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So, what are you up to this lovely Wednesday?

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Today, we woke up and watched the victory and concession speeches while eating breakfast. Then my older dug into his latest book, School's Out Forever by James Patterson while younger read Harry Potter; I cleaned up the kitchen and started laundry.


After school, I have to go to work, so the boys are off to Afterschool at the YMCA. I really hope to get in my Turbo Fire workout before I go to work!!! I have already lost a pound and I might be imagining it but I think I might even see ab muscles!!! WOOT!


DH is travelling for two weeks, so I think tonight I will serve leftover veggie shephards pie from last night and try and work on my church's website. I was asked to work on the site almost 2 months ago and have barely found the time---I really feel guilty about that. I feel like by the time night comes, I am wiped out, and the computer is out in the school room and I would rather be in the house :001_huh:


How is everyone else doing? What are your plans for today?

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I got up early and worked a little, had coffee with my husband and talked about the day. Made a smoothie and wrote a blog post to clear my head and woke my son up. Went next door to jump start my sweet neighbor's car, more coffee to get warm again. Heading to my office to help move the office to our new "campus." I mostly work from home now but seeing the new campus makes us all so happy and inspired! Going to try and get a run in this afternoon and thinking about making some soup. I plan to finish up a book I am reading tonight!

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I let the kids stay up until the races were credibly called and then my son ran into a wall while dancing/doing a celebratory run around our basment. Then I spent another hour or so holding his bloody nose and waiting for the speeches. So I'm guessing my kids will be up around noon today. I'm just sitting here drinking tea and listening to NPR. Today is going to be a light day. :001_smile:

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We stayed up to wait for the results, but didn't watch either speech. Maybe later.


It's a beautiful day in Florida - November weather is usually lovely. Ds is outside clearing vines off our fence, in an effort to earn some extra money. He wants Halo 4 and thought we'd spring for the difference after he uses his $25 Game Stop gift certificate. I said no. He can pay for all of it or put it on his Christmas list. When he comes in, he'll have lunch and get started on his school work.


I'm trying something new this week. On Monday I gave ds all of his assignments for the week. I also had him look at our family Cozi calendar to see what we have going on (tomorrow is park day for our hs group), so he can plan accordingly. If it works, it will be less work for me on a daily basis and will give him more responsibility. It is so hard for people with ADHD to plan ahead, so I do have to keep reminding him to spread out the work so he's not doing it all on Friday. Fingers crossed.


Today is turning out to be a cooking/baking day for me. I have a chicken carcass in the crock pot making broth. I plan to make rolls to go with the lentil soup we're having for dinner, and I'm in the mood for cookies so I might make some chocolate chip cookies. I'm also going to prepare tomorrow night's dinner today - Cheesy Chicken and Spinach Enchiladas from The Fresh 20. With tomorrow's dinner prepared ahead I won't have to worry about what time we get home from park day.

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Moving slowly is how I am this morning. Managed to fix coffee and breakfast but that is about it so far. I need to wrangle the kiddos in and start school. They are out "spying" on the neighbors. :blink: A bunch of work trucks are down at their house and kiddos want to know what is being done :lol:


Other than school we need to do some massive house cleaning :thumbdown: :ack2:. I would much rather take a nap. :thumbup1: :sleep:

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Moving slowly is how I am this morning. Managed to fix coffee and breakfast but that is about it so far. I need to wrangle the kiddos in and start school. They are out "spying" on the neighbors. :blink: A bunch of work trucks are down at their house and kiddos want to know what is being done :lol:


Other than school we need to do some massive house cleaning :thumbdown: :ack2:. I would much rather take a nap. :thumbup1: :sleep:


I need to do massive cleaning here too. Well, maybe not massive, but i need to keep up with the November Decluttering Challenge, vacuum upstairs, finish laundry, go through a 2 foot pile of papers, mow 2 acres......ack!!! :tongue_smilie:

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Wednesday is our busiest evening of the week - two piano lessons, two hockey games and two dance classes, so we got an early start on school and my younger boys are already finished! Ds11 just has math left and Ds13 has grammar and writing, but they should be finished before 2. We have to leave the house by 2:30 and won't be home for good until 9:30. Maybe I should take a nap now!

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I am driving around in the snow seeing patients and helping dd practice violin for the 2 hours I will be home before heading back out to see the rest of my patients. Hoping the roads don't get too slick once it gets dark. These are some really big snowflakes.

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Getting ready to fix a nice hot lunch and start chicken soup for dinner. Today is activity free, but a heavy load of school work. Ds is done with his work and later we'll read LOTR and play a game. Dd is still doing writing and has latin, science and grammar yet. I will teach grammar and grade latin. Dd2 will be back from preschool in a minute. I have some minor chores and then will be hanging out with the kids the rest of the day.

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Had a great homeschooling morning, made tomato sauce for dinner tonight, cleaned the house and finished laundry. Now I am getting to sit and do nothing ds is in his room reading and dd is doing a puzzle. Nothing like having school complete, dinner started and house cleaned:D

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This morning I went to work while DH and DS stayed home to wait for the repair man to show up and check out the bizarre leak in our bathroom. DS did his school work. After I got home from work I vegged for a little bit and then had to go back out and pick up a key from the people I'm cat sitting for this week. Now, DS is nearly finished with his school work and I think we'll end the day with a movie. It's gloriously cold, rainy and gray out with some possible snow in the forecast, DS was sick yesterday, and honestly I'm not feeling so great myself right now so I'm ready for some serious down time.

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I have been a toilet seat all day. Up & down.

Send them all back to school or not.......changing my mind every 5 minutes.

DH was this close to calling the school & getting them registered to start on Monday. I chickened out & said we need to talk more tonight.


I know that the baby is only 3 weeks old but holy cow, things are just a mess at my house. House is a disaster, laundry all over, no meals being done, too much takeout, virtually no schoolwork being done. I am getting really frustrated. I am used to being all organized and everything in its place. None of that is happening.


Arghhhhhh......sorry for the vent :(

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I took DS14 and DIL to the Texas Renaissance Festival today. It was one of two School Days, so no exposure to debauchery! :D


It was a long day but we had a great time, and I bought a gorgeous new gown. :D

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