'm really rusty. And I still haven't been asked.

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I started reading reading Daughters in My Kingdom tonight. https://www.lds.org/...essage?lang=eng


I love this quote from the preface:




What things do you feel are the things of "first importance" in your life?


And conversely, what kind of activities do you think we (collectively or individually) should de-emphasize?

For me, my faith, family and home are the most important things in my life and deserve my primary focus. I get sidetracked by minutiae...message boards, Pinterest, other time wasters like that. That's time that could be better spent doing something more productive and more valuable. I try to set goals each day so that I can be assured that I'm doing something worthwhile with my time. I also make time for scriptures, prayers and pondering. I love Elder Bednar's books. He gives me lots to think about, and I've been working through them a little bit at a time. I also try to make sure I'm doing all I need to with homeschooling. That is also a primary focus during this time of my life. And I'm currently serving as the Young Women's president in my ward, so I spend a lot of time thinking and praying for my girls and planning activities and lessons for them. I love it!! So basically, "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel" and all that. That helps me stay focused.

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So inviting people over for dessert seems to be the fashionable thing to do in our ward, because we got invited out again tonight. :lol: We visited with our Primary President's family, who are also homeschoolers, with kids near in age to my own (plus some older and a few younger, and one on the way!) They're only in their second year and still finding what works for them. The mom is mainly using the LDS homeschooling curriculum that someone mentioned here (I forget the name of it) and seems to be enjoying it. We may be getting together sometime soon because she wants to see the books and programs I'm using to see if some of them might be a better fit for some of her kids than what they're currently using.


DH and I were also called out of Sunday School today by the 2nd Councilor in the Bishopric and I was extended a calling (none for DH yet). I'm going to be co-teaching the 14-15 year old Sunday School class! I had thought I'd be called into young womens, but this calling will still have me working with the youth a bit, without having to deal with weekly activities, AND I'll still get to attend Relief Society, which I love and haven't been able to attend regularly for a few years now due to having Primary callings.


In RS we watched this video from Mormon Messages: http://www.mormonchannel.org/video/mormon-messages?v=2119328537001 Hardly a dry eye in the room afterwards, and I think it was a powerful message and one I needed to hear.


So not a bad Sunday for us. :)

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