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amy g.

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You probably don't want my two cents. I don't think any trampoline is safe as a toy. I have seen so many kids hurt on them and I myself was hurt as a kid, simply from landing wrong. I jarred my back and was in a lot of pain for weeks and had several chiropractor visits. I think any "toy" that requires other parents to sign a saftey disclaimer (which is highly recommended if you have a trampoline) is not a good idea!

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We have one with the safety net. I do make visiting kids parents promise not to sue me. I had one when I was a kid, my girls have had one most of their life. It is a risk like getting in the car, riding a bike, crossing the street, climbing a tree. We limit it to no more than 2 kids at once. We got ours from Walmart online. It is the 15ft round with safety net.

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We have a Spring Free.


I will not lie, they are pricey but worth every penny. I believe we paid $1800 but we have a huge one. There are several sizes/shapes. This is what they use in my duaghter's gym and many others. Trust me we've tested the running full force at the side. You don't go anywhere. ANd I jumped right on the edge on purpose. They literally are the safest ones around.

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You probably don't want my two cents. I don't think any trampoline is safe as a toy. I have seen so many kids hurt on them and I myself was hurt as a kid, simply from landing wrong. I jarred my back and was in a lot of pain for weeks and had several chiropractor visits. I think any "toy" that requires other parents to sign a saftey disclaimer (which is highly recommended if you have a trampoline) is not a good idea!


I wouldn't buy one either, though I've let my kid go to a huge trampoline place nearby for a party. There are side walls, separations of kids, and all kinds of protection there, but you still have to sign a waiver.


As a landlord, they are prohibited on my properties and most landlords I know prohibit them as an attractive nuisance and not worth the potential lawsuit. So that might be an issue for tenants.

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Check with your insurance company first.


Our pediatrician says, "what's the best kind of trampoline?" And the kids answer, "No trampoline!"


I'm shocked (in a good way) there are parents who don't let their kids jump at other people's houses. I don't know how I would handle that. I just let them jump. Maybe I'm a whimp.


I wonder if there are trampoline consumer reports that list safety ratings??? The nets have to do something, right?

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I wouldn't buy one either, though I've let my kid go to a huge trampoline place nearby for a party. There are side walls, separations of kids, and all kinds of protection there, but you still have to sign a waiver.


As a landlord, they are prohibited on my properties and most landlords I know prohibit them as an attractive nuisance and not worth the potential lawsuit. So that might be an issue for tenants.



Those trampoline places are more dangerous than a backyard trampoline. There's a young gymnast that had both her legs broken and then some a week ago, because a 200 lb man fell on her. He and the jump place are both saying the girl and her family are making too big a deal of it. She had just won a major competition. She may not be able to compete again, or for a very long time.


Op- we have never had an injury in over 10 years. We got our 1st one at k-mart, and after a tree fell on it, we replaced it w/ one from academy. 14 ft I think. Our net is still the original net, The brand is Nothing but Fitness, and it reduces the jump zone a bit, but it has been a great net. To prevent injuries, make sure you have a net, and limit it to one or two people, and no horseplay. Honestly, I don't think the brand/type matters. Injuries happen when people don't use nets, jump wrong, and are doing things that shouldn't be done on a trampoline.

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depending upon the age, you can get a mini-tramp for indoors. for very young children, one with a safety handle for them to hang onto while jumping.


for an outdoor, there are "springless" tramps with safety nets.


as for safety - kids fall off playground equipment and their bikes all the time. I was thrown from a fair number of horses growing up, and even had an elementary school classmate killed in a fall from her horse. I still rode.


eta: my sil has an older round tramp with springs and there have been no injuries in 20+ years.

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We have one with the safety net. I do make visiting kids parents promise not to sue me.[/b] I had one when I was a kid, my girls have had one most of their life. It is a risk like getting in the car, riding a bike, crossing the street, climbing a tree. We limit it to no more than 2 kids at once. We got ours from Walmart online. It is the 15ft round with safety net.



I assume you are saying this mostly in jest and realize that the parents don't usually have a choice in the matter. Private medical insurance companies can refuse to pay for an injury on someones private property and tell the parents that it falls to the homeowners insurnance company. This is where the lawsuits come in. The homeowners insurance policy says "prove we are liable" and the lawsuit ensues.

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I agree with others...no tramp is safe.



DD14 has a permanent shoulder injury from a simple slip on a tramp, when she put her arms out to catch herself. It wasn't a bad fall, it was just the the impact force of the fall/slip that damaged the shoulder. 3 months of physical therapy and 3 years of time didn't take care of it. She is still in pain from any repetative motion (dancing, basketball etc) sometimes to the point of having to put her arm in a sling for a couple of days.

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I would buy DD a motorcycle before I bought her a trampoline. My sister and my cousin both had very serious injuries that resulted in playing on trampolines when they were younger (seperate instances). Both had injuries that required surgery. Neither of them were the daredevil or play dangerously type. That isn't counting all the people I knew that had minor injuries that just required minor medical care.


Before I get comments - I'm not getting DD a motorcycle either.

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PEOPLE! She didn't ask for opinions on whether or not she should get a trampoline. She asked for trampoline *recommendations*! What IS it with the flying, unasked for opinions in the threads these days? Wow.


Amy, feel free to quote me in your OP, LOL.

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Amy, we've had trampolines (we are now on our 4th) since 1998 without an injury. They are excellent energy burners and we love them. Just be sure you get the ones with the netting. Depending on your area, the net/outer padding should be replaced every other year or so. The bed should last at least 3-4 years. Don't allow more than 2 kids on at a time (although I do let the two youngest go on with one other sibling). No flips unless they are trained gymnasts. We've had Jumpking, Bazinga, and some other brand that eludes me now. ETA: Skywalker! None has been any better or any worse than another. Inspect all parts each year and replace... maintenance is important! Get the biggest tramp/enclosure you have room for. I love this 17 x 15: http://www.wayfair.com/Skywalker-Trampolines-17-x15-Oval-Trampoline-and-Enclosure-SWTC17-X-11-SWK1029.html


That may be our next one :)

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PEOPLE! She didn't ask for opinions on whether or not she should get a trampoline. She asked for trampoline *recommendations*! What IS it with the flying, unasked for opinions in the threads these days? Wow.


Amy, feel free to quote me in your OP, LOL.


She asked which is 'best and safest'. For my family, any brand and with/without safety devices, would not have prevented my daughters injury. So yes, I do feel that my comment was appropriate. IN ground, with net, no spring....doesn't matter....some injuries are inevitable. And before someone jumps in with 'walking across the street is dangerous', yes, but my daughters injury was specifically from a fall, from height, onto her arm, on a trampoline.....it wouldn't be the same injury if she was walking aross the street.



I have heard the owners of the tramp (our neighbors) tell other people...'we have never had an injury on our tramp'...they just seem to forget about dd when they say that. SInce they weren't paying the medical bills and I didn't go give them constant updates on her shoulder, I guess they forgot.

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She asked which is 'best and safest'. For my family, any brand and with/without safety devices, would not have prevented my daughters injury. So yes, I do feel that my comment was appropriate. IN ground, with net, no spring....doesn't matter....some injuries are inevitable. And before someone jumps in with 'walking across the street is dangerous', yes, but my daughters injury was specifically from a fall, from height, onto her arm, on a trampoline.....it wouldn't be the same injury if she was walking aross the street.



I have heard the owners of the tramp (our neighbors) tell other people...'we have never had an injury on our tramp'...they just seem to forget about dd when they say that. SInce they weren't paying the medical bills and I didn't go give them constant updates on her shoulder, I guess they forgot.


Gah, it wasn't replies like yours Tap. It was the first 3-4. Whatever. This board has worn me out tonight and made me feel grumpy. My apologies.

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We just bought this one for our two youngest http://www.walmart.com/ip/Little-Tikes-7-First-Trampoline/16529105


It is a 7 foot trampoline designed for kids in the 3-10 age range. We love it!!


Yes, I know there is the possibility of injury ... Just like there is for gymnastics or baseball or football or ice skating or cheerleading or a whole lot of other things people let their kids do. You know that going in and make your decisions accordingly.

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