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Please convince me that Less Is More (esp. for curriculum & school-related books)

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I've been working on cleaning out our house for a long time now. Slowly, but surely, I've gotten rid of loads & loads of stuff. The empty (or emptier) spaces are nice. I love the look of minimalism, lol.


But, now the time has come to face my office. And, it's filled w/ loads & loads of books -- mostly curriculum, all those extra 'supplemental' reading type books, and so on. The problem is, I have so much stuff that I find it hard to find what we do want to use. And, the rest are languishing on the shelves anyway (instead of being used like I had originally planned).


I've started by laying out all our books that we will be using for our upcoming school year. Now, everything else on the shelves is the 'extra' -- maybe to be used a different year, maybe just as a fun supplement, things to perhaps save for the younger child, etc.... How do I decide what to get rid of? Do I get rid of it? Ack. It makes me start to panic to look at ALL THIS STUFF. And, really, I like a lot of it. But, realistically, will I use all of it? (Probably not.)


Please help motivate me! :D Please tell me how great it will be. I know I just need a nuge (ok, a huge shove) in the right direction. LOL.


(And once the books are culled, I'll have to clean out all the papers. I don't even want to go there. It's a scary place.)



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It's like you're going to the local crack house and asking everyone to help you sober up. :001_smile:


BWahahahahaha. I'm gonna die, that was hysterical. :lol::lol::lol:



You have come to the wrong place. I halved my curriculum stuff and my DH still says I have too much.


Man, that was funny. Thanks!


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Wish I could help. It's like you're going to the local crack house and asking everyone to help you sober up. :001_smile:



I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. Thank you for that! Um, yeah, we're no help here. I have boatloads of curriculum and this was our first year homeschooling! :001_huh: My excuse to my dh is that ONE of the younger dc will eventually use it. :D

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Wish I could help. It's like you're going to the local crack house and asking everyone to help you sober up. :001_smile:

Well, I tried asking for help a while ago to clean out my own school room, and let's just say that replies were slow in coming. That's when I realized my mistake. :D

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LOL. Ok, everyone, I know many of you are in the same boat ;)! But, I was hoping that some of the super-organized types on the board would give me a swift kick in the fanny & tell me to get the stuff out of there. You know, those of you who cull your belongings ruthlessly and have a place for everything and everything in it's place....


And, thanks summer, comments like yours do help make the transition easier!


I think I can. I think I can.....

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LOL. Ok, everyone, I know many of you are in the same boat ;)! But, I was hoping that some of the super-organized types on the board would give me a swift kick in the fanny & tell me to get the stuff out of there. You know, those of you who cull your belongings ruthlessly and have a place for everything and everything in it's place....


And, thanks summer, comments like yours do help make the transition easier!


I think I can. I think I can.....


Okay, okay. If we must be serious...;) here are a few suggestions:


Are there any books/curricula that you just don't like and won't ever use? For me, I've decided that I just don't like teaching Saxon Elementary Math. So, even though I had the TM's and one complete Saxon 2 set...I'm selling it. Do you have duplicates of anything (many of us do!). Sell the duplicates. What has helped me is figuring out that for many of the books I'm saving for the younger dc, there will most likely be a revised edition out before I use the saved copy, KWIM? So, I'm selling those as well to somebody who can use it NOW as opposed to 5 years from now.


My new rule of thumb: If I love the curriculum enough to reuse it...I keep it if it is something that won't be out of date in 5 years. If I don't like it now, chances are I won't like it 5 years from now so I sell that, too. If I can't decide and it is an expensive curriculum...I keep it. If I can't decide and it is not that expensive or something that turns up on the sale board often...I sell it.


What also helps is when you figure out your educational philosophy and what curricula goes with that, KWIM? HTH

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and ended up selling something I wish I had kept. I'm usually a get-rid-of-everything kind of girl. I can't stand packratting. Although I have on more than one occasion regretted getting rid of something, clutter makes my blood pressure spike. Ask yourself if you a really think you need to keep it and if you have strong doubt, let it go. If you regret it later, maybe you can borrow someone else's whatever it is or get it from the library. Decluttering is so liberating.

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Neat w/lids, stackable, room for labeling, put them in the basement or garage. They'll be accessible but out of the way. You'll get to keep your excess but your mind will be clear for your current curriculum. Take it from someone who just had a major purge after ordering TOG to make room. I have 2 banker's boxes next to my desk where they can't be seen.


Laurie in CA

dd(14) TOG and other stuff

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Donate anything you don't want to the library, where you can go and check it out if you decide you want to keep it. Library books lost fees aren't that much, right?


Either that or donate them to a thrift store, then you can go re-buy them if you change your mind.


A friendly tip to help your local economy.

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You know, I have a lovely cupboard for homeschool stuff. I faithfully put lots of stuff in it. I have not taken anything out of it all year. That tells me that I have a cabinet packed full of stuff that I don't need!


I am in the same place with too much stuff in my house - particularly school stuff. And, knowing that we're making a big curriculum switch in general for next year, I don't need to keep most of it, if any. So, I'm going to make it go away! I need someplace to keep the things we are actually going to use, and I don't have it if I keep all the stuff that I would really *like* to use, but won't actually have *time* to use.


Hope that helps some - think of how lovely and free you will feel when your office is decluttered!

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I need to get rid of a lot of stuff too. In the christmas holidays I threw out several large garbage bags full of papers I didnt want to keep. I have a lot of curriculum, and old school textbooks, and even novels, that we will most likely never use again. I want to clean it out, sell some, give others away. I just haven't got around to it.


Just Do It.

Are you very hard up financially? If by some chance you actually decided you did want to use one of those things you sold or gave away, could you afford to buy it again? 2nd hand perhaps?

If not, keep more, be sensible. If you can afford to rebuy, cull, cull, cull, ruthlessly. You will feel so much better.

And thanks for the inspiration, I need to get down to the room I have stashed all my stuff I dont use- and sort through it.

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Wish I could help. It's like you're going to the local crack house and asking everyone to help you sober up. :001_smile:


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's great! You are so right though. I can't help talk you down either, OP, I am realizing how much amazon has become my friend...and I don't want to stop.

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You will not miss them!! Here is what I just did. I organized the books into categories (ancients, middle ages, astronomy, etc) and I pulled books that are now too young for my kids or that don't seem worth keeping. I then went through and went through my TOG resources and wrote down any books or magazines that I had that would supplement that so that I remember to use what I have when I get there! The books are now organized on my shelf by category and should be easy to find when I need them! I got a huge box to give away and a few things to sell. It feels very good, and you won't regret it.

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I bought some banker boxes like Laurie, went through EVERYTHING, and now I'm waiting to see if any of the stuff I put in there is missed (I filled up 6 boxes). So far nothing has been, but it's only been about a month. Honestly, I have so much stuff, and a lot of it's good--it makes it really hard for me to part with anything. My problem has been finding books when I do actually need them because--you guessed it--I have too much stuff. I did feel a lot better after I cleaned out and organized everything, and you will too. Go for it, and post updates so you can encourage the rest of us addicts! :001_smile:

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Ok, so here's my update....


Approx. 1/4 is going to be donated.

Approx. 1/4 remains on my office shelves (current or future curriculum).

The other half has been redistributed...

Reference type books are now on a den shelf (next to the encyclopedias) -- easier to reach & more accessible than the tall shelves in my office. Supplemental reading books have been moved to the kids' rooms on their bookshelves.


So, I'm not actually moving that much out yet, but it's a start. Now, I just need to cull again from all the stuff that's left.


But, wow, my office feels much roomier & more open now! It's great (and motivating -- makes me want to get rid of more). Thanks for all the encouragement. :001_smile:

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