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In the spirit of the 'being an authentic Christian' discussions we've been having...

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My dh and I have recently discovered a wonderful Christian brother who writes absolutely fantastic music for the Lord.


His name is Jason Bellard.


This is his song, "

". Truly convicting and moving.


You can find more of his songs by searching "Jason Bellard' on YouTube.


Here are the lyrics:


"This is Not a Game", by Jason Bellard


True religion

isn't in your church positions

it is not in superstitions,

or church activities.


True repentance is an act of brokeness

from the grief of your regrets

of a life that's now deceased.


True deliverance is not a road you walk alone

but "With my spirit," says the Lord,

"as you walk away away from sin".


True salvation is not displayed in how you treat it

or in prayers that you've repeated

time and time again.


'Cause this is not a game,

and this is not a chance to see the spotlight.

It's not about a church that seats a thousand,

or a choir that sings on key.


It's about the kingdom.

And when will you make time to share my gospel.

Make time to point the lost to a brighter day in eternity.

And make time for me.

When will you make time for me?


True holiness is a goal you cannot reach

if you ignore humility on this road you walk each day.

True conviction is not in these mortal words

but "By my spirt," says the Lord,

"as I draw your heart my way".


True righteousness is found by faith in me alone

you can't attain it on your own,

and once attained it bears much fruit.


The true Church is a Church that seeks to serve me

with a zeal to give me glory.

Does this Church consist of you?


'Cause this is not a game,

and this is not a chance to see the spotlight.

It's not about a church that seats a thousand,

or a choir that sings on key.


It's about the kingdom.

And when will you make time to share my gospel.

Make time to point the lost to a brighter day in eternity.


Oh, and this is not a game!

And this is not a chance to see the spotlight.

It's not about a church that seats a thousand,

or a choir that sings on key.


It's about the kingdom.

And when will you make time to share my gospel.

Make time to point the lost to a brighter day in eternity.

And make time for me.

When will you make time for me?

Edited by bethanyniez
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Bethany was not claiming that the song represents authentic Christianity in the sense that no other theology is authentic or "orthodox". She meant that it was authentic in the sense that you would say that someone was being "real" or "authentic". The song focuses on relationship and not on rituals and "playing church" just for the sake of rituals and "playing church".

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Bethany was not claiming that the song represents authentic Christianity in the sense that no other theology is authentic or "orthodox". She meant that it was authentic in the sense that you would say that someone was being "real" or "authentic". The song focuses on relationship and not on rituals and "playing church" just for the sake of rituals and "playing church".


Yes, this. :D

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So to all of you Christians reading and thinking about being so utterly "Christian" in the verb form, I'll be your reminder of why *I* am no longer a Christian. Thank you parts of the thread for reminding me




Wow. I am usually not snarky. Note to self. Never log on the internets before coffee.

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I'm sorry but this just makes me want to scream and cry at the same time!!!!!!!


How Christ like are you being right now?!


Someone wants to share an uplifting song with everyone and all you can do is nitpick and get legalistic about it?!


I'm so angry right now that my hands are shaking. Shame on you! People like you are the reason so many others scoff at "Christians". People like you make me want to not call myself Christian. The pagans and atheists on this board are nicer and less judgmental!!!


If being a good Christian is that legalistic then I don't want any part of it. I've struggled with this for awhile and I think you just sent me over the edge. Thanks.

:grouphug: Sweetie, no being a good Christian is not that legalistic. Don't give up on Christianity or lose your faith because of one person's questionable opinion.

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Wow! This thread won't end well.


Thanks for linking the song and posting the lyrics. It isn't my cup of tea music-wise (I'm not one for contemporary Christian music) but I'm sure it is a very nice song.


Ladies, I agree with Chucki.


Plese take nasty comments to pm. Unless your GOAL is to get this thread locked/pulled. :D


Those that know me on here know that it wasn't my intention to offend.

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:grouphug: Sweetie, no being a good Christian is not that legalistic. Don't give up on Christianity or lose your faith because of one person's questionable opinion.




Christianity doesn't hinge upon a person, except the person of Christ. Don't let one person's opinion have such a profound effect. Look to the Holy Trinity for answers.

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But Christ is mentioned when salvation is mentioned, when repentence is mentioned, when church is mentioned... because He is in the center.


I have sang songs that mentioned Christ and the whole group of people singing them did not know Him and did not realize that He was in the center. ;)



That's what little old agnostic me thought.

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Christianity doesn't hinge upon a person, except the person of Christ.



I think that is what theretohere was trying to say... I think that we just aren't expressing ourselves well. Here I am a non-denominational Christian agreeing with all of my dear sisters and wishing we would stop focusing on our differences.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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The song? Don't do that. :)


No no, I meant I'd delete my quoting of theretohere's posts if she removed them, since she shared regret for posting.


And LibraryLover, I didn't realize you were agnostic. I'm embarassed to say I get you mixed up in my mind with Faith Manor, who I know is a Christian. :tongue_smilie:


You need an avatar for us visual people. :D

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I think that is what theretohere was trying to say... I think that we just aren't expressing ourselves well. Here I am a non-denominational Christian agreeing with all of my dear sisters and wishing we would stop focusing on our differences.


And LibraryLover, I did not realize that you were agnostic either. :001_huh:

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No no, I meant I'd delete my quoting of theretohere's posts if she removed them, since she shared regret for posting.


And LibraryLover, I didn't realize you were agnostic. I'm embarassed to say I get you mixed up in my mind with Faith Manor, who I know is a Christian. :tongue_smilie:


You need an avatar for us visual people. :D



Hi Bethany, just remember I'm the baby grand piano and it is playing BACH! Lovely, lovely BACH!



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No no, I meant I'd delete my quoting of theretohere's posts if she removed them, since she shared regret for posting.


And LibraryLover, I didn't realize you were agnostic. I'm embarassed to say I get you mixed up in my mind with Faith Manor, who I know is a Christian. :tongue_smilie:


You need an avatar for us visual people. :D



I am an agnostic who enjoys religion. :D Nearly the whole of the human race has worshiped something, in various forms. You can't have history without religion. So, really, I enjoy history, and the whole human mess of it.


I enjoy religious services of all types. My mother 'was saved' several years ago. I go to church with her for special occasions (Mother's Day and the like), and I feel sad she worries so about me. I wish I could change that for her, but I can't. I can see her Jesus brings great peace and joy to her heart. I am for peace and joy. My mother's ministry is feeding and clothing the poor. She is not legalistic, and I respect she is walking her path. I wouldn't like to hear anyone say she is not authentic because she wear capris instead of skirts, or gives Halloween candy to kids. :) Or likes a certain type of music.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Thanks for sharing Bethany, it reminded me that today begins the Year of Faith for us Catholics. From Pope Benedict XVI:


"The Year of Faith....is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world."


I figured you'd all appreciate his use of the word authentic. :lol: :001_smile:

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Thanks for sharing Bethany, it reminded me that today begins the Year of Faith for us Catholics. From Pope Benedict XVI:


"The Year of Faith....is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world."


I figured you'd all appreciate his use of the word authentic. :lol: :001_smile:

Love it!

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