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Goodbye Larry Hagman

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I loved him in I dream of Jeannie. And my older brother in law channelled JR Ewing for a long time. I remember he had a Dallas themed birthday party once! It was a hoot. Everyone had to dress up like a character from the show. Well, rest in peace, Larry Hagman. You brought us a lot of laughter and entertainment. Well done, sir!

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Growing up, Dallas was that mystical show my parents watched after we went to bed. So I had no idea who shot JR. (I know, most of you weren't even alive then!) I loved watching the new series on TNT this year.


Rest in peace, Larry, JR, Master Major Nelson.


I was out of college when Dallas started. I watched for a while, but didn't keep up. By the time JR was shot, all I knew about it was what I heard, and I never saw the infamous "it was a dream" episode. I still hated JR from the early episodes I watched.


My introduction to Larry Hagman was in I Dream of Jeannie. I watched it faithfully as a kid. I loved Major Nelson.

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I watched Dallas even though I think I was 10! It was a bonding thing with my mom! Very fun. I had a Who Shot JR sweatshirt I wore for a year. Larry Hagman was also great in I Dream of Jeannie - another childhood favorite!


RIP Larry. :crying:

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Growing up, Dallas was that mystical show my parents watched after we went to bed. So I had no idea who shot JR. (I know, most of you weren't even alive then!) I loved watching the new series on TNT this year.

Rest in peace, Larry, JR, Master Major Nelson.



After you went to bed? I guess I was watching I Dream of Jeanie before you were born. I enjoyed JR and Major Nelson. I understand he was well liked by fellw actors.

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I found it interesting Linda Gray was one of those in his hospital room when he died and she had wonderful things to say about him. So did Barbara Eden. He was still married to his first wife, fairly unusual for hollywood. After he had a liver transplant, he volunteered at the hospital with those facing that to help them overcome their fears.`


I loved I dream of jennie. sporadically watched dallas in the early years and then was busy with my own kids.

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I loved him in "I Dream of Jeannie" and I can't believe my mom actually let me watch that show. After all, they were not married and living together and she wasn't wearing much. And my Mom was very conservative. I, too, was impressed by the longevity of his marriage. 58 years.

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I believe I read that he was currently in a new remake of Dallas????? I haven't watched it but I wonder what they will do with his character.



He had taped six episodes of Season 2 already. They knew he was sick. I'm sure they will do something like they did when 'Jock' died on the original series. They did a great job of a sendoff. I read that Linda Grey and Patrick Ewing were with him when he died. That speaks to how tightly knit that cast was.


I feel like another part of my childhood died. :( I just loved his JR. He was so layered - you could hate him, love him, feel sorry for him and want to shoot him all in the same scene.

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I'm old enough to have watched the original Dallas series when it was on and I enjoyed it then. A while back I bought the first few seasons on DVD to re-watch, and I thought it was really interesting how the series was kind of ahead of its time in the way it handled certain issues. There was Miss Ellie's breast cancer and mastectomy, Pam's miscarriages and infertility, Lucy's fiancee who was gay - and they dealt with them very compassionately and realistically.Of course there was a lot of over the top drama, infidelity, alcohol use, etc. but I was genuinely surprised to see how many difficult topics they discussed and dealt with in a way that was unusual for the era. Anyway, back to Larry Hagman, I loved him/loved to hate him as J.R. He was the greatest villain but somehow I always rejoiced to see him come out on top.

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