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Wii, XBox, or Playstation

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OK, I know nothing about these things but this is what I'm interested in getting as our "family" gift this year. I know DH would love one, BC (before children) he always had the latest and greatest. I have casually asked him a few questions about what he would prefer but he's not cooperating. I would like it to be a surprise to him.

I am interested in something that we can stream Netflix or Amazon movies on, maybe play Blurays? I know that as a family we would probably enjoy some of the dancing games that are out, my kids love to dance and love those commercials!

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Wii is good for younger kids. The games are more child friendly.


Xbox is better for older kids who want to game seriously. If they want to game "LIVE" with kids in other locations, you pay for that. We do a family membership which is four accounts that can access LIVE for $99 a year.


Playstation 3 is similar, but the ability to interact with others is free. Dh wants one for this reason. We already have an Xbox, though, and the subscription and games...I'm not anxious to shake it up.


Wii games can be had a little, sometimes a lot, less expensively than Xbox or ps. Xbox games cost us $60-70 usually, Wii is more in the $30-40 range.

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I think one could get them for pretty cheap atm.


The new wii is coming out this month and the new xbox and playstation are coming out in 2013. I would keep that in mind when making a purchase. IMO it will be easier to get cheaper games and such since some will be selling theirs. But, I am not sure if the new games are going to work on both. I haven't looked into that, we mostly use our wii for netflix.


If you are going to want to be getting a lot of new games I would wait until the new consoles are out.

Edited by Sis
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We never had any of these when our children were young, but finally got one for my husband last year for Father's Day. We wanted one that would let him do sports with it (for after-stroke rehab). After a lot of research, we got the XBox Kinect. It was the only one that allowed you to do the sports games (when you are moving and it detects your moves) without having to hold onto a little box with a handle. (Sorry -- I don't know all the proper terms!) We are also able to play DVD's and stream Netflix and Amazon Prime with it. It's great! My kids wonder why we never got it before...

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The new Wii U will not play DVDs of any kind. Really a bad move, IMO, on the part of Nintendo.


We tried using a demo of the Wii U in a local store, and neither my ds nor I liked it very much. We found the handheld controller thingie to be awkward and clunky.


The graphics are a lot better in the new Wii U, though, but we decided against buying it (at least for now,) because there are so few games available for it, and also because it's brand new, you can't save money by buying used games yet, either.

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We have a Wii and love it, prefer it for exercise but my very favorite thing is our PS3. We have always been Play station folks and still play alot of PS2 games too.

We run Netflix, Hulu+ and Amazon Prime through it, play dvds and blu rays, games on disc or downloads. Graphics are amazing. I love that I can stick a usb in it and copy files to watch on mp4 as well. It also plays music and can run photo slideshows.

I think it often comes down to personal preference and ease of gameplay in the end. I have never used an XBOX.

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Why isn't the Wii good for left-handed people? It has always worked fine for me.


(That said, the Wii wouldn't be my first choice of gaming system -- I'd go with the XBox 360 or the PS3.)


I agree with this. My ds is left handed and has no problem. We have a Wii and a PS3. IMO the Wii is great for younger kids. My ds is 12 and doesn't really use it any more. We keep it around to stream Netflix. I do not like the PS3. Ours has been a pain in the hiney! I've had to send it off twice to be "worked on". It always seem to have some kind of problem. The only reason I keep it around is to stream Netflix. If I had to do it again, I would chose the XBox.

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We went with a PlayStation because it is a blue ray player also and you can go online and play with others for free, down load games and netflix. Most of the 'wanted' games are available for it and the trade in value (at game stop)even if broken is amazing. great graphics.


My son bought a used xbox and hated it. It always over heated. Could not go online (unless he subscribed $$$) and the special for xbox only games were not as wonderful as he expected. It dies very shortly after purchase.


We have a Wii and play it but only for Mario games and Zelda. The big gamers in the family don't use it much but the non gamers who went to play find it easier to use. They play things like Wii sports or party type games. Graphics are not as good.

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