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Would it annoy you if...

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Ok, ok. Since this thread won't die, here is what annoyed me.


My husband came in the bedroom before going to the store and says, " Can you clean the kitchen for me?" It annoyed me because I was in there trying to get away from the household noise and just take a few minutes of quiet for myself. It annoyed me because I do 95% of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare around here. No one ever cleans the d4mn kitchen for me so I can cook or after I cook or any other time for that matter! Ok, once in awhile, but not nearly enough.


Then it was time for dinner and I realized that dd wore her new shoes in the backyard (no no) then all over the house (no no) with poop on them. So I'm ticked and fussing and mopping up the mess. And instead of one parent being irrate, he starts fussing at the kids, then I have to get unmad because now he is being a jerk without just cause. Grrrr!


So basically there is really nothing he can do right now that doesn't annoy me.

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Ok, ok. Since this thread won't die, here is what annoyed me.


My husband came in the bedroom before going to the store and says, " Can you clean the kitchen for me?" It annoyed me because I was in there trying to get away from the household noise and just take a few minutes of quiet for myself. It annoyed me because I do 95% of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare around here. No one ever cleans the d4mn kitchen for me so I can cook or after I cook or any other time for that matter! Ok, once in awhile, but not nearly enough.


Then it was time for dinner and I realized that dd wore her new shoes in the backyard (no no) then all over the house (no no) with poop on them. So I'm ticked and fussing and mopping up the mess. And instead of one parent being irrate, he starts fussing at the kids, then I have to get unmad because now he is being a jerk without just cause. Grrrr!


So basically there is really nothing he can do right now that doesn't annoy me.


I change my answer. That annoys me pretty much every single day. :grouphug: Except for tomorrow. Wait. no, it annoys me tomorrow too.

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Ok, ok. Since this thread won't die, here is what annoyed me.


My husband came in the bedroom before going to the store and says, " Can you clean the kitchen for me?" It annoyed me because I was in there trying to get away from the household noise and just take a few minutes of quiet for myself. It annoyed me because I do 95% of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare around here. No one ever cleans the d4mn kitchen for me so I can cook or after I cook or any other time for that matter! Ok, once in awhile, but not nearly enough.


Then it was time for dinner and I realized that dd wore her new shoes in the backyard (no no) then all over the house (no no) with poop on them. So I'm ticked and fussing and mopping up the mess. And instead of one parent being irrate, he starts fussing at the kids, then I have to get unmad because now he is being a jerk without just cause. Grrrr!


So basically there is really nothing he can do right now that doesn't annoy me.


You know, after reading that, I might admit to finding it annoying--but that would make me a flip-flopper. And I find flip-flopping annoying.


Sorry about the poop shoes. Sounds like a bummer of a night. :grouphug:

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Ok, ok. Since this thread won't die, here is what annoyed me.


My husband came in the bedroom before going to the store and says, " Can you clean the kitchen for me?" It annoyed me because I was in there trying to get away from the household noise and just take a few minutes of quiet for myself. It annoyed me because I do 95% of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare around here. No one ever cleans the d4mn kitchen for me so I can cook or after I cook or any other time for that matter! Ok, once in awhile, but not nearly enough.


Then it was time for dinner and I realized that dd wore her new shoes in the backyard (no no) then all over the house (no no) with poop on them. So I'm ticked and fussing and mopping up the mess. And instead of one parent being irrate, he starts fussing at the kids, then I have to get unmad because now he is being a jerk without just cause. Grrrr!


So basically there is really nothing he can do right now that doesn't annoy me.


Yes it would annoy me.


If I need to disappear for a few moments, I will let dh know. I growl and bite when I don't get my space when needed, so he kind of learned the hard way.

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