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I would LOVE to make my niece a Christmas gift, but...

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my stepsister (ss) doesn't like/appreciate handmade gifts. My niece is 3, and I've tried giving handmade gifts, but they get tossed aside (by my ss) without a second look. I just don't get it. I never really made homemade gifts until about 4 years ago. My brother's wife, who is very creative, started giving my girls handmade gifts, and I saw how much time she put into them and how much my girls loved them. So I thought it was a great idea! I've made candles, ornaments, coasters, jams/jellies/homemade bread, other baked goods, fleece throws, photography collages, etc for my parents and other family members. It just seems so special, to me, to receive something that was made with a lot of thought and love.


So, anyway, for my niece's first Christmas, I made her a set of blocks. I had found an old ABC book at an antique shop. It was something like this. The book wasn't in great shape, but it still had a lot of really great pictures in it. I cut the book apart and made a block for each letter of her name, Grace, using Modpodge. On the "G" block, there was a capital "G" on one side, lower case "g" on another side, a goose, a girl, the number 1, and so on. The blocks were so cute and anyway you turned them, there was something to look at. I can't describe them that well, but you get the idea. I worked so hard, and I was so proud, lol. So on Christmas, when my ss opened the box, she looked at the blocks, looked at me, gave me a weird look, then tossed them aside. I said, "Oh, I made those out of an ABC book from the 1950's." She said, "Oh..."


So I guess I'll go to Walmart and get her the latest plastic "Made in China" toy that's out this year. I won't like it, but I'm not going to waste my time on making her something.


Just venting. I guess this is a JAWM thread.



Edited by Nakia
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my stepsister (ss) doesn't like/appreciate handmade gifts. My niece is 3, and I've tried giving handmade gifts, but they get tossed aside (by my ss) without a second look. I just don't get it. I never really made homemade gifts until about 4 years ago. My brother's wife, who is very creative, started giving my girls handmade gifts, and I saw how much time she put into them and how much my girls loved them. So I thought it was a great idea! I've made candles, ornaments, coasters, jams/jellies/homemade bread, other baked goods, fleece throws, photography collages, etc for my parents and other family members. It just seems so special, to me, to receive something that was made with a lot of thought and love.


So, anyway, for my niece's first Christmas, I made her a set of blocks. I had found an old ABC book at an antique shop. It was something like this. The book wasn't in great shape, but it still had a lot of really great pictures in it. I cut the book and made a block for each letter of her name, Grace. On the "G" block, there was a capital "G" on one side, lower case "g" on another side, a goose, a girl, the number 1, and so on. The blocks were so cute and anyway you turned them, there was something to look at. I can't describe them that well, but you get the idea. I worked so hard, and I was so proud, lol. So on Christmas, when my ss opened the box, she looked at the blocks, looked at me, gave me a weird look, then tossed them aside. I said, "Oh, I made those out of an ABC book from the 1950's." She said, "Oh..."


So I guess I'll go to Walmart and get her the latest plastic "Made in China" toy that's out this year. I won't like it, but I'm not going to waste my time on making her something.


Just venting. I guess this is a JAWM thread.




I'm sorry that stinks. I quilt, and everyone I've ever given things to almost embarrasses me with compliments forever about it. I wouldn't want to make her anything either. Though the poor kid, that is an awful thing her mother doesn't show gratitude nor allow her to appreciate someone's time and love. That's rotten

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I am sorry your gift wasn't appreciated. But I say that if you enjoy making things, still make something and maybe your niece will love it - 3 and up is so much more fun for giving gifts. We give handmade gifts and I'm not sure if they're always appreciated but I enjoy making things and so that is what I give.

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I have 2 great aunts who are Catholic nuns. They take a vow of poverty so they never have any money. They always give homemade gits (or dollar store gifts). As a kid I didn't think too much about it. I can't say that I appreciated it exactly, but I didn't get it either.


They came to my wedding and I got a homemade gift. They took our wedding invitation and made this very interesting decorative wall hanging thing (that also involved a lot of plastic forks). I've been married over 12 years and have moved 6 times. I carefully bring that wall hanging from place to place. It means a lot to me.


I guess my point is, sometimes it takes awhile to totally get some things.


THat's sweet. Plastic forks...hmmm that sounds creative :D


I love when people give me home made things.

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Nakia - sometimes people just don't get it and sometimes they are jerks. :grouphug: The blocks sound lovely!


I have 2 great aunts who are Catholic nuns. They take a vow of poverty so they never have any money. They always give homemade gifts (or dollar store gifts). As a kid I didn't think too much about it. I can't say that I appreciated it exactly, and I didn't get it either.


They came to my wedding and I got a homemade gift. They took our wedding invitation and made this very interesting decorative wall hanging thing (that also involved a lot of plastic forks). I've been married over 12 years and have moved 6 times. I carefully bring that wall hanging from place to place. It means a lot to me.


I guess my point is, sometimes it takes awhile to totally get some things.


I'd love to see a picture of that.

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Nakia, go with the store-bought toy for now. When your niece gets older, she will probably start appreciating that you want to make special things for her. Right now, she doesn't know the difference between handcrafted and something from the store, so don't waste your time, creativity, and energy right now.


FWIW, I would have loved those blocks! :001_wub:

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my stepsister (ss) doesn't like/appreciate handmade gifts. My niece is 3, and I've tried giving handmade gifts, but they get tossed aside (by my ss) without a second look. I just don't get it. I never really made homemade gifts until about 4 years ago. My brother's wife, who is very creative, started giving my girls handmade gifts, and I saw how much time she put into them and how much my girls loved them. So I thought it was a great idea! I've made candles, ornaments, coasters, jams/jellies/homemade bread, other baked goods, fleece throws, photography collages, etc for my parents and other family members. It just seems so special, to me, to receive something that was made with a lot of thought and love.


So, anyway, for my niece's first Christmas, I made her a set of blocks. I had found an old ABC book at an antique shop. It was something like this. The book wasn't in great shape, but it still had a lot of really great pictures in it. I cut the book apart and made a block for each letter of her name, Grace, using Modpodge. On the "G" block, there was a capital "G" on one side, lower case "g" on another side, a goose, a girl, the number 1, and so on. The blocks were so cute and anyway you turned them, there was something to look at. I can't describe them that well, but you get the idea. I worked so hard, and I was so proud, lol. So on Christmas, when my ss opened the box, she looked at the blocks, looked at me, gave me a weird look, then tossed them aside. I said, "Oh, I made those out of an ABC book from the 1950's." She said, "Oh..."


So I guess I'll go to Walmart and get her the latest plastic "Made in China" toy that's out this year. I won't like it, but I'm not going to waste my time on making her something.


Just venting. I guess this is a JAWM thread.




wow. most of my gifts are handmade in some form or fashion. i would hate that! half the fun is figuring out the perfect gift, creating it, and then seeing their reaction. i'm sorry her response was so ugly:grouphug:

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When you niece is older she'll have more say about what she plays with.



:iagree: Give it a few years & try again. My 10yo really appreciates a wall hanging that her cousins made for her birthday, and one niece's favorite gift one Christmas (she was 5) was a drawstring backpack I made. But there's no way I'm going to bother making anything for my currently-1yo niece, because I know my SIL won't appreciate it. In a few years, when this niece is old enough to care, then I may make her gifts. It was disappointing to my then-9yo when she made a sleeper for her new cousin last Christmas and SIL was less than impressed; luckily grandma babysits and did put niece in the sleeper and sent dd a picture.

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I'm sorry your stepsister wasn't appreciative -- those blocks sound lovely and amazing!


I think there are people who are definitely handmade-gift-worthy and those who aren't. Find those who are, and bless them with your skills and creativity!






Dollar store for now, then try handmade in a few years when your niece gets to decide whether she likes something or not.

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Nakia, the blocks sound lovely, and I and my dc would have treasured them. I feel your pain though, I always wanted to do handmade gifts for Christmas, but dh's family is just not like that. I said the heck with it last year, and the girls and I did it anyway. We made fleece blankets for their g'ma and aunt. I don't think the aunt appreciated the blanket, but I do think she liked the homemade scarf dd knitted. If my sister and I had lived in the same state, and our dc had been closer in age, she and I would have done lots of homemeade gifts. My family didn't exchange gifts though.

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I'm gonna buck trend here and say keep trying. When my nieces and nephew were still babies, I decided that I was going to give the "grandkids" (my parent's grandkids who we see for xmas eve every year) pjs and a book. Decided I didn't care that 1. I would be "that aunt" and 2. that my nieces and nephew wouldn't have a clue what a book was (exaggerating only a little bit). This year the oldest is 10 and she asked me this year what her pjs were going to be. She couldn't wait to open them up this year. It made me feel sooo good. My sister's dislike that I do this every year but the kids seem to look forward to it.


The parent may not get it but the kid just might. Its the thought that counts and you never know what you may spark in the little one.

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Oh, can I ever relate to this. I've made my 2 nephews each beautiful hand knit sweaters and my nieces a darling page boy crocheted hat with crocheted flowers, I highly doubt they ever wore let alone gotten a courtesy photo with them in those items. The Bro and SIL sent me a registry of plastic junk for their last kid's birthday. I can't tell you how many levels of annoyed that made me (I didn't request a list FTR!). There are a pretty limited list of people I will bother making hand made things for any more!


Those blocks sound adorable!

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I probably would have cried had you given those blocks to my child. What a thoughtful gift. It's too bad that not everyone loves the thought that goes into homemade gifts.




One of the best Christmases we ever had with my family growing up was the year we spent the gift money on a cottage at the Outer Banks, and we spent the week there making home made gifts for each other.


The blocks sound really nice.


ETA: I'd love to see the fork hanging, too!

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