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Who's Going to Tackle Tuesday with Me?

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It's a normal day with normal housework and schoolwork. I'm hoping to inch toward getting more than just the basics done around here.


This morning while I take my shower, I will also be scrubbing the slip-n-slide! It is embarrassing to admit this but it had been hung up on the fence to dry off one summer day and I forgot it out in the backyard. It's been out there ever since. So yesterday I brought it in and rinsed the worst of the grime off of it. Now today I will scrub it.



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Except for a few meltdowns and fights between the sisters, we are doing well. Math is the last subject for the day and big girl has 4-H tonight.


Today is small girl's BIRTHDAY!!! She is 4!! I'm going to take them for an early supper at their favorite pizza joint. Then after dropping off big girl to 4-H, small girl will pick out two cake mixes for me to bake on Saturday.


Housework is going well, school is going well. Happy that it's a short week next week (just working Mon and Tues!).


Currently making ham, mashed potatoes and beans for lunch - all small girl's favorites!

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I'll bite. This morning I got up around 6:00. Very unusual for me now the kids are grown. Went out and got the frost off of the first car due to leave this morning with ds#3 to class. Started laundry. Put up dishes. Got dd#1 off to her classes with another windshield wipe. Cooked huge breakfast for dh and ds#2 and sent them off to work cattle.


I'm going to straighten the kitchen again and keep laundry moving. In between I'll go out and bring in ponies and get ready for a cart ride this afternoon. Tuesday is pizza with grandma night around here so I'm pretty much free.

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Aside from meals, a spot of cleaning, and school:

  • Groceries (produce and meat for the week's dinners... stuff I can carry)
  • Help DD the Elder research the glass armonica and structure her presentation, yesterday we listened to a million tracks to find the "perfect" one
  • Make these Near Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies... they look fantastic (we came second in pub trivia last night and spend the winnings on ingredients)
  • Finish school prep for the week, DD the Youngers math lesson plans, photocopying, put together next leg of "extra" history readings for DD the Elder
  • Forms, forms, forms... finishing up paperwork (hopefully) for insurance claims and OOP reimbursement requests

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~school work

~laundry (3 loads including bed linens)

~take dd15 to pick up the last few things she needs for her trip

~exercise (3 miles on treadmill)

~banks (2 different ones to go to)

~library (to pick up reserved book and return others)

~dd15's dance classes (4-8pm)

~haircut appointment (7pm)


~scrub master shower


~remake beds with clean linens

~figure out what we're having for dinner & prepare it

~help dd15 start packing for her trip

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I am as dressed as I plan to get. OK, I might go put socks on cuz my toes are cold... it's a tshirt and yoga pants day today. We're getting things done and I feel pretty good!


Breakfast-- check!

School with DS-- check!

Girls math, spelling, science--now


nature walk, dd1 project kick-off

BF guide with dd2

Wash sheets, laundry

clean kids rooms

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I'm on schedule today, which is a good thing after yesterday's lay-about day!


Up and the kids were at school on time. Picked up my dd after band, made her breakfast while she started school, cleaned the kitchen, checked emails/facebook/this board.


Now, when I'm done with this post, I'm off to get laundry going, make my Trader Joe's list, plan dinner, and get the rest of my stuff done that I typically do on a Tuesday.


Oh, and take a walk. Yes. Do it. Grrr.

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I'm off to do some dishes. All that *helpful* advice about running a load of dishes before bed every night is completely useless when you don't have a dishwasher, and you have a baby in your arms for almost the entire day. He's taking a catnap, so I'd like to at least have dishes to eat lunch on when I am done!


Ok, just kidding because he woke between the time I started running the water in the sink and came over to the computer to hit send. Paper plates it is!

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Almost done-currently on lunch break~school work

Done -just need the kids to put it away~laundry (3 loads including bed linens)

~take dd15 to pick up the last few things she needs for her trip

~exercise (3 miles on treadmill)

~banks (2 different ones to go to)

~library (to pick up reserved book and return others)

~dd15's dance classes (4-8pm)

~dd5's dance class (4-5pm)

~haircut appointment (7pm)


~scrub master shower


~remake beds with clean linens

Done - Parmesan Honey Pork is in the crockpot (http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2011/12/slow-cooker-parmesan-honey-pork-roast.html#)~figure out what we're having for dinner & prepare it

~help dd15 start packing for her trip

Edited by MamaAkins
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I am going to go out on a walk and I mean it.


And then I'm going to shower.


I have a few other things that should happen

- a trip to walmart

- dinner in the crockpot

- laundry


but the most important thing is getting off this computer and going on a walk.




Back from walking the dog. I told myself I would just walk/jog for 20 minutes, but I felt great and went for about 35 minutes. Yay me!


Then I trimmed the dog's nails. That wasn't even on the list.


Next up: laundry

then Walmart during lunch

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Back from walking the dog. I told myself I would just walk/jog for 20 minutes, but I felt great and went for about 35 minutes. Yay me!


Then I trimmed the dog's nails. That wasn't even on the list.


Next up: laundry

then Walmart during lunch


Rats, on my post I said I need to walk the dog. :tongue_smilie: And I was so industrious about finding something else to do, so I talked to the Cunard cruise line people on the phone, watched my dd's math DVD lesson with her (I love Mr. Reed!), sat outside enjoying the weather while I planned a few meals and made my shopping list.


Now I need to take my dd to choir at noon (15 minutes from now), go to Trader Joe's, pick dd up, unload groceries, then try REALLY hard to think of something to do besides walk the dog. Sigh. I WILL walk the dog. We both need it and the weather is great so I have no excuse.


Unless somebody can think of an excuse for me.

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Rats, on my post I said I need to walk the dog. :tongue_smilie: And I was so industrious about finding something else to do, so I talked to the Cunard cruise line people on the phone, watched my dd's math DVD lesson with her (I love Mr. Reed!), sat outside enjoying the weather while I planned a few meals and made my shopping list.


Now I need to take my dd to choir at noon (15 minutes from now), go to Trader Joe's, pick dd up, unload groceries, then try REALLY hard to think of something to do besides walk the dog. Sigh. I WILL walk the dog. We both need it and the weather is great so I have no excuse.


Unless somebody can think of an excuse for me.


Go for a walk! Come on, it's fun! walking-the-dog-smiley-emoticon.gif

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2:37pm check-in

Just finished 3.42 miles on the treadmill (45 mins) with an incline of 1-2. Cooling down now before hitting the shower. The three younger kids are all done with school. DD15 is, of course, still working---she's hard-working and efficient, but with her course load (mostly outside instructors), her work is nearly never-ending! Laundry is done--just need to put the clean sheets back on my bed. Once my "daycare" child gets picked up by her mom, we'll be off to dance classes and errands. It's going to be a busy evening! Thank goodness for my crockpot!

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Noon. Dd and I managed to do spelling, a history overview and Japanese with minimal bloodshed.


Ds is heading outside to do yardwork. He's negotiated a "rent to own" option for buying a new laptop. We had the laptop already - got it during a super good sale but now he has to pay us back for it in sweat equity. With the rent-to-own deal he will be able to use it before he's paid off the entire amount. Since his old computer is on it's last legs, I am willing to do the deal. But he has to log his first $50 of sweat equity as a down payment first.

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I have a few other things that should happen

- a trip to walmart

- dinner in the crockpot

- laundry



I survived Waldamort. I got almost everything on my list. I forgot tortillas. And I need tortillas for tonight. Bah.


On a brighter note, the laundry is done!


I have about an hour and a half to get some work done. Here's what I want to do:

Unload the groc (pronounced grow-sh technical term for groceries)

cut up fruit for dinner

bake cookie bars

figure out how to sew a fabric banner.


I like these threads. Thanks Jean!

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I have put off going to the gyn for years. And I've never had a mammogram. Today, I scheduled BOTH!!! And I scheduled my car's 130,000 miles tuneup stuff. And I scheduled my consultation at the endodontist. And I scheduled eye dr appointments for myself, dh, and dd. Can you tell I procrastinate things that involve a telephone call?


I wrote up lists the other day labeled CALL/OUT/COMPUTER and have been working through them. Today was the CALL list. I stapled each to the front of a folder assigned to it. In my OUT folder I have receipts for returns at stores.:auto:

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Ortho for both kids.

Grocery shop for a few things

Start side dishes for thanksgiving dinner at enrichment tonight.

Take kids to music

Pick up stuff from friend

Pick up cabinet doors (both on the way home)

Get pizza for hubby and son

Finish side dishes and then go

afterwards prepare seminary breakfast and lesson...teaching for my friend tomorrow.


I think I'm done then lol

W ait I forgot I still have to hook up the horse trailer to take it to have the tires checked

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I have put off going to the gyn for years. And I've never had a mammogram. Today, I scheduled BOTH!!! And I scheduled my car's 130,000 miles tuneup stuff. And I scheduled my consultation at the endodontist. And I scheduled eye dr appointments for myself, dh, and dd. Can you tell I procrastinate things that involve a telephone call?





I, too, hate making phone calls. I spent the morning checking off my "hateful things" list, and 90% of them were phone calls. I don't care that each call takes about ~ 2 min, I still hate them.


But they are DONE! And now I just have to go to the appts, etc. Yay for tackling Tuesday! :D

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School mostly done

Groceries bought

Library visit to pick up holds

Dinner partially prepped (who the heck cooks with farro?)

Cookies wet and dry ready to unite when oven preheated


Procrastinating over the paperwork

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Hm. The day started out strong - got up early, got school (almost) done, looked decent. Then we went out to run errands - "Mommy, I think I'm going to throw up..." Now we are all at home in jammies.

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I, too, hate making phone calls. I spent the morning checking off my "hateful things" list, and 90% of them were phone calls. I don't care that each call takes about ~ 2 min, I still hate them.


But they are DONE! And now I just have to go to the appts, etc. Yay for tackling Tuesday! :D


I hate making phone calls, too! If I could just do everything via text, email or some other hi-tech way, I would be much happier.


And I still haven't walked the dog. But I will!!! It's only 2:30 here so I have time. And nobody thought up a good excuse. :tongue_smilie:

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Great job, all you procrastinators. I should say all US procrastinators since I've been putting off cleaning the slip-n-slide for some time.


It is almost 3 pm my time. Most of you are eating dinner. I'm just thinking about snack. And all my afternoon chores. I am done teaching dd her afternoon school. She's still doing it but since she's building either a Viking house or an Anglo-Saxon house (they are pretty much the same kind of house), I am not needed. Ds is working on logic. I'm not needed there either.


This afternoon I will -


- fold and put away laundry.

- fold and put away the slip-n-slide.

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