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anybody else going to be sleeping downstairs in center of house

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Well, we'll be camping out in the living room, but that has windows. I have done the math neurotically, and I don't think the giant oak out front is capable of getting up enough speed to take out the attic, my bedroom and make it to the living room. It's only about 15 feet away and a good 50 feet high.


We have no inside rooms, unless you count the furnace room that used to be the service staircase, and I don't think all of us could fit in there with the furnace if we were standing up. I guess we could sleep in the foyer (only two windows and a door, all protected by the porch roof) but that seems weirdly exposed.

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The best part about a newer house is that you don't have the big trees around it. We do however have 24 windows in the FR that go 15 feet up each wall and that freaks me out in the wind so I will NOT be sleeping in the family room. Perhaps downstairs in the basement...

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We're going to bunk together in "the kid wing". ;) That 300sf-ish area is the only space we have with a second level over it. Everything else is ceiling then roof, no attic space.


If power stays out (like PPL warns) for a week or more, we'll keep bunking together for warmth purposes. It's supposed to go below freezing next Sunday.

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I posted on another thread, but here it is again...


We are sleeping in the front room of our home, which we treat like an old fashioned parlor. It is rarely used, but is furthest from the two huge oaks in the back yard which are right near Ds's bedroom. We'll bring the dogs out there too. There are 5 windows, but we have very heavy drapes and so we'll pull them shut. If there is any indication of a tornado we'll head for the icky basement.

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We only have one story, some very large pine trees but they are mostly healthy with very deep roots. All our iffy trees have been taken down over the past few years.


We're not worrying about it tonight but tomorrow night we may all stay in the living room or one of the kids rooms. Our bedroom is large windows on two sides. We have heavy, room-darkening, insulating curtains on them but I'd still rather be in a room with less glass. Our living room has a skylight but it's the only window not blocked by something.

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Tonight I think we should be fine. Tomorrow night, I think we'll sleep in the playroom. It's a walk-out basement, so it does have sliding glass doors, but they open onto a sheltered, roofed patio so I think it's as safe as we'll need it to be. We have two futons down there and a gas fireplace in case it gets cold.

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Tonight I think we should be fine. Tomorrow night, I think we'll sleep in the playroom. It's a walk-out basement, so it does have sliding glass doors, but they open onto a sheltered, roofed patio so I think it's as safe as we'll need it to be. We have two futons down there and a gas fireplace in case it gets cold.


Oooh, lucky. I'm debating whether we should drag down the two twin mattresses to sleep on. I think we will. If we lose power, though, it's going to be a cold night! Good thing we can huddle to keep warm :D

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Nah. We have some big trees here, but the bulk of the wind isn't supposed to be until this afternoon. Everyone slept in their own space last night with no worries. Tonight; however, I may sleep downstairs with DS13. I can't imagine DH will leave his bed for any reason though.

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We did last night in our rooms, but tonight we may move into the living room. It has two windows but a porch in front, which should offer protection; plus, the trees near it are smaller. Living room also has a fireplace for warmth, as we tend to lose power.


In my part of VA, we've already had Hurricane Irene and a tornado rip through within a mile of my house. Hoping that this storm is less than predicted. But we have plenty of supplies to ride out the storm, and our next door neighbor has a basement and a generator if we need to head over there.


My parents are on the bay and already can't see their dock. Wish they had come here!

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